Title Provjera nekih ishoda predškolskog programa primjenom kriterijskog testa
Author Ana Vučemil
Mentor Ljiljana Pintarić Mlinar (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Pintarić Mlinar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrinjka Stančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Bratković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Tranzicija u osnovnu školu označava prestanak predškolskog i početak školskog razdoblja u životu djeteta. Tijekom predškolskog obrazovanja dijete razvija vještine potrebne za nastavak obrazovanja i stjecanje akademskih vještina. Važno je da dijete do kraja predškolskog obrazovanja dosegne određenu razvojnu razinu koja će obećavati neometano usvajanje novih znanja i vještina u osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju, kako akademskih, tako i socijalnih i adaptivnih. Adekvatnu razvojnu razinu, odnosno spremnost djeteta za upis u prvi razred osnovne škole, utvrđuje stručno povjerenstvo za utvrđivanje psihofizičkog stanja djeteta. Shodno saznanjima dobivenim iz procjene djeteta i razgovora s roditeljima, stručno povjerenstvo odobrava upis u prvi razred, predlaže odgodu upisa ili predlaže primjeren oblik školovanja za dijete. Ponekad se prijedlog odgode upisa stavlja pred roditelje nenadano, budući da kod djeteta nisu zamijetili značajno odstupanje u odnosu na vršnjake. Od velike koristi za to su miljokazi razvoja; ljestvice za neformalnu procjenu koje stručno osoblje predškolske odgojno-obrazovne ustanove može primijeniti kako bi utvrdili na kojim je područjima potrebno poticati dijete. Redovito korištenje ljestvica razvoja usmjerava rad odgojitelja i stručnih suradnika te pomaže predvidjeti ishod tranzicijskog razdoblja.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti rezultate procjene djece predškolske dobi na nekim područjima s ishodom procesa utvrđivanja psihofizičkog stanja djeteta u svrhu upisa u prvi razred osnovne škole. Uzorak je obuhvatio petnaestero djece predškolske dobi urednog razvoja iz jednog zagrebačkog vrtića. Istraživanje se vršilo pomoću upitnika iz Sustava za procjenu, vrednovanje i planiranje (Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System® [AEPS®]). Rezultati dobiveni na AEPS® ljestvici uspoređeni su s odlukom stručnog povjerenstva za utvrđivanje psihofizičkog stanja djeteta o upisu djeteta u prvi razred osnovne škole te je utvrđeno kako su sva djeca koja su na AEPS ljestvici ostvarila rezultate u svim područjima iznad 85% upisala prvi razred osnovne škole, čime je potvrđena hipoteza istraživanja. Usporedba procjene pomoću AEPS® ljestvice i odluke stručnog povjerenstva daje nam vrijednu informaciju o prikladnosti ovog mjernog instrumenta za hrvatsku populaciju.
Abstract (english) The transition to primary school means the end of preschool and the beginning of the school period in a child's life. During preschool education, the child develops the skills necessary for continuing education and acquiring academic skills. It is important that the child reaches a certain developmental level by the end of preschool education, which will promise the smooth acquisition of new knowledge and skills in primary school education, both academically, as well as socially and adaptively. Adequate developmental level, i.e., the child's readiness for enrollment in the first grade of primary school, is determined by the expert committee for determining the child's psychophysical condition. According to the information obtained from the assessment of the child and the discussion with the parents, the expert committee approves enrollment in the first grade, proposes a postponement of enrollment or suggests an appropriate form of education for the child. Sometimes the proposal to delay enrollment is put before the parents unexpectedly, since they have not noticed a significant deviation in the child’s behavior compared to his peers. Milestones of development are very useful for this; scales for informal assessment that the professional staff of the pre-school educational institution can apply to determine in which areas the child needs to be encouraged. The regular use of development scales directs the work of educators and professional associates and helps predict the outcome of the transition period.
The aim of this research was to compare the results of the assessment of preschool children in some areas with the outcome of the process of determining the child's psychophysical condition for the purpose of enrollment in the first grade of elementary school. The sample included fifteen preschool children without disabilities from a kindergarten in Zagreb. The research was conducted using a questionnaire from the Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System® [AEPS®]. The results obtained on the AEPS® scale were compared with the decision of the expert commission for determining the child's psychophysical condition on enrolling the child in the first grade of primary school, and it was determined that all children who achieved results in all areas above 85% on the AEPS scale were enrolled in the first grade of primary school, which confirmed the research hypothesis. A comparison of the assessment using the AEPS® scale and the decision of the expert committee gives us valuable information about the suitability of this measuring instrument for the Croatian population.
predškolsko obrazovanje
Keywords (english)
preschool education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:323130
Study programme Title: Graduate study of Educational Rehabilitation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije (magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-09-23
Terms of use
Created on 2022-11-02 14:07:43