Abstract | Ubrzani tehnološki razvoj, inovacije na financijskom tržištu te razvoj društva općenito doveo je do novog, alternativnog financijskog sustava kojeg je 2008. godine stvorio Satoshi Nakamoto pod nazivom bitcoin. Bitcoin i sve ostale kriptovalute izazvale su sve veću popularnost, ali i otvorile mnoga pitanja te je zbog toga i svrha ovog diplomskog rada analizirati njihove tehničke i ekonomske aspekte, odnosno njihovo korištenje u ekonomiji te njihov utjecaj na financijske tokove. Ova tema je vrlo važna, zato što digitalne valute polako postaju dio suvremenog financijskog sustava. Stalnim razvojem financijskih tržišta paralelno dolazi i do razvoja društva, odnosno mijenjaju se načini na koji ljudi ulažu, štede i razmjenjuju svoja novčana sredstva. Uvođenjem pojmova bitcoin, kriptovalute i blokchain tehnologija u financijski sustav, započinje nova era financijskog upravljanja. Zbog toga, čak i vlade i središnje banke razmatraju uvođenje virtualnih valuta u svoje sustave. Međutim, glavni razlog za stvaranje kriptovaluta bio je omogućiti decentralizirano financiranje, bez intervencije vlada i središnje banke, dok bi centralno bankarska digitalna valuta i dalje bila centralizirana i pod kontrolom države. Još uvijek ne postoji univerzalna definicija kriptovaluta, ali može se reći da su kriptovalute vrsta digitalne imovine koja je izvan dosega državne kontrole, odnosno samo je pod kontrolom svoga vlasnika. I dalje postoji dosta problema oko implementacije kriptovaluta, što može biti zbog njihove regulacije, problema oko kibernetičke sigurnosti i njihove iznimne volatilnosti, međutim i uvođenje kriptovaluta u financijski sustav ima svoje prednosti. Sljedeći logiku dosadašnjeg razvoja novca, u budućnosti se može očekivati i stvaranje bezgotovinskog društva koje će u potpunosti istisnuti gotovi novac. |
Abstract (english) | Accelerated technological development, innovations in the financial market and development of society in general led to a new, alternative financial system created in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto called bitcoin. Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies have gained increasing popularity, but also opened up many questions, which is why the purpose of this master thesis is to analyze their technical and economic aspects, i.e. their use in the economy and their impact on financial flows. This topic is very important, because digital currencies are slowly becoming part of the global financial system. The constant development of financial markets parallels the development of society, i.e. the ways in which people invest, save and exchange their money are changing. By introducing the concepts of bitcoin, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology into the financial system, a new era of financial management begins. Because of this, even governments and central banks are considering introducing virtual currencies into their systems. However, the main reason for the creation of cryptocurrencies was to enable decentralized financing, without government and central bank intervention, while the central bank digital currency would still be centralized and controlled by the state. There is still no universal definition of cryptocurrency, but we can say that cryptocurrencies are a type of digital asset that is beyond the reach of state control, so that means it is only under the control of its owner. There are still a lot of problems with the implementation of cryptocurrencies, which may be due to their regulation, problems with cyber security and their extreme volatility, however, the introduction of cryptocurrencies into the financial system has its advantages. Following the logic of the previous development of money, the creation of a cashless society can be expected in the future, which will completely replace cash. |