Title Ispitivanje dijadohokineze u predškolske djece tipičnog razvoja
Title (english) Maximum repetition rate in typically developing preeschool children
Author Ivona Vujić
Mentor Draženka Blaži (mentor)
Mentor Dora Knežević (komentor)
Committee member Draženka Blaži (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Leko Krhen (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dora Knežević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-04-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Procjena govorne motorike dio je logopedske procjene koja doprinosi ukupnoj procjeni govorno-motoričkih sposobnosti djeteta te diferencijalnoj logopedskoj dijagnostici. Jedan od najvažnijih zadataka govorne motorike je dijadohokineza (DDK), u literaturi poznata i kao maksimalna brzina ponavljanja (MRR). DDK ili MRR, mjera je ponavljanja jednog, dva ili tri različita sloga što je brže i što je preciznije moguće, a literatura ju dijeli na ponavljanje monosilabičke strukture (eng. Alternate Motion Rates - AMR) i na ponavljanje polisilabičke strukture (eng. Sequential Motion Rate - SMR). Zbog jednostavnosti primjene i velikog doprinosa u znanstvenom i praktičnom radu, DDK je često korištena mjera. Zadatak se sastoji od što bržeg i točnijeg ponavljanja jednog, dva ili tri različita sloga sastavljena od suglasnika /p/, /t/ i /k/ te samoglasnika. Navedeni suglasnici odabrani su zbog svoje prisutnosti u većini jezika (Schwartz i sur., 2012), što omogućuje gotovo univerzalnu primjenu zadatka dijadohokineze (Kent i sur., 2022). Osim toga, suglasnici /p/, /t/ i /k/ te samoglasnici odabrani su jer ih djeca rano usvajaju (McLeod i Crowe, 2018). Unatoč činjenici da se za zadatak dijadohokineze najčešće koriste isti konsonantsko-vokalski slogovi (pa, ta i ka), unutarjezična i međujezična usporedba rezultata najčešće nije moguća zbog primjene različitih protokola istraživanja, zbog čega se javljaju terminološke i metodološke nejednakosti. Ovim radom ispitano je 89 zagrebačke djece predškolske dobi tipičnog razvoja koristeći DDK protokol iz baterije testova za procjenu govorne produkcije. Ispitana su djeca dobi 3;00-7;00 godina. Provedbom neparametrijskih statističkih testova došlo se do sljedećih rezultata: u skladu s istraživanjima u drugim jezicima, pokazalo se kako kako je proizvodnja DDK točnija i brža s porastom dobi. Također, pokazalo se kako je slog /pa/ najbrže izgovoreni monosilabički slog. Navedeni nalazi idu u prilog podacima o nelinearnom neuromotoričkom razvoju. Nadalje, ovim istraživanjem pokazalo se kako su trisilabičke strukture najsporije proizvedene strukture. U daljnjim istraživanjima potrebno je uključiti veći broj sudionika iz svih dijelova Republike Hrvatske.
Abstract (english) The motor speech assessment is a part of the speech and language pathologist's assessment that contributes to the overall assessment of the child's speech and motor skills as well as differential diagnostics. One of the most important speech motor tasks is diadochokinesis (DDK), also known in the literature as maximum repetition rate (MRR). DDK or MRR is task that involves repetition of one, two or three different syllables as quickly and as precisely as possible, and the literature divides it into repetition of a monosyllabic structure (Alternate Motion Rates - AMR) and repetition of a polysyllabic structure (Sequential Motion Rate - SMR). Due to the simplicity of application and great contribution in scientific and practical work, DDK is a frequently used motor speech measure. The task consists of repeating one, two or three different syllables composed of consonants /p/, /t/ and /k/ and vowels as quickly and accurately as possible. These consonants were chosen due to their presence in most languages (Schwartz et al., 2012), which allows almost universal application of the task (Kent et al., 2022). In addition, the consonants /p/, /t/ and /k/ and vowels were chosen because children acquire them early (McLeod & Crowe, 2018). Despite the fact that the same consonant-vowel syllables (pa, ta and ka) are most often used for the DDK task, intra- and inter-linguistic comparison of the results is usually not possible due to the implementation of different research methodologies, which is why equality in terminological and methodological terms is something that is necessary and what is aspired to today. In this study, 89 typically developing preschool children from Zagreb were tested with a DDK protocol as part of the test battery for assessing speech production - The Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI). Children aged 3:00-7:00 were examined. By conducting non-parametric statistical tests, several results were found. In accordance with the research in other languages, it has been shown that children are more accurate and faster in the production of DDK with increasing age. Also, it turned out that the syllable /pa/ is the fastest pronounced monosyllabic syllable. The aforementioned findings support the data on nonlinear neuromotor development. Furthermore, this research showed that trisyllabic structures are the slowest produced structures. In further research, it is necessary to include a larger number of respondents from all parts of the Republic of Croatia.
maksimalna brzina ponavljanja
govorna motorika
govorno motorički razvoj
Keywords (english)
maximum repetition rate
speech motor skills
speech motor development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:564173
Study programme Title: University graduate study of Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra logopedije (sveučilišni magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-05-06 12:46:15