Abstract | U hrvatskom logopedskom području već dugi niz godina postoje standardizirani mjerni instrumenti koji kliničarima služe za dijagnosticiranje različitih poremećaja. Prije 15 i 10 godine provedena je standardizacija PPVT-III-HR-a (Dunn, Dunn i Kovačević i sur., 2009) i TROG-2:HR-a (Bishop, Kuvač Kraljević i sur., 2014) koji su u to vrijeme bili „mjerni zlatni standard“ za postavljanje dijagnoze razvojno jezičnog poremećaja. Ubrzani razvoj društva i tehnologije značajno je utjecao na komunikaciju i način korištenja jezika. Shodno tome, mijenjao se leksikon koji najbrže podilazi promjenama. Također, mijenjaju se značenja riječi, uvode se novi izrazi i pojmovi. Nikad brže riječi i fraze iz jednog jezika nisu ulazile u druge jezike. Upravo zato, cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati koliko zapravo PPVT-III-HR i TROG-2:HR i dalje prepoznaju djecu prvih i četvrtih razreda s RJP-om te kolika je međusobna povezanost navedenih testova. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 60-ero djece s dijagnozom RJP-a, od kojih 33 pohađa prvi, a 27 četvrti razred. Djeca su ispitana na navedenim testovima. Provedbom statističkih testova dobiveni su rezultati koji su pokazali kako ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u tome prepoznaju li navedeni testovi djecu s RJP-om u dobi od 7 i 10 godina. Što se tiče povezanosti PPVT-III-HR-a i TROG-2:HR-a dobivena je statistički značajna razlika kod skupine djece prvih razreda dok za skupinu djece četvrtih razreda statistički značajna razlika nije pronađena. Potrebno je uzeti u obzir određena ograničenja istraživanja te s oprezom izvoditi zaključke. |
Abstract (english) | In the Croatian speech-language pathology field, standardized measurement instruments have long been available to clinicians for diagnosing various disorders. Fifteen and ten years ago, the PPVT-III-HR (Dunn, Dunn, Kovačević, et al., 2009) and TROG-2:HR (Bishop, Kuvač Kraljević, et al., 2014) were standardized and at that time were considered the "gold standard" for diagnosing developmental language disorders (DLD). The rapid development of society and technology has significantly impacted communication and the use of language. Consequently, the lexicon, which adapts most quickly to changes, has also evolved. The meanings of words are changing, new expressions and concepts are being introduced, and words and phrases from one language are entering other languages at an unprecedented rate. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine how well the PPVT-III-HR and TROG-2:HR continue to identify children in the first and fourth grades with developmental language disorders (DLD) and the degree of correlation between these tests. The study involved 60 children with a diagnosis of DLD, of whom 33 were in the first grade and 27 in the fourth grade. The children were tested using the mentioned tests. Statistical analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference in how well the tests identified children with DLD at the ages of 7 and 10 years. Regarding the correlation between PPVT-III-HR and TROG-2:HR, a statistically significant difference was found in the group of first-grade children, while no statistically significant difference was found in the group of fourth-grade children. Certain limitations of the study need to be considered, and conclusions should be drawn with caution. |