Abstract | Dosadašnji način života rapidno se izmijenio pojavom pandemije COVID-19 koja je dovela do različitih psihosocijalnih stresora i promjena u mentalnom zdravlju ljudi (Matos i sur., 2021). Za neke ljude, iskustvo pandemije ima elemente traumatskog iskustva (Finstad i sur., 2021). Traumatska iskustva se najčešće vežu uz negativne psihičke i/ili fizičke posljedice, no ipak postoje slučajevi kada traumatične situacije rezultiraju određenim pozitivnim promjenama. Riječ je o posttraumatskom rastu kojeg možemo definirati kao subjektivno iskustvo pozitivne promijene nakon što je osoba bila suočena s određenom vrstom traume (Tedeschi i Calhoun, 1996). Postoji pet glavnih dimenzija promjena kod posttraumatskog rasta, a to su promjene u vidu odnosa s drugima, osobnih snaga, sagledavanja novih mogućnosti, duhovnosti i vrijednosti (Tedeschi, Park i Calhoun, 1998). Istraživanja su utvrdila kako percipirana socijalna podrška doprinosi posttraumatskom rastu jer potiče pozitivne strategije suočavanja (Prati i Piertrantoni, 2009). S obzirom na to da je malo istraživanja o posttraumatskom rastu, posebice u RH te za vrijeme pandemije COVID 19, cilj ovog rada je utvrditi razinu posttraumatskog rasta kao posljedice pandemije COVID 19 te povezanost posttraumatskog rasta s različitim izvorima percipirane socijalne podrške kod profesionalnih pomagača. Problemi rada su: 1.) utvrditi razinu percipirane socijalne podrške iz različitih izvora te posttraumatskog rasta kod profesionalnih pomagača; te 2.) utvrditi povezanost percipirane socijalne podrške iz različitih izvora (obitelji, prijatelji, posebna osoba) s posttraumatskim rastom (općenito) te s pojedinim dimenzijama posttraumatskog rasta kod profesionalnih pomagača. Istraživanje je provedeno za vrijeme drugog vala pandemije COVID-19 (od 25.11. 2020. do 15.2.2021.), a sudjelovalo je 395 profesionalnih pomagača (pedagoga, psihologa, socijalnih pedagoga, socijalnih
radnika). Korišteni su sljedeći instrumenti: Upitnik sociodemografskih obilježja, Upitnik posttraumatskog rasta (Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-PTGI«, Tedeschi i Calhoun, 1996), Multidimenzionalna skala percipirane socijalne podrške (Medved i Keresteš, 2011). Za obradu podataka koristit će se metode deskriptivne statistike, Pearsonov/Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije. |
Abstract (english) | The current way of life has changed rapidly with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to various psychosocial stressors and changes in human mental health (Matos et al., 2021). For some people, the experience of a pandemic has elements of a traumatic experience (Finstad et al., 2021). Traumatic experiences are most often associated with negative psychological and / or physical consequences, but there are still cases when traumatic situations result in certain positive changes. It is a post-traumatic growth that can be defined as a subjective experience of positive change after a person has been faced with a certain type of trauma (Tedeschi i Calhoun, 1996). There are five main dimensions of change in post-traumatic growth, and these are changes in relationships with others, personal strengths, new opportunities, spirituality, and values (Tedeschi, Park, & Calhoun, 1998). Research has found that perceived social support contributes to post-traumatic growth because it encourages positive coping strategies (Prati and Piertrantoni, 2009). Given that there is little research on post-traumatic growth, especially in Croatia and during the COVID 19 pandemic, the aim of this paper is to determine the level of post-traumatic growth as a consequence of the COVID 19 pandemic and the relationship between post-traumatic growth and various sources of perceived social support. The problems of work are: 1.) to determine the level of perceived social support from various sources and post-traumatic growth in professional helpers; and 2.) to determine the correlation of perceived social support from different sources (family, friends, special person) with post-traumatic growth (in general) and with certain dimensions of post-traumatic growth in professional helpers. The research was conducted during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (from November 25, 2020 to February 15, 2021), and 395 professional helpers (pedagogues, psychologists, social pedagogues, social workers) participated. The following instruments were used: Socio-demographic characteristics questionnaire, Post-traumatic Growth Inventory-PTGI (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 1996), Multidimensional scale of perceived social support
(Medved and Keresteš, 2011). Descriptive statistics methods, Pearson / Spearman correlation coefficient will be used for data processing. |