Title Utjecaj receptivne muzikoterapije na smanjenje boli u postoperativnom razdoblju kod maligne bolesti dojke
Title (english) Effect of receptive music therapy on reducing postoperative pain in breast cancer patients
Author Brigita Vilč
Mentor Tomislav Breitenfeld (mentor)
Mentor Damir Miholić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Breitenfeld (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Miholić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Martinec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Suočavanje s dijagnozom karcinoma dojke utječe na biopsihosocijalnu strukturu oboljele osobe. Bol kao neizbježni multimodalni entitet projicira se multidimenzionalno kroz aspekte čovjekova bivanja i funkcioniranja, počevši od fizičke boli koja neminovno počiva u prirodi kirurškog liječenja karcinoma, kao i u invazivnim (neo)adjuvantnim terapijama; sve do psiholoških i emocionalnih dimenzija boli determiniranih subjektivnim doživljajem vlastitog oboljenja. Nedvojbeni su distresni i ometajući čimbenici boli, posebice u ranom postoperativnom razdoblju. Osim primjene analgetske terapije u liječenju postoperativne boli, dokazano je kako i nefarmakološke, komplementarne terapije–poput muzikoterapije– doprinose olakšanju boli. Na našim prostorima primjena komplementarno-suportivnih terapija u kliničkim uvjetima slabo je prepoznata. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio ispitati efekt receptivne muzikoterapije na smanjenje objektivnog utjecaja i subjektivnog doživljaja boli kod žena s lokaliziranim malignim procesom u dojci i aksili u postoperativnom razdoblju nakon kirurškog zahvata odstranjenja karcinoma dojke (segmentektomija, mastektomija, disekcija aksile). Istraživanje je provedeno kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom metodologijom na uzorku od 64 sudionice koje su hospitalizirane na Klinici za tumore u Zagrebu zbog kirurškog liječenja karcinoma dojke, raspoređene u eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu skupinu. Osim primjene konvencionalne analgetske terapije u objema skupinama, u eksperimentalnoj se dodatno primijenio tretman receptivne muzikoterapije. Izbor glazbe ovisio je o preferencijama svake od sudionica, a glazba se slušala dva puta dnevno u trajanju od 30 minuta pomoću uređaja za reproduciranje glazbe i slušalica, tijekom cjelokupne hospitalizacije. U obje skupine sudionica svakodnevno se ispitivala jačina boli i razina u kojoj bol ometa svakodnevno funkcioniranje instrumentom procjene ˝Kratki upitnik o boli˝. Cilj kvalitativne metodologije bio je uvažavanje individualnih perspektiva sudionica o doživljaju boli i doprinosu muzikoterapije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju statistički značajan interakcijski efekt tretmana receptivne muzikoterapije i efekta vremena na varijablama razina u kojoj postoperativna bol ometa svakodnevno funkcioniranje (p <0.05) i razina u kojoj postoperativna bol ometa svakodnevne aktivnosti (p<0.05). U skladu s rezultatima, dokazana je dobrobit receptivne muzikoterapije kao komplementarno-suportivne terapije konvencionalnim medicinskim i analgetskim terapijama u liječenju karcinoma dojke koja se očituje u efikasnosti liječenja određenih varijabiliteta postoperativne boli, nošenju sa subjektivnim doživljajem boli, poboljšanju funkcioniranja prilikom hospitalizacije, doprinosu suočavanja s karcinomom dojke te u njezinom neinvazivnom karakteru bez rizika primjene i štetnih posljedica
Abstract (english) Dealing with the breast cancer diagnosis affects the biopsychosocial structure of the diseased person. Pain as an inevitable multimodal entity is projected in multidimensional way through aspects of human existence and functioning, starting with physical pain which necessarily lies in the nature of surgical treatment of the breast cancer, as well as the invasive neoadjuvant therapies; all to psychological and emotional dimensions of pain which are determined by the subjective experience of one's own illness. Distressful factors are undeniable, especially in the early stages of the postoperative procedure. Except for the use of analgesic therapy in the treatment of the postoperative pain, it is proven that nonphfarmacological, complementary therapies-such as Music Therapy-will facilitate the reduction of the pain. The objective of this paper was to question the effect of the receptive Music Therapy on the reduction of the objective influence and subjective experience of the pain in women with localized malignant process in breast and axilla during the postoperative period after the surgical removal procedure of the breast cancer (segmentectomy, mastectomy, dissection of axxilary). This study was carried out with quantitative and qualitative methodology, on the sample of 64 examinees who were hospitalized at the Clinic for tumors in Zagreb due to surgical treatment of the breast cancer and were distributed in the experimental and control groups. Apart from the use of the conventional analgesic therapy in both groups, the additional treatment of the receptive Music Therapy was used with the experimental group. The choice of the music depended on the personal preferences of each participant, and music was listened twice a day in the duration of 30 minutes with the help of the device for reproduction of the music and headsets, during the entire period of the hospitalization. In both groups of participants, the intensity of the pain and the level in which pain interferes everyday functioning was questioned with the assessment tool "Brief Pain Inventory". The objective of the qualitative methodology was to acknowledge individual perspective of the participants about the experience of pain and the contribution of the Music Therapy. The study results have showed statistically significant interactional effect of the treatment of the Music Therapy and the effect of time on variables level in which pain interferes everyday functioning (p<0.05) and level in which pain interferes everyday activities (p<0.05). Accordant to the results, the benefit of the receptive Music Therapy as complementary-supportive therapy with conventional medical and analgesic therapies in the treatment of breast cancer is manifested in efficacy of the treatment of specific variability of postoperative pain, dealing with the subjective experience of the pain, the improvement of the functioning during the period of the hospitalization, the contribution to the facing the breast cancer and its noninvasive character without harmful consequences.
karcinom dojke
postoperativna bol
Keywords (english)
breast cancer
postoperative pain
music therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:178771
Study programme Title: Educational Rehabilitation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije (magistar/magistra edukacijske rehabilitacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2018-08-20 08:31:34