Title Praćenje provedbe i evaluacija grupnog programa VIS (Važna i Snažna) za djevojke u institucionalnoj skrbi
Title (english) Monitoring of program implementation and evaluation of group program Important & Strong for girls in institutional care
Author Petra Grčić
Mentor Ivana Borić (mentor)
Mentor Andrea Ćosić (komentor)
Committee member Ivana Borić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrea Ćosić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gabrijela Ratkajec Gašević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Djevojke s problemima u ponašanju čine manje kaznenih djela u odnosu na mladiće, no rad s njima stručnjaci često percipiraju kao „teži“ i “zahtjevniji“. Iako istraživanja ukazuju na to kako je većina rizičnih čimbenika ista ili slična za djevojke i mladiće, postoje rizici koji su specifični za djevojke. Djevojke su češće žrtve različitih oblika zlostavljanja, iskazuju više internaliziranih problema u ponašanju te su sklonije formiranju rizičnijih veza s intimnim partnerima. U odnosu na sve navedeno, zaključuje se kako postoji potreba za kreiranjem i evaluacijom programa koji učinkovito odgovaraju na procijenjene potrebe djevojaka. Cilj ovog rada odnosi se na praćenje provedbe i evaluaciju jednog rodno specifičnog programa za djevojke u institucionalnoj skrbi u Hrvatskoj.
Rad započinje pregledom teorijskih znanja, odnosno obilježjima djevojaka s problemima u ponašanju, s posebnim naglaskom na rizične čimbenike. Nadalje, u radu su predstavljena obilježja rodno specifičnih programa te nekoliko evaluiranih rodno specifičnih programa u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Središnji dio rada odnosi se na predstavljanje Programa Važna i Snažna (VIS). Važna i Snažna je grupni psihoedukativni program usmjeren razvijanju specifičnih znanja i vještina kod djevojaka uključenih u institucionalni tretman. Sadržaj programa obuhvaća teme vezane uz sliku o sebi, samopoštovanje, odnose s drugima, emocije, brigu o sebi, životne vještine i zdravstveni odgoj. Praćenje programa u svrhu ovog diplomskog rada provedeno je tijekom provedbe programa u Centru za djecu – podružnici Antun Gustav Matoš koji pruža usluge organiziranog stanovanja uz sveobuhvatnu podršku za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi. Program se sastoji od 11 radionica, od kojih prva uvodna radionica traje 90 minuta, a ostale 60 minuta. Osim osnovnih metoda korištenih u grupnom radu, sadržaj radionica temeljio se i na primjeni različitih kreativno-ekspresivnih tehnika na koje su sudionice vrlo dobro reagirale. Korištene su i tehnike psihodrame i mindfullness-a kako bi se osigurala raznolikost poučavanja i usvajanja novih vještina. Grupa se sastojala od šest
djevojaka u dobi od 11 do 17 godina. Praćenje provedbe programa provedeno je ispunjavanjem monitoring obrazaca od strane voditeljica radionica. Sudionice su na kraju programa ispunile Upitnik o zadovoljstvu kojim je utvrđeno visoko zadovoljstvo djevojaka programom. Osim toga, evaluacijom ishoda utvrđene su određene pozitivne promjene kod sudionica programa.
Rad pruža uvid u implementaciju programa u okviru jedne ustanove. U završnom dijelu rada istaknute su smjernice za izradu rodno specifičnih programa i preporuke za daljnje poboljšanje provedbe kako bi se osigurala daljnja kvaliteta.
Abstract (english) Girls with behavioral problems commit fewer criminal offenses compared to boys, but working with them is often perceived by experts as „harder“ and „more demanding“. Although research indicates that most risk factors are the same or similar for girls and boys, there are risks that are specific to girls. Girls are more often victims of various forms of abuse, show more internalized behavioral problems and they are more inclined to form risky relationships with intimate partners. In relation to all of the above, it is concluded that there is a need to create and evaluate programs that effectively respond to the assessed needs of girls.
The paper begins with an overview of theoretical knowledge considering the characteristics of girls with behavioral problems and it puts special emphasis on risk factors. Furthermore, the paper presents the characteristics of gender-specific programs and several evaluated gender-specific programs in Croatia and the world. The central part of the paper refers to the presentation of the Important and Strong Program (VIS). Important & Strong is a group psychoeducational program which aims to develop specific knowledge and skills in girls involved in institutional care. The content of the program includes topics related to self-image, self-esteem, relationships with others, emotions, self-care, life skills and health education. Monitoring of the program for the purpose of this thesis was carried out during the implementation of the program at Children's Center – branch Antun Gustav Matoš which provides social services with comprehensive support for children without adequate parental care. The program consists of eleven workshops, of which the introductory workshop lasts 90 minutes and the others last 60 minutes. In the addition to the basic methods used in group work, the content of the workshops was also based on the application of various creative-expressive techniques to which the participants reacted very well. Techniques of psychodrama and mindfuless were also used to ensure the diversity of teaching and acquisition of new skills. Group that was involved in the program consisted of six girls aged from 11 till 17 years old.
Program implementation was documented through the monitoring form by workshop leaders. At the end of the program participants filled up a satisfaction questionnaire which determined the high satisfaction of girls with the program. In addition, the outcome evaluation revealed certain positive changes in the participants of the program.
The paper provides an insight into the implementation of the program within one instituion. In the final part of the paper, the guidelines for the creation of gender-specific programs and recommendations for further improvement of the implementation are highlighted in order to ensure further quality.
institucionalna skrb
psihoedukativni program
praćenje provedbe
Keywords (english)
institutional care
psychoeducational program
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:300650
Study programme Title: University graduate study of Social Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije (sveučilišni magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-23 09:17:25