Abstract | Temeljni cilj ovog rada je utvrditi odnos nepovoljnih iskustava u djetinjstvu, podrške bliske osobe tijekom djetinjstva i individualne otpornosti kod socijalnih pedagoga. Specifično, istraživanjem se nastoji utvrditi stupanj uznemirenosti pojedinim nepovoljnim iskustvom u djetinjstvu, odnosno sveukupno nepovoljnim iskustvima, kao i iskustvo podrške bliske osobe tijekom djetinjstva i individualne otpornosti kod socijalnih pedagoga. Nastoji se utvrditi povezanosti između broja nepovoljnih iskustava u djetinjstvu i stupnja uznemirenosti pojedinim nepovoljnim iskustvom u djetinjstvu, odnosno sveukupno nepovoljnim iskustvima te podrške bliske osobe u djetinjstvu i individualne otpornosti. Istraživanjem se ispituje koga sudionici s manjim brojem NID-a navode kao blisku osobu tijekom djetinjstva, a koga oni s većim brojem NID-a (4 i više). Podaci korišteni u ovom istraživanju prikupljeni su u okviru istraživanja „Otpornost stručnjaka različitih profesija“. Ovo istraživanje realizirano je kao dio institucionalnog projekta na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskom fakultetu, u suradnji s istraživačima i stručnjacima iz nekoliko drugih institucija. Prikupljanje podataka predviđeno je u tri vremenske faze, a podaci analizirani u ovom istraživanju prikupljeni su u prvoj fazi, od 27. svibnja do 27. srpnja 2020. godine, koristeći Lime Survey platformu, na prigodnom uzorku od 139 socijalnih pedagoga. Sudjelovanje u istraživanju bilo je dobrovoljno i u potpunosti anonimno. Instrumentarij se sastojao od: 1) Upitnika sociodemografskih obilježja, 2) prilagođene verzije Upitnika nepovoljnih iskustava u djetinjstvu (Finkelhor i sur., 2015), 3) Kratke skale otpornosti (Smith i sur., 2008) te 4) Upitnika podrške bliske osobe tijekom djetinjstva (kreiran za potrebe istraživanja). Za obradu podataka koristile su se metode deskriptivne statistike (aritmetička sredina, medijan, mod, standardna devijacija, frekvencije odgovora), Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test za testiranje normalnosti distribucije te kvalitativna obrada podataka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je uznemirenost sudionika istraživanja nepovoljnim iskustvima iz djetinjstva ukupno na niskoj
razini. ). U odnosu na pojedina nepovoljna iskustva u djetinjstvu, rezultati pokazuju kako je više od polovice ispitanika bilo jako ili izrazito jako uznemireno zbog psihičkog (53,3%), fizičkog (56,3%) i seksualnog (55,5%) nasilja u obitelji. Također, više od polovice sudionika (51,6%) bilo je jako ili izrazito jako uznemireno zbog iskustva življenja s alkoholičarem ili osobom koja je upotrebljavala droge. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, može se zaključiti da je većina sudionika imala iskustvo podrške bliske osobe tijekom djetinjstva te da većina visoko procjenjuje vlastitu individualnu otpornost. Spearmanovim koeficijentom korelacije utvrđena je statistički značajna, negativna povezanost između broja nepovoljnih iskustava u djetinjstvu i iskustva podrške bliske osobe tijekom djetinjstva (-.575; p<0.01) te statistički značajna, pozitivna povezanost između iskustva podrške bliske osobe tijekom djetinjstva i razine individualne otpornosti (r= .245; p<0.01). Rezultati su pokazali da postoji statistički značajna, negativna povezanost između iskustva podrške bliske osobe tijekom djetinjstva i stupnja uznemirenosti svih ispitivanih nepovoljnih iskustava u djetinjstvu općenito. Međutim, statistički značajna povezanost postoji između iskustva podrške bliske osobe tijekom djetinjstva i samo tri čestice na varijabli Stupanj uznemirenosti nepovoljnim iskustvima u djetinjstvu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da sudionici iz obje kategorije u najvećem broju navode majku kao blisku osobu u djetinjstvu. Sudionici iz Kategorije 1 (0-3 NID-a) navode majku kao blisku osobu u 63% slučajeva, a 58% sudionika iz Kategorije 2 (4 ili više NID-a) imalo je isti odgovor. |
Abstract (english) | The main goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between adverse childhood experiences, support from a close person during childhood, and individual resilience among social pedagogues. Specifically, the research aims to determine the level of distress caused by specific adverse childhood experiences, as well as overall adverse experiences, and to explore the experience of support from a close person during childhood and individual resilience among social pedagogues. The study seeks to establish the connections between the number of adverse childhood experiences and the level of distress associated with specific or overall adverse experiences, as well as the relationship between support from a close person during childhood and individual resilience. The research also investigates who participants with fewer adverse childhood experiences (ACE) identified as a close person during childhood, compared to those with a higher number of ACEs (four or more). The data obtained in this research were collected as part of the research project “Resilience of professionals in various professions.” This research was conducted as part of an institutional project at the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, in collaboration with researchers and professionals from several other institutions. Data collection was planned in three phases, and the data analyzed in this study were collected during the first phase, from May 27 to July 27, 2020, using the LimeSurvey platform on a convenience sample of 139 social pedagogues. Participation in the study was voluntary and completely anonymous. The instruments consisted of: 1) The questionnaire of sociodemographic data, 2) Revised Inventory of Adversive Childhood Experience (Finkelhor et al., 2015), 3) the Brief Resilience Scale (Smith et al., 2008), and 4) The Close Person Support During Childhood Questionnaire (developed for the purposes of this study). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and response frequencies), Spearman’s correlation coefficient, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality, and qualitative data analysis. The results of the study
indicate that the overall level of distress associated with adverse childhood experiences among participants was low. Regarding specific adverse childhood experiences, more than half of the participants reported being highly or extremely distressed due to psychological (53.3%), physical (56.3%), and sexual (55.5%) violence within the family. Additionally, more than half of the participants (51.6%) reported being highly or extremely distressed by living with an alcoholic or drug user. Based on the results, it can be concluded that most participants experienced support from a close person during childhood and rated their individual resilience highly. Spearman’s correlation coefficient revealed a statistically significant negative relationship between the number of adverse childhood experiences and the experience of support from a close person during childhood (-.575; p<0.01), as well as a statistically significant positive relationship between support from a close person during childhood and individual resilience (r= .245; p<0.01). The research results showed a statistically significant negative correlation between the experience of support from a close person during childhood and the overall level of distress related to all adverse childhood experiences. However, a statistically significant correlation was found between the experience of support from a close person during childhood and only three items on the variable measuring the level of distress from adverse childhood experiences. The findings also showed that participants most frequently identified their mother as a close person during childhood. In Category 1 (0-3 ACEs), 63% of participants named their mother as the close person, while 58% of participants in Category 2 (four or more ACEs) reported the same. |