Title Poticanje samozastupanja kod osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama
Title (english) Encouraging self-advocacy in people with intellectual disabilities
Author Matea Đukez
Mentor Daniela Bratković (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Bratković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Pintarić Mlinar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Lisak Šegota (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Tradicionalno, odluke o životu osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama donosili su njihovi roditelji ili stručnjaci jer su smatrali da ih tako štite i zastupaju njihove interese (Alfirev, 2007). Osobe s teškoćama samozastupanje definiraju kao samostalnu grupu ljudi s teškoćama u razvoju koja zajedno radi na pravdi i pomažu jedni drugima u preuzimanju kontrole nad vlastitim životom te u borbi protiv diskriminacije (Kraljević, 2001). Ovim istraživanjem ponajprije su se željele prikupiti informacije o
... More tome koliko se radi na vještinama samozastupanja te kolika je svijest o njima i vlastitim pravima korisnika daruvarske udruge za osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama. Glavni cilj ovog rada je kroz edukativne radionice osnažiti osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama u izražavanju njihovih mišljenja i potreba te osvijestiti ih da imaju mogućnost vršenja izbora i određena prava, ali da uz ta prava dolaze i odgovornosti. Radionice su se provodile svaki tjedan kroz 5 mjeseci, a neke od tema radionica su: svijest o sebi, osjećaji, izbor, mišljenje i prava. Sudionici istraživanja bili su odrasli, verbalni korisnici Udruge za osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama „Korak Dalje“ Daruvar. Podatci su prikupljeni kroz polustrukturirani intervju prije i nakon provedbe edukativnih radionica, a analizirani su tematskom analizom kojom je formirano 9 kategorija: svijest o sebi, samostalnost, podrška, izbor, asertivnost, odnosi s drugima, osjećaji, prava i radionice. Sudionici su pokazali dobro znanje o sebi i svojim karakteristikama te navode kako imaju dovoljno mogućnosti izbora te dobru podršku. Kod većine kategorija nije bilo značajne razlike u odgovorima na inicijalnom i finalnom intervjuu, no razlika se pokazala kod znanja o pravima. Sudionici na početku nisu mogli reći što su to ljudska prava, a na kraju je svatko znao nešto barem o jednom pravu o kojem smo razgovarali. Iako, sudeći po primijenjenom upitniku, nije došlo do značajnog pomaka, vidljiva je promjena u ponašanju nakon radionica. Do kraja radionica sudionici su postavljali više pitanja i tražili pojašnjenja, aktivnije su sudjelovali u svim dijelovima radionica te su imali samouvjereniji javni nastup. Zadnja kategorija je zapravo evaluacija radionica. Svi sudionici su rekli da im se sviđaju radionice, pogotovo one kojima su oni sami birali teme, te da bi htjeli imati još takvih radionica. Upravo zato radionice nisu stale sa zaključkom ovog rada nego ih još održavamo, samo u malo drukčijem obliku. Njihova provedba i evaluacija neosporno potvrđuju značaj poticanja samozastupanja kod osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama. Less
Abstract (english) Traditionally, parents and professionals made choices about the life of a person with intellectual disabilities because they thought that they were protecting them and advocating their interests in that way (Alfirev, 2007). People with disabilities themselves define self-advocacy as an independent group of people with developmental disabilities that are working together towards justice and are helping each other in taking back control over their own lives and fighting discrimination
... More (Kraljević, 2001). This research primarily wanted to gather information on the awareness of members of the association of people with disabilities from Daruvar about rights and self-advocacy skills and their work on them. The main goal of this paper is to encourage people with disabilities, through educational workshops, to express their opinions and needs and to make them aware that they have the ability to make choices and have certain rights, but with those rights, come responsibilities. The workshops took place every week and lasted for 5 months. Some of the topics covered are: self-awareness, feelings, choice, opinions and rights. Participants were grown-up, verbal members of the Association for people with intellectual disabilities „Korak Dalje“ from Daruvar. Data was gathered trough semi-structured interviews before and after the implementation of the educational workshops, and it was analyzed by thematic analysis trough which 9 categories were formed: self-awareness, independence, support, choice, assertiveness, relationships with others, feelings, rights and workshops. Participants showed good knowledge of themselves and their characteristics and indicated sufficient support and possibility of choice. In most categories there was no significant difference in responses in initial and final interview, but there was a difference in the rights category. At the beginning the participants had no knowledge about rights, but at the end each one knew at least something about a right that we talked about in the workshop. Although, judging by the interviews, there seems to be little significant progress, there was a change in the behavior of the participants. By the end of the workshops the participants asked more for clarification, asked more questions, they were more active in all parts of the workshops and their public speaking was improved. The final category was actually an evaluation of the workshops themselves. All of the participants expressed that they liked them, especially the ones where they chose the topic, and they said that they would like more workshops like that. That is precisely why the workshops didn’t stop with the conclusion of this paper, but are still ongoing, just in a slightly different way. Their implementation and evaluation undoubtedly shows the significance of encouraging self-advocacy in people with intellectual disabilities. Less
intelektualne teškoće
Keywords (english)
intellectual disabilities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:570059
Study programme Title: Graduate study of Educational Rehabilitation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije (magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2022-11-03 12:49:13