Title Znanstvena utemeljenost uporabe potpomognute komunikacije u ranoj intervenciji u djetinjstvu
Title (english) The scientific basis for the use of augmentative and alternative communication in early
childhood intervention
Author Valentina Ergović
Mentor Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Draženka Blaži (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Blaženka Brozović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Prema Američkoj udruzi za govor, jezik i sluh (ASHA) potpomognuta komunikacija
predstavlja različite načine komuniciranja koji mogu nadomjestili ili nadoknaditi narušene
obrasce komunikacije u osoba s privremenim ili trajnim ograničenjima u ekspresivnoj
komunikaciji (ASHA, 2021). Namijenjena je osobama sa složenim komunikacijskim
potrebama s govornim i/ili jezičnim teškoćama uslijed razvojnih poremećaja. Nekada se
smatralo kako djeca nisu dobri kandidati za implementaciju navedenih intervencija ukoliko
nisu posjedovala određenu razinu kognitivnih sposobnosti (Wilkinson i Henning, 2007), a
posebice se ograničavala implementacija u mlađe djece potaknuto pogrešnim vjerovanjem o
negativnim učincima na govor (Romski i Sevcik, 2005). Zahvaljujući rastućem broju
empirijskih istraživanja o učinkovitosti potpomognute komunikacije, ASHA odbacuje
prethodno gledište pri čemu dolazi do novog razumijevanja iste kao kontinuuma u rasponu od
jednostavne komunikacije poput izmjene uloga pa sve do profinjenije uporabe simbola
(Wilkinson i Henning, 2007). Dolazi i do promjene u potencijalnim kandidatima za istu pa se
navedene intervencije počinju sve više implementirati u radu s djecom s razvojnim
poremećajima u djetinjstvu. Danas se naglašava važnost implementacije potpomognute
komunikacije u ranoj intervenciji s obzirom na veliki potencijal za incidentalno učenje djece
rane dobi kao i važnost djetetovih ranih iskustava s okolinom (Landa, 2018). Unatoč
značajnim prednostima potpomognute komunikacije, često se podcjenjuje korist intervencija
u radu s djecom sa razvojnim teškoćama, posebice uz pridružene intelektualne teškoće.
Kliničari te ostali stručnjaci koji rade s djecom s razvojnim teškoćama obvezni su u svome
kliničkome radu implementirati one intervencije za koje postoje znanstveni dokazi o njihovoj
učinkovitosti. Zahvaljujući napornom radu stručnjaka u području potpomognute
komunikacije, iste se smatraju znanstveno utemeljenima te kao takve primarne su u ranoj
intervenciji. Unatoč svojoj učinkovitosti istraživanja govore o varijabilnostima u učincima
među djecom sa složenim komunikacijskim potrebama. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je dati
pregled dosadašnjih spoznaja o mogućnosti implementacije potpomognute komunikacije u
radu s djecom s razvojnim teškoćama u ranoj dobi (do pete godine) s naglaskom na
znanstveno utemeljene intervencije. Navedene spoznaje mogu poslužiti kao smjernice
stručnjacima za rad u kliničkoj praksi, ali i kao temelj za buduća istraživanja.
Abstract (english) According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), augmentative
and alternative communication represents various modes of communication that can
compensate for impaired patterns of communication in individuals with temporary or
permanent limitations in expressive communication (ASHA, 2021). It is intended for people
with complex communication needs with speech and / or language difficulties due to
developmental disorders. It was once thought that children were not good candidates for
implementing these interventions if they did not possess a certain level of cognitive ability
(Wilkinson and Henning, 2007), and especially there has been limited implementation in
younger children driven by a misconception about negative speech effects (Romski and
Sevcik, 2005). Thanks to a growing body of empirical research on the effectiveness of
assisted communication, ASHA rejects the previous view and comes to a new understanding
of it as a continuum ranging from simple communication such as role change to more refined
use of symbols (Wilkinson and Henning, 2007). There are also changes in potential
candidates for the same, so these interventions are increasingly being implemented when
working with children with developmental disorders in childhood. Today, the importance of
implementing assisted communication in early intervention is emphasized given the great
potential for incidental learning of young children as well as the importance of the child’s
early experiences with the environment (Landa, 2018). Despite the significant benefits of
assisted communication, the benefit of interventions in working with children with
developmental disabilities is often underestimated, especially with associated intellectual
disabilities. Clinicians and other professionals who work with children with developmental
disabilities are obliged to implement in their clinical work those interventions for which there
is scientific evidence of their effectiveness. Thanks to the hard work of experts in the field of
assisted communication, they are considered scientifically based and as such are primary in
early intervention. Despite their effectiveness, research speaks of variability in performance
among children with complex communication needs. The aim of this thesis is to provide an
overview of current knowledge on the possibility of implementing assisted communication in
working with children with developmental disabilities at an early age (up to five years) with
an emphasis on scientifically based interventions. These findings can serve as guidelines for
professionals to work in clinical practice, but also as a basis for future research.
potpomognuta komunikacija
rana intervencija
znanstveno utemeljene intervencije
djeca s razvojnim poremećajima
Keywords (english)
augmentative and alternative communication
early intervention
scientifically based interventions
children with developmental disabilities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:842019
Study programme Title: Graduate study of Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra logopedije (magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-01-02 09:07:01