Abstract | Istraživanja u kojima je glavna tema roditeljstvo osoba oštećena vida nisu česta, a tematika djece čiji su jedan ili oba roditelja slijepa gotovo pa i ne postoji u hrvatskoj i stranoj literaturi. Djeca roditelja osoba oštećena vida, točnije slijepih roditelja nailaze na različite izazove i iskustva tokom odrastanja. Takav način odrastanja, utječe na njihov emocionalni i socijalni razvoj te percepciju svijeta oko sebe. S jedne strane usađena im je empatija, razumijevanje, odgovornost od najranije dobi dok s druge strane nailaze na stigmu i predrasude. Upravo iz tog razloga, javlja se čežnja za razradom dublje problematike ove teme. Stoga ovaj rad primjenom kvalitativne analize podataka ima cilj odgovoriti na pitanja kada su i na koji način osvijestili da je njihov roditelj osoba oštećena vida, točnije slijepa osoba. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 8 sudionika, dobne skupine između 23 i 32 godina starosti. Jednak broj ispitanika dolazi iz obitelji gdje je majka slijepa i gdje je otac potpuno slijepa osoba. Kroz polu-strukturirane intervjue, rad analizira različite aspekte osvještavanja sljepoće, uključujući djetinjstvo ispitanika, obveze roditelja, utjecaj okoline na društvene odnose kao i zanimljive anegdote u kojima su se našli. Odgovori ispitanika otkrivaju kada su i na koji način osvijestili da su im roditelji potpuno slijepe osobe te daju uvid u bolje razumijevanje obiteljskih odnosa i života gdje je roditelj potpuno slijepa osoba. |
Abstract (english) | Research in which the main topic is the parenting of visually impaired people is not common, and the topic of children whose one or both parents are blind is almost non-existent in Croatian and foreign literature. Children of visually impaired parents, more precisely of blind parents, encounter different challenges and experiences while growing up. This way of growing up affects their emotional and social development and their perception of the world around them. On the one hand, they are instilled with empathy, understanding, and responsibility from an early age, while on the other hand, they encounter stigma and prejudice. Precisely for this reason, there is a longing for the elaboration of a deeper issue of this topic. Therefore, this paper, by applying qualitative data analysis, aims to answer the questions of when and in what way they became aware that their parent is a visually impaired person, more precisely a blind person. 8 participants, aged between 23 and 32, took part in the research. An equal number of respondents come from families where the mother is blind and where the father is a completely blind person. Through semi-structured interviews, the paper analyzes various aspects of awareness of blindness, including the respondents' childhood, parents' obligations, the influence of the environment on social relations, as well as interesting anecdotes in which they found themselves. The respondents' answers reveal when and in what way they became aware that their parents are completely blind and provide insight into a better understanding of family relationships and life where the parent is a completely blind person. |