Abstract | Nekim osobama s intelektualnim teškoćama je duhovnost i religioznost značajna dimenzija kvalitete življenja, a aktivno prakticiranje vjere doprinosi mnogim dobrobitima. Vjera im daje snagu, utjehu, oslonac i nadu u teškim trenucima. Osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama mogu, uz adekvatno pruženu individualnu podršku, aktivno sudjelovati u vjerskoj zajednici, poznavati načela vjerskog života te ostvariti svoj duhovni potencijal. Često osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama dobro poznaju svoju vjeru, prakticiraju molitvu i druge vjerske aktivnosti i na taj način stvaraju dubok odnos s Bogom. Sudjelovanjem u vjerskoj zajednici osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama grade prirodni krug podrške i razvijaju prijateljstva. Uloga je zajednice da omogući osobama s intelektualnim teškoćama inkluzivno sudjelovanje u vjerskoj zajednici u kojoj su oni aktivni sudionici, a ne pasivni primatelji usluga.
Cilj ovog rada je dobiti uvid u iskustva, perspektive i doživljaje osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama povezane s duhovnošću, opisati njihovo prakticiranje vjere i religijski odabir, razumjeti njihov osobni doživljaj vjere, poznavanje vjere i uvidjeti mogućnosti koje im pruža vjerska zajednica. U istraživanju je, prema principima namjernog uzorkovanja u kvalitativnim istraživanjima, prema kriteriju njihove aktivne uključenosti u vjerske zajednice, sudjelovalo šest osoba s intelektualnim teškoćama, od kojih su četiri osobe iz Međimurske županije, a dvije iz Zagrebačke županije.
Istraživanje je kvalitativnog tipa, koristio se polustrukturirani intervju, a svaka osoba je individualno intervjuirana. Ispitanike se ispitalo o načinu na koji prakticiraju svoju vjeru, njihovom osobnom doživljaju vjere, poznavanju vjere, doživljaju mogućnosti koje im pruža vjerska zajednica, utjecaju na kvalitetu života i čimbenicima koji na to utječu. U intervjuima se rukovodilo načelima inkluzivnog individualnog pristupa te načela pristupačnosti za osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama. Stoga su korišteni materijali u lako razumljivom obliku (easy to read). U analizi prikupljene kvalitativne građe korištena je tematska analiza podataka u kvalitativnim istraživanjima (Braun i Clarke, 2006).
Nalazi istraživanja pokazuju da osobe s intelektualnim teškoćama, koje su aktivni vjernici, imaju razvijen osobni doživljaj vjere te joj pridaju veliku važnost, da mogu poznavati vjerski način života i načela vjere, prakticiraju vjeru samostalnom molitvom ili zajedničkim odlaskom na Svetu Misu ili hodočašća, vjera im doprinosi mnogim dobrobitima kao što su smisao života, utjeha i radost te mogu aktivno doprinositi vjerskoj zajednici koja im to, prilagodbom aktivnosti, treba omogućiti. |
Abstract (english) | For some people with intellectual disability, spirituality and religion are an important part of their quality of life. An active practice of religion provides them with many benefits. Religion gives them strength, consolation, support and hope during their hardships. People with intellectual disability can, with appropriate and individualised support, actively participate in a religious community. Furthermore, they can learn the principles of religious life and can develop their spiritual potentials. People with intellectual disability often know a lot about their religion, practice prayer and other religious activities regularly, and have a deep relationship with God. When they participate in a religious community, they form a natural circle of support and form friendships. The role of the community is to enable people with intellectual disability an inclusive participation in the religious community where they are active participants and not just passive recipients of the services.
The aim of this study is to gain an insight into the experiences and perspectives of people with intellectual disability regarding spirituality; to describe their practice of religion and religious choice; to understand their personal experience of religion; to find out how well they know their religion and see the possibilities which the religious community opens for them. In this reserach a population which was chosen on purpose on the norm of active participation in a religious community has been used. Six people with intellectual disability have participated. Four of them live in Međimurje county and two are from Zagreb.
The reasearch is based on qualitative method, and semi – structured interviews have been used in the gathering of data. Every person was individually interviewed. Participans have been asked about the ways in which they practice their religion, their personal experience of religion, knowing their religion, the possibilities that the community has provided them with, the impact religion has had on the quality of their life, and the factors that have had an impact on their quality of life. In the interviews an inclusive and individualised approach has been used along with easy to read materials and accessiblity to information. In the analysis of the collected data we have used the thematic analysis in qualitative research (Braun and Clarke, 2006).
The collected data prove that people with intellectual disability, who actively participate in their religion, have developed personal experiences of religion which they regard with great importance. They can understand the religious way of life, practice prayer by themselves, collectively at Mass go on pilgrimage. Religion provides them with many benefits such as the purpose of life, consolation, happiness. People with intellectual disability can actively contribute to a religious community. The community has to enable active participation for people with intellectual disability. |