Abstract | Sročnost subjekta i predikata, kao jedan od oblika slaganja, iako se objašnjava u svim gramatikama hrvatskog jezika, nije dovoljno istražena u slučaju slaganja predikata i subjekta kojeg čini konjunkcija imenica različita roda u množini. Dostupni obrasci sročnosti su: linearna sročnost (glagolski pridjev u rodu najbližeg konjunkta), razriješena sročnost (glagolski pridjev muškog roda) i sročnost po hijerarhiji (glagolski pridjev u rodu prvog, udaljenijeg konjunkta). Izvođenje sročnosti, odnosno odabir nekog od navedenog obrasca u hrvatskom jeziku nije strogo određeno već ovisi individualno o govorniku zbog čega je nepoznato u kojoj mjeri je određeni obrazac prihvatljiv i čest u upotrebi. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi preferirane obrasce sročnosti govornika hrvatskog jezika u navedenom uvjetu. Prvi dio istraživanja prikazuje analizu podataka dobivenih uređajem za mjerenje pokreta oka tijekom čitanja pojedinačnih rečenica za 19 ispitanika, a govori o „težini“ obrade određenih uvjeta. Drugi dio se odnosi na analizu odgovora 34 ispitanika o prihvatljivosti rečenica s istim primjerima sročnosti kao u prvom dijelu istraživanja. Analizom varijabla trajanje gledanja i ponovno vraćanje pogleda nalazi se kako je rod prvog konjunkta uz kombinaciju određene sročnosti važniji od samog obrasca sročnosti. Konkretno, ispitanici su dulje gledali rečenice (statistički značajno) i češće vraćali pogled (bez statističke značajnosti) u slučaju kada je prvi konjunkt imenica srednjeg roda, posebice u slučaju linearne sročnosti i sročnosti po hijerarhiji. Analiza upitnika pokazuje da svaki ispitanik koristi bar dva od moguća tri obrasca sročnosti, a kao što je očekivano, najprihvatljivije je ocijenjena linearna sročnost (86,82 %). Također, visoko prihvatljivo je ocijenjena razriješena sročnost (82,65%), te kao što se očekuje, značajno manja prihvatljivost se nalazi za sročnost po hijerarhiji (31 %). Ovim istraživanjem nastojalo se upotpuniti sliku specifične vrste sročnosti u hrvatskom jeziku i dati primjer za buduća istraživanja slične tematike. |
Abstract (english) | Subject and predicate congruence, as one form of agreement, although discussed in all Croatian grammar books, is still fairly unexplored in the case of subject-predicate congruence made up of a conjunction of different gendered plural nouns. The available congruence patterns are: linear agreement (verbal adjective in the gender of its closest conjunct), resolved agreement (masculine verbal adjective), and hierarchical agreement (verbal adjective in the gender of the first, farther conjunct). Making agreement, i.e. the selection of one of the available patterns, is not strictly prescribed in Croatian language, but rather depends on the individual speaker; the extent and acceptance of using a certain pattern thus remains unknown. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determinate Croatian language speakers’ preferred congruence patterns in the above mentioned condition. The first part of the research provides an analysis of data obtained by an eye-tracking device, during the reading of single sentences by 19 examinees, which discusses the processing cost of certain conditions. The second part refers to the analysis of the responses of 34 examinees on the acceptability of sentences containing the same examples of agreement used in the first part of the research. By analyzing the variables ‘glance duration’ and ‘revisit’, we find that the gender of the first conjunct is, with a combination of certain congruence, more important than the congruence pattern itself. More precisely, the examinees have looked longer at the sentences (statistically relevant) and have given them a second look (statistically insignificant) in cases in which the first conjunct was a neuter noun, especially in cases of linear or hierarchical agreement. The analysis of questionnaire responses shows that each examinee uses at least two of the three available congruence patterns and, as expected, linear agreement was rated the most acceptable one (86,82%). Resolved agreement was also rated as highly acceptable (82,65%) and, expectedly, a notably lower acceptance is reported for hierarchical agreement (31%). The present research was aimed at completing the picture of the specific kind of congruence in the Croatian language and to provide an example for all future research in the field. |