Abstract | Govorne netečnosti karakteristika su svake osobe, a posebno se ističu u govoru djece predškolske dobi koja se tada još jezično, govorno, ali i motorički razvijaju. Govorne netečnosti podrazumijevaju neodgovarajući govorni ritam, brzinu, ponavljanja, umetanja, produljivanja, zastoje. Govorne netečnosti dijele se na mucajuće i normalne netečnosti pri čemu se i jedna i druga vrsta nalaze kod djece i osoba koja/e mucaju i ne mucaju. Govorne se netečnosti mogu promatrati prema parametrima vrsta normalnih i mucajućih netečnosti, trajanja netečnosti, broja ponavljajućih jedinica te učestalosti netečnosti.
Cilj ovog rada je saznati koje se vrste netečnosti nalaze u iskazima predškolske djece koja ne mucaju. Također, cilj je odrediti ukupnu učestalost netečnosti, učestalost mucajućih netečnosti, normalnih netečnosti te posebno učestalost za svaku vrstu netečnosti. Stoga su, u svrhu rada, preslušani zvučni zapisi intervjua između djece i logopeda stručnih suradnika u dječjim vrtićima i pregledani transkripti iste djece predškolske dobi. Ukupno se preslušalo 77 zvučnih zapisa, od kojih je 38 zvučnih zapisa dječaka, a 39 zvučnih zapisa djevojčica kronološke dobi od 3;01 do 5;11 godina. Skupinu trogodišnjaka činilo je 25 djece (13 dječaka i 12 djevojčica), skupinu četverogodišnjaka 26 djece (13 dječaka i 13 djevojčica) te skupinu petogodišnjaka 26 djece (13 dječaka i 13 djevojčica).
Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali statistički značajnu razliku u učestalosti govornih netečnosti s obzirom na dob. Četverogodišnjaci čine manje ukupnih netečnosti u odnosu na trogodišnjake, ali statistički značajna razlika nije potvrđena za trogodišnjake i petogodišnjake kao niti za četverogodišnjake i petogodišnjake. Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika u učestalosti mucajućih netečnosti s obzirom na dob. Učestalost normalnih netečnosti statistički se značajno razlikuje između trogodišnjaka, četverogodišnjaka i petogodišnjaka. Pronađene su statistički značajne razlike u učestalosti normalnih netečnosti između trogodišnjaka i četverogodišnjaka. Četverogodišnjaci čine manje normalnih netečnosti. Nema statistički značajne razlike u učestalosti normalnih netečnosti između trogodišnjaka i petogodišnjaka te između četverogodišnjaka i petogodišnjaka. Što se tiče pojedinačne vrste netečnosti, jedino se učestalost umetanja statistički značajno razlikuje između trogodišnjaka, četverogodišnjaka i petogodišnjaka. Najčešće umetanja čine trogodišnjaci, najrjeđe četverogodišnjaci te ponovno blago raste u učestalosti kod petogodišnjaka. Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika u ukupnoj učestalosti netečnosti, mucajućih netečnosti, normalnih netečnosti te pojedinoj vrsti netečnosti s obzirom na spol. |
Abstract (english) | Speech disfluencies are characteristics of every speaker, especially these disfluencies stand out in speech of preschool children. In that period, children are developing language skills, speech and motor abilities. Speech disfluencies refer to inappropriate speech rythm, speed, repetitions, interjections, prolongations, pauses. Speech disfluencies are divided into stuttering-like and normal disfluencies. Both subgroups of disfluencies are found in speech of people and children who do and do not stutter. Speech disfluencies can be observed according to the parameters of types of disfluencies, duration of disfluencies, number of repeating units and frequency of disfluencies.
The aim of this paper is to find out which types of disfluencies can be found in the speech of preschool children who do not stutter. Also, the goal is to determine the total frequency of disfluency, the frequency of stuttering-like disfluencies and normal disfluencies and the frequency for each type of disfluency. Therefore, audio recordings of interviews carried out between preschool children and speech-language pathologists in kindergartens have been listened to and trascripts of these children have been reviewd. A total of 77 audio recordings have been listened to, of which 38 were of boys, and 39 of girls age from 3;01 to 5;11. The three-year-old group consisted of 25 children (13 boys and 12 girls), the four-year-old group consisted of 26 children (13 boys and 13 girls), and the five-year-old group consisted of 26 children (13 boys and 13 girls).
The results of the research showed a statistically significant difference in the frequency of speech disfluencies with regard to age. Four-year-olds have less total frequency of disfluencies compared to three-year-olds, but a statistically significant difference was not confirmed for three- and five-year-olds, nor for four- and five-year-olds. No statistically significant difference was found in the frequency of stuttering disfluencies with respect to age. Difference in the frequency of normal disfluencies is statistically significant between three-year-olds, four-year-olds and five-year-olds. Statistically significant difference was found in the frequency of normal disfluencies between three- and four-year-olds. Four-year-olds produce less normal disfluencies. There is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of normal disfluencies between three-year-olds and five-year-olds and between four-year-olds and five-year-olds. Regarding the individual type of disfluencies, only the frequency of interjection is statistically significantly different between three-year-olds, four-year-olds and five-year-olds. The most frequent interjections are made by three-year-olds, the least frequent by four-year-olds, and the frequency increases slightly again in five-year-olds. No statistically significant difference was found in the total frequency of disfluencies, stuttering disfluencies, normal disfluencies and individual type of disfluencies with regard to gender. |