Title Razlika u percepciji obiteljske otpornosti kod djece i roditelja
Title (english) Family resilience: the perspective of youth and their parents
Author Kaja Žulić
Mentor Martina Ferić (mentor)
Committee member Martina Ferić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Jeđud Borić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Maurović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati percepciju obiteljske otpornosti djece i njihovih roditelja te istražiti razlike u komponentama obiteljske otpornosti između njih. Korišteni rezultati dobiveni su projektom Istraživanje obiteljske otpornosti (Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2016). Istraživanje se temeljilo na Walshinom (2006, prema Berc, 2012) konceptualnom okviru koji objašnjava obiteljsku otpornost kroz tri procesa: a) izgradnju obiteljskog sustava vjerovanja, b) stvaranje modela obiteljske organizacije i c) stvaranje komunikacijskih procesa u obitelji. U istraživanju je upitnike u potpunosti ispunilo 304 učenika i 194 roditelja iz Zagreba i Ivanić Grada. Podaci su bili prikupljani instrumentom FRAS (Family Resilience Assessment Scale) kojeg je razvila Sixbey (2005, prema Tucker Sixbey, 2005) i njime potvrdila 6 Walshinih komponenti obiteljske otpornosti: obiteljska komunikacija i rješavanje problema, korištenje ekonomskih i socijalnih resursa, zadržavanje pozitivne perspektive, obiteljska povezanost, duhovnost obitelji i sposobnost pronalaženja smisla u nedaćama. Rezultati su bili obrađivani deskriptivnom statistikom i analizom varijance. Pretpostavka je bila da postoje statistički značajne razlike u percepciji djece i roditelja na svih šest komponenti obiteljske otpornosti na način da roditelji sve komponente percipiraju u višim vrijednostima. To je bilo u skladu s rezultatima dosadašnjih istraživanja koja su zaključila da roditelji pretežno pozitivnije percipiraju svoju roditeljsku ulogu, obiteljsku situaciju, razinu komunikacije i bliskosti te lokalnu zajednicu procjenjuju sigurnijom (Ferić, 2008). Rezultati Mann-Whitney testa upućuju na odbacivanje početne hipoteze. Na dva faktora su dokazane statistički značajne razlike između djece i roditelja, na faktoru Korištenje ekonomskih i socijalnih resursa i faktoru Zadržavanje pozitivne perspektive na način da ih djeca procjenjuju pozitvnije, a istovremeno i ostale faktore djeca procjenjuju višim vrijednostima. Rezultati dobiveni ovim radom mogu koristiti kao poticaj za daljnja istraživanja i potvrđivanje ili odbacivanje sada dobivenih rezultata te kao smjernica za prilagodbu rada s obiteljima u kojima roditelji ne moraju biti glavni nositelji odgovornosti za obiteljske procese, već i djeca pokazuju optimizam i snagu za nošenje s kriznim situacijama.
Abstract (english) The aim of this study was to show the perception of family resilience of children and their parents and to explore differences in the components of family resistance between them. The results obtained from the Research on family resilience (Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb). The survey is based on conceptual framework of Walsh (2006, according to Berc, 2012) which explains the family resilience through three processes: a) the construction of family belief systems, b) family organization, and c) communication processes within the family. The study included 304 students and 194 parents from Zagreb and Ivanić Grad. Data were collected using the instrument FRAS (Family Resilience Assessment Scale) developed by Sixbey (2005, according to Tucker Sixbey, 2005). Sixbey confirmed 6 components of family resilience that Walsh proposed: family communication and problem solving, use of economic and social resources, maintaining a positive perspective, family connections, spirituality of family and ability to find meaning in adversity. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The assumption was that there were no statistically significant differences in the perception of children and parents on all six components of the family resilience and that the parents perceived all components in higher values. This was in line with the results of previous studies that have concluded that parents have largely positive perception of their parental role, family situation, the level of communication and closeness and the safeness of local community (Ferić, 2008). The results of the Mann-Whitney test indicated the rejection of the initial hypothesis. Only two factors have proven statistically significant differences between children and parents - the use of economic and social resources and maintaining a positive perspective. Children perceive all of the components in higher values. The results obtained in this work/study at hand can be used as an incentive and support for further research and confirmation or rejection of results gained in this study. They can also be used as a guidance for adjustment of working with families where parents do not have to be the main carriers of responsibility for family processes, but also the children show optimism and strength to deal with the crisis situations and diversity.
obiteljska otpornost
razlika u percepciji roditelja i djece
Keywords (english)
family resilience
difference in parents and children perception
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:387789
Study programme Title: Social Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije (magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-12-12 13:37:49