Title Jezične osobitosti predškolske djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma
Title (english) Linguistic Characterstics of Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Author Nikolina Jezernik
Mentor Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša (mentor)
Mentor Gordana Hržica (mentor)
Committee member Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Draženka Blaži (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Hržica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Poremećaj iz spektra autizma (PSA) neurorazvojni je poremećaj karakteriziran nedostacima socijalne komunikacije i atipičnim obrascima ponašanja, interesa i aktivnosti. Premda se u prošlosti smatralo kako je jezično odstupanje sastavni dio kliničke slike poremećaja, danas se ističe kako se, ovisno o rezultatima na jezičnim mjerama i testovima, populacija djece s PSA-om može podijeliti na skupinu djece bez jezičnog odstupanja i na skupinu djece s jezičnim odstupanjem. Uzimajući u obzir kako novija istraživanja jasno pokazuju da jezična tipologija utječe na jezično usvajanje te raspon, vrstu i broj pogrešaka, prvi je cilj rada ispitivanje načina na koji različita morfološka složenost engleskog i hrvatskog jezika utječe na kvalitetu i kvantitetu morfoloških i morfosintaktičkih pogrešaka kod djece s PSA-om iz hrvatskog i engleskog govornog područja. Drugim ciljem željeli su se potvrditi malobrojni navodi iz literature o jedinstvenosti jezičnog fenotipa podgrupe djece s PSA-om s jezičnim odstupanjem. Tijekom petomjesečnog razdoblja, sniman je individualni logopedski rad s dvjema petogodišnjim djevojčicama hrvatskog govornog područja s PSA-om i pridruženim jezičnim oštećenjem. Tako zabilježen govorni uzorak transkribiran je CLAN programom unutar sustava CHILDES (MacWhinney, 2000). Nakon transkripcije, proizvedene pogreške su razvrstane i kvantificirane programom Microsoft Excel (2010). Rezultati su pokazali kako ispitanice proizvode viševrsne pogreške u fleksiji i tvorbi, kao i pogreške preopćavanja prema jednostavnijim jezičnim paradigmama. Uspoređivanjem dobivenih rezultata s anglosaksonskom literaturom o pogreškama engleske djece s PSA-om, vidljivo je da su se pogreške događale na puno više razina nego u engleskom jeziku te u svim vrstama riječi i gramatičkim kategorijama, čime je pokazano kako veća morfološka složenost hrvatskog jezika pridonosi mnogobrojnijim i raznovrsnijim pogreškama kod djece s PSA-om iz hrvatskog govornog područja. Premda su djevojčice, neovisno o razlikama u stupnju jezičnog razvoja, većinom proizvodile istovrsne pogreške, pronađene su razlike u količini pogrešaka unutar pojedinih vrsta pogrešaka. Dobiveni rezultati važni su zbog nedostatnih istraživanja o jeziku djece s PSA-om iz hrvatskog govornog područja te mogu poslužiti i za osmišljavanje ciljane jezične podrške.
Abstract (english) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by social communication deficits and atypical patterns of behaviour, interests and activities.
Although it was previously considered that the language deviation was an important clinical sign and symptom of the ASD, nowadays researchers agree that the population of children diagnosed with ASD can be divided into two subgroups, depending on the results of language tests and measures: the ones with accompanying language deviation and those without it. Considering the fact that the latest researches clearly show that the language typology can influence the language acquisition, as well as the range, quality and number of errors, the first goal of this work was to examine the ways in which different morphological complexity of English and Croatian influences the quality and quantity of morphological and morphosyntactic errors made by children with ASD from Croatian and English speaking areas. The second goal was to examine the homogeneity of language phenotype in the subgroup of children with ASD who show associated language deviation. Individual therapy sessions of two Croatian speaking five-year-old girls diagnosed with ASD and language deviation were recorded during a five-month period. The recorded speech sample was transcribed in application CLAN, which is a part of the CHILDES system (MacWhinney, 2000). The errors produced by the girls were classified and quantified using the Microsoft Excel (2010) software.
The results have shown that the examinees produce multiform inflectional and derivational errors, as well as the overgeneralization toward simpler language constructions.
By comparing these results with Anglo-Saxon literature about errors among English speaking children with ASD, it becomes clear that the errors occured at many different levels in Croatian compared to English, and that the errors appeared in all word classes and grammar categories. Based on these facts, it has been proven that the greater morphological complexity of Croatian language causes more numerous and diverse types of errors among children with ASD from Croatian speaking area. Regardless of their language development level, both girls produced errors of the same type. However, a few differences were found in the quantity of specific errors in certain error types.
These findings are important because of the insufficient researches about language characteristics of Croatian speaking children with ASD, and can also serve as a guidance in creating language support system for children with ASD.
poremećaj iz spektra autizma
jezična tipologija
jezične pogreške djece s PSA-om
Keywords (english)
autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
language typology
language errors in children with ASD
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:796172
Study programme Title: Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra logopedije (magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-12-02 16:41:23