Title Povezanost kreativnosti i kriminaliteta
Title (english) Correlation between creativity and crime
Author Ana Penić
Mentor Dalibor Doležal (mentor)
Committee member Dalibor Doležal (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Jandrić Nišević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Jeđud Borić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-06-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Najšire korištena definicija odreĊuje kreativnost kao generiranje produkata ili rješenja koja su nova i korisna, (Amabile, 1996; James, 1999; Runco, 1991). Kreativnost kao karakteristika i sposobnost postoji izvan vrijednosne procjene, no nakon generacije kreativne ideje kao rješenja odreĊene situacije, vrijednosna procjena osobe kljuĉni je faktor u odluci hoće li ta ideja biti realizirana, tj. je li njezin rezultat u skladu s moralnim uvjerenjima pojedinca. Kreativnost moţe biti korištena u pozitivne i negativne svrhe, s ciljem osobne dobiti ili dobrobiti društva u cjelini, te moţe imati pozitivne i negativne posljedice za pojedinca i društvo. Pojedinac moţe imati pozitivne namjere i motive, te ne biti svjestan ili odbijati predvidjeti negativne posljedice vlastitog kreativnog procesa. Propust da se prepozna postojanje negativne strane predstavlja opasnost za pojedince, organizacije i društvo, te otvara vrata za manipulaciju, prijevaru, iskorištavanje, kriminalitet i terorizam.Za uspješnu prevenciju i borbu protiv kreativnih oblika kriminaliteta potrebna je kreativnost izvršitelja zakona, te je razumijevanje mogućnosti negativnih ishoda kreativnog procesa vaţan preduvjet da se prevladaju negativne posljedice.
Cilj ovog rada je obraditi temeljne karakteristike vezane uz kreativnost, te objasniti vaţnost razumijevanja negativne kreativnosti i naĉina njezinog korištenja i utjecaja na pojedinca i društvo, kao i napraviti distinkciju izmeĊu kreativnosti korištene za zlonamjerne ciljeve i sluĉajnih negativnih posljedica dobronamjernih aktivnosti, te kršenja zakona s obzirom na posljedice za društvo (kriminalitet s ciljem osobne dobiti i društvene promjene).
Dublje razumijevanje ove tematike potrebno je za daljnja istraţivanja negativnih karakteristika i naĉina korištenja kreativnosti, kao i okolnosti koje potiĉu usmjeravanje kreativnosti u negativnom smjeru u svrhu razvoja preventivnih mjera i mjera suzbijanja ili neutraliziranja negativnih oblika kreativnosti i usmjeravanja riziĉnih pojedinaca prema pozitivnom korištenju kreativnih sposobnosti.
Abstract (english) The most widely used definition describes creativity as the generation of products or solutions that are novel and useful, (Amabile, 1996; James, 1999; Runco, 1991). Creativity as a feature and the ability exists independently from value judgments, but after the generation of creative idea as a solution for specific situation, value assessment of a person becomes a key factor in the decision whether the idea is going to be realized, ie. whether its result is in accordance with the moral convictions of the individual. Creativity can be used for positive and negative purposes, with a goal of personal gain or the benefit of society as a whole, and can have positive and negative consequences for the individual and society. An individual can have positive intentions and motives, and not be aware of, or refuse to acknowledge the negative consequences of his own creative process. The failure to recognize the possibility of the dark side represents a threat for individuals, organizations and society, and an opportunity for manipulation, fraud, abuse, crime and terrorism. Successful prevention and opposing creative forms of crime requires creative approaches to law-enforcement. Understanding of the possibility of negative outcomes of the creative process is an important prerequisite to overcoming the negative consequences.
The main purpose of this paper is to describe fundamental characteristics associated with creativity, and explain the importance of understanding negative creativity and possibilities of its use and impact on the individual and society, as well as to make a distinction between creativity used for malevolent purposes and accidental negative effects of benevolent activities, and violations of the law considering the consequences for society (crime for personal gain and crime that results in social change).
Deeper understanding of this subject is necessary for the further research of negative characteristics and ways of using creativity, as well as the factors that encourage negative creativity, for the development of preventive and counter measures for neutralization of negative forms of creativity and directing high-risk individuals to positive uses of creative skills.
tamna strana kreativnosti
Keywords (english)
dark side of creativity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:339354
Study programme Title: Social Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije (magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-09-01 09:51:49