Title Interesi djece s Downovim sindromom
Title (english) Interests in children with Down syndrome
Author Petra Kamber
Mentor Sanja Šimleša (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Šimleša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Cepanec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Stošić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Zbog teškoća u razvoju komunikacije, jezika i govora, djeca s Downovim sindromom (DS) česti su korisnici logopedskih terapija. Interesi su od kliničkog značaja u logopedskom radu jer utječu na oblikovanje i provedbu samih terapija. Također, oni atipični i suženi nalaze se među dijagnostičkim kriterijima za poremećaj iz spektra autizma. Kvalitativne i kvantitativne razlike tipičnih i atipičnih interesa još su nedovoljno istražene. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi sadržaj, širinu i intenzitet interesa prisutnih kod djece predškolske dobi s DS-om. Prvi problem uključivao je usporedbu interesa djece s DS-om i djece tipičnog razvoja, a drugi problem usporedbu interesa djece s DS-om s obzirom na spol. Korišteni upitnik čini 15 pitanja otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa koja se odnose na: navike korištenja elektroničkih uređaja, aktivnosti i igru, simbolizam, semantiku te atipična ponašanja. Upitnik su ispunjavali roditelji djece s DS-om, a uzorak je činilo 33 djece (19 dječaka i 14 djevojčica) u dobi od 2 do 6 godina. Interesi djece s DS-om nisu se pokazali atipičnima niti na jednoj ispitanoj čestici, već su slični interesima djece tipičnog razvoja. Pronađene su statistički značajne razlike u interesima dječaka i djevojčica. Interesi dječaka češće uključuju spolno stereotipne igračke i aktivnosti kao što su prijevozna sredstva (autići, vlakići, avioni i sl.), lopte te fizičke igre, dok su djevojčice veći intenzitet interesa imale za brojke i/ili slova te figurice iz crtića. Vidljivo je kako je prepričavanje prošlih događaja te priča i crtića često kod oba spola, no nešto više kod djevojčica. S druge strane, razgovore o prirodi (kako funkcioniraju stvari), životinjama, hrani i kuhanju, igrama i igračkama te prijevoznim sredstvima više vode dječaci. Unatoč nemogućnosti generalizacije dobivenih rezultata zbog malog uzorka i nekih metodoloških nedostataka, dobiveni podatci mogli bi biti od koristi u radu s predškolcima s DS-om. Potrebno je iskoristiti jake strane ove djece te im, kroz interesantan sadržaj, pružiti kontekst koji će poticati razvoj njihovih sposobnosti kako bi njihovo funkcioniranje u svakodnevnim situacijama bilo što uspješnije i neovisnije.
Abstract (english) Due to the difficulties in the development of communication, language and speech, children with Down syndrome (DS) are common users of speech and language therapies. Interests are of clinical significance in speech and language therapy because they influence the forming and implementation of therapies themselves. Moreover, atypical and restricted interests are part of the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder. The qualitative and quantitative differences between typical and atypical interests are still insufficiently explored. The aim of this study was to determine the content, range and intensity of interest present in pre-school aged children with DS. The first problem involves the comparison of the interests of children with DS and children of typical development, and the second problem was the comparison of the interests of children with DS in relation to gender. The questionnaire consists of 15 open-ended and closed-ended questions related to: habits of using electronic devices, activities and games, symbolism, semantics and atypical behaviors. The questionnaire was filled by parents of children with DS and the sample consisted of 33 children (19 boys and 14 girls) aged 2 to 6. The interests of children with DS did not appear to be atypical in any of the examined particles, but are similar to the interests of children with typical development. There were found statistically significant differences in the interests of boys and girls. Boys’ interests more often include genderstereotyped toys and activities such as means of transport (cars, trains, planes, etc.), balls and physical games, while girls have a higher intensity of interest in numbers and / or letters and cartoon figurines. It is evident that referring to past events and retelling children's stories and cartoons is common in both genders, but more in girls. On the other hand, conversations about nature (how things work), animals, food and cooking, games and toys and means of transport are more common in boys. Despite the inability to generalize the results due to the small sample and some methodological limitations, obtained data can be useful in work with preschoolers with DS. It is needed to use strengths of these children and to provide them a context, through interesting content, that will encourage the development of their abilities to make their functioning in everyday situations more successful and independent.
interesi djece predškolske dobi
Downov sindrom
spolne razlike u interesima
upitnik interesa djece predškolske dobi
Keywords (english)
interest of preschool children
Down syndrome
gender difference in interests
questionnaire assessing interests of preschool children
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:951216
Study programme Title: Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra logopedije (magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-07-17 08:12:15