Abstract | Učenici s autizmom suočavaju se s različitim izazovima u redovnom sustavu obrazovanja od kojih jezične i komunikacijske teškoće značajno utječu na njihov socijalni i obrazovni napredak. Ove teškoće obuhvaćaju niz problema sa sintaksom, semantikom, morfologijom i fonologijom. Međutim, najveći problem leži u području pragmatike pa su često prisutne teškoće u
izmjenjivanju uloga u razgovoru, pridržavanju društvenih normi, tumačenju neverbalne komunikacije i razumijevanju figurativnog jezika poput metafora i sarkazma. Ove teškoće ne samo da ometaju njihovu sposobnost izgradnje socijalnih veza, već povećavaju i njihovu podložnost
zlostavljanju i društvenoj izolaciji. Povećanje broja autistične djece postavlja velike zahtjeve na
provođenje kvalitetne inkluzije ove populacije u redovne osnovne škole te iako je inkluzija
zakonski osigurana, često ostaje nepotpuna. Neizostavnu ulogu u tom procesu imaju učitelji koji
trebaju svakom djetetu s teškoćama omogućiti da ostvari svoj puni potencijal. Kako bi to mogli
učiniti, potrebno im je znanje o specifičnim karakteristikama autizma i metodama rada s
autističnim učenicima. Stoga, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati znanje i kompetencije učitelja
razredne i predmetne nastave osnovnih škola u Republici Hrvatskoj o autizmu s naglaskom na
jezične i komunikacijske karakteristike. U svrhu ovog istraživanja napravljen je upitnik koji se
sastojao od osnovnih informacija o sudionicima i njihovom radnom okruženju, samoprocjene
vlastitih kompetencija te provjere znanja o autizmu. Uzorak se sastojao od 105 učiteljica i 10
učitelja iz različitih dijelova Hrvatske, uključujući i urbanu i ruralnu sredinu. Rezultati
deskriptivne statistike pokazuju nedostatnu razinu znanja i kompetencija, dok inferencijalna
statistika otkriva značajne razlike među sudionicima prema dobi, prethodnom iskustvu u radu s
autističnim učenicima te vrsti nastave; mlađi učitelji pokazuju višu razinu znanja u odnosu na
starije, učitelji razredne nastave izvješćuju o višim kompetencijama u radu, učitelji s iskustvom u
radu s autističnim učenicima pokazuju višu razinu znanja i kompetencija u odnosu na učitelje bez
iskustva. Odgovori učitelja ukazuju na potrebu za kontinuiranim razvojem znanja i kompetencija
u području autizma, počevši s promjenama u obrazovanju učitelja i većom podrškom škola u
kojima su zaposleni. |
Abstract (english) | Students with autism face various challenges in the mainstream education system, among
which language and communication difficulties have a significant impact on their social and
educational progress. These difficulties encompass a range of issues with syntax, semantics,
morphology, and phonology. However, the most significant challenge lies in the realm of
pragmatics, often leading to difficulties in turn-taking during conversations, adhering to social
norms, interpreting nonverbal communication, and understanding figurative language such as
metaphors and sarcasm. These challenges not only hinder their ability to form social connections
but also increase their vulnerability to abuse and social isolation. An increasing number of autistic
children are placing significant demands on the implementation of quality inclusion for this
population in regular elementary schools. Despite inclusion being legally ensured, it often remains
incomplete. Teachers play an indispensable role in this process because they have to enable every
child with a disability to reach their full potential. To do so, they require knowledge about the
specific characteristics of autism and methods for working with autistic students. Thus, the goal of
this research was to analyze the knowledge and competencies of subject and class teachers in
elementary schools in the Republic of Croatia regarding autism, with an emphasis on the language
and communication characteristics crucial for the academic and social progress of autistic children.
A questionnaire was made specifically for this study, asking about the participants' backgrounds
and workplaces, their perceptions of their own competencies, and their knowledge of autism. The
sample consisted of 105 female teachers and 10 male teachers from different parts of Croatia,
including both urban and rural areas. The research results indicate insufficient knowledge and
competencies among teachers for working with autistic students. Descriptive statistics show a
lacking level of knowledge and competencies, while inferential statistics reveal significant
differences among participants based on age, previous experience in working with autistic
students, and type of teaching: younger teachers exhibit a higher level of knowledge compared to
older ones, class teachers report higher competencies in their work, and teachers with experience
in working with autistic students show higher knowledge levels and greater competencies
compared to teachers without experience. Teacher responses indicate the need for continuous
development of knowledge and competencies in the field of autism, starting with changes in
teacher education and greater support from the schools they are employed by. |