Abstract | Brojne se studije na mucanje referiraju kao multidimenzionalan poremećaj. Iako je govor prva stvar koja bi osobama koje ne mucaju mogla pasti na pamet razmišljajući o ovom poremećaju, za osobe koje mucaju to ne mora biti slučaj. Životne situacije i aspekti na koje mucanje utječe su brojni te sežu od značajnih životnih događaja poput odabira zanimanja školovanja ili
odabira partnera do naizgled banalnih situacija poput razgovora u trgovini, tramvaju ili putem telefona. Također, gledajući populaciju koja muc a, muškarci su ti koji prevalencijom prednjače u svim životnim dobima u odnosu na žene. Međutim, podataka i istraživanja o njihovoj perspektivi mucanja i utjecaju na njihovu svakodnevicu gotovo da i nema. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio saznati upravo to: utjecaj mucanja na muškarce kroz prizmu svakodnevice i raznih životnih situacija. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online upitnika (N ispitanika=22) i polustrukturiranog intervjua (N= 8). Tri su glavne teme proizašle iz intervjua:
1) izazovi u svakodnevici, 2) terapija, 3) muškarci i mucanje. Gledajući svakodnevicu, većina je muškaraca osjetila utjecaj mucanja u samom odnosu prema sebi, samopouzdanju te u manjoj ili većoj mjeri interpes r o nalnim odnosima. Također, sukladno mnogim istraživanjima, više od dvije trećine ispitanika iskusilo je u životu neki oblik zlostavljanja engl. b ullying te
oko polovice ispitanika diskriminaciju, oboje najviše u dječjoj i adolescentskoj dobi. Terapija je u polovici slučajeva imala ključnu ulogu u oporavku od mucanja te je nekim ispitanicima upravo ona bila najveća pomoć u suočavanju i nošenju s mucanjem , dok su iskustva u grupama samopomoći bila pozitivna, ali veoma rijetka. Gledajući odnos muškaraca i mucanja, gotovo su svi izjavili kako je mucanje u njihovom životu imalo utjecaja i na osjećaj maskuliniteta T a iskustva opisuju kao osjećaj da su u očima društva percipirani kao nedovoljno muževn i ili pak govore o smanjeno m samopouzdanj u , opuštenosti i asert ivnosti u
društvenim situacijama, a ponekad i u muško ženskim odnosima. |
Abstract (english) | Numerous studies refer to stuttering as a multidimensional disorder. Although speech is the first thing that might come to mind to non stutterers when thinking about this disorder, this may not be the case for people who stutter. Life situations and aspects affected by stuttering a re numerous and range from significant life events such as choosing a profession education
or choosing a partner to seemingly banal situations such as talking in a store, on the tram or on the phone. Also, looking at the population that stutters, it is men who lead the prevalence in all age groups compared to women. However, there is almost no data and research on their perspective of stuttering and its impact on their everyday life. Therefore, the goal of this research was to find out exactly that: the impact of stuttering on men through the prism of everyday life and various life situations. The research was conducted through an online questionnaire (N=22 respondents) and a semi structured
interview (N=8). Three main themes emerged from the interviews: 1) challenges in everyday life, 2) therapy, 3) men and stuttering. Looking at everyday life, most men felt the impact of stuttering in their attitude towards themselves, self confidence and, to a lesser or greater extent, interpersonal relationships. Also, according to many studies, more than two thirds of the respondents experienced bullying in their lives, and about half of the respondents experienced discrimination, both mostly in childhood and adolescence. Therapy played a key role in recovery from stut tering in half of the cases, and for some respondents it was the greatest help in dealing with stuttering, while experiences in self help groups were positive,
but very rare. Looking at the relationship between men and stuttering, almost all of them stated that stuttering in their lives had an impact on their sense of masculinity . Experiences which they describe as insufficiently masculine i n other people's eyes, reduced sense of self confidence, relaxation and assertiveness in social situations, and someti mes in male female
relationships. |