Abstract | Početkom 2020. godine u svijetu se dogodila pandemija COVID-19 koja je imala
utjecaj i posljedice na gotovo sve aspekte života. Osim pandemije, Hrvatsku su u 2020. godini
pogodila dva jača potresa koji su se osjetili u većem dijelu zemlje. Mnogo je ljudi, pa tako i
studenata, osjećalo strah i/ili frustraciju zbog novonastale situacije što je moglo rezultirati
povećanim razinama stresa te posljedično utjecati i na promjene u korištenju sredstava
ovisnosti. Ovaj je istraživački rad nastao s ciljem stjecanja uvida u učestalost i navike te
promjene u konzumaciji sredstava ovisnosti kod hrvatskih studenata za vrijeme pandemije
COVID-19. Istraživanje je provedeno u svibnju 2021. godine koristeći online upitnik koji je
bio distribuiran metodom „snježne grude“. Uzorak čini 444 sudionika od kojih je 60,4%
studentica. Rezultati ukazuju da su studenti učestalije konzumirali sredstva ovisnosti nego
studentice. Dob nije utjecala na razlike u žudnji, dok su stariji studenti učestalije koristili
duhanske proizvode od mlađih. S obzirom na percipirane promjene u učestalosti konzumacije
pojedinih sredstava ovisnosti utvrđeno je da je kod muških studenata došlo do značajnog
povećanja korištenja kanabisa.
Kao najčešće razloge za smanjeno korištenje sredstava ovisnosti tijekom pandemije studenti
navode rad na sebi rad na sebi i osobni razvoj, nedostupnost sredstava ovisnosti zbog
zatvorenih ugostiteljskih objekata te gubitak motivacije za korištenjem. Kao glavni razlozi
povećanja konzumacije utvrđeni su dosada, izraženiji simptomi anksioznosti, višak slobodnog
vremena te izraženiji simptomi depresivnosti. Sredstva su najčešće koristili s vršnjacima uživo. |
Abstract (english) | At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic took place worldwide, which had
an impact and consequences on almost all areas of life. In addition to the pandemic, Croatia
was hit by two stronger earthquakes in 2020, which were felt in most parts of the country.
Many people, including students, felt fear and / or frustration because of the new situation,
which could result in increased levels of stress and consequently affect changes in the use of
addictive substances. This research paper was created with the aim of gaining insight into the
frequency, habits, and changes in the consumption of addictive substances by Croatian students
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey was conducted in May of 2021 using an online
questionnaire that was distributed using the "snowball" method. The sample consists of 444
participants, of whom 60.4% are female students. The results indicate that male students
consumed addictive substances more frequently than female students. Age did not affect
differences in cravings, while it effected consumption as older students used tobacco products
more frequently than younger ones. Considering the perceived changes in the frequency of
consumption of certain addictive substances, it was found that there was a significant increase
in cannabis use among male students.
As the most common reasons for reduction of substance use during the pandemic, students
reported self-growth and personal development, unavailability of addictive substances due to
closed catering facilities and loss of motivation to use. The main reasons for the increase of
substance use were boredom, more pronounced symptoms of anxiety, excess free time, and
more pronounced symptoms of depression. Substances were most often used with peers in
person. |