Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati percepciju obiteljske otpornosti majki i očeva te istražiti razlike u komponentama obiteljske otpornosti između njih. Korišteni rezultati dobiveni su projektom Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijskog fakulteta (Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2016) pod nazivom ˝Istraživanje obiteljske otpornosti˝. U radu se polazi od modela/koncepata obiteljske otpornosti Frome Walsh (1998, 2003), a procesi obiteljske otpornosti koje autorica smatra ključnima (obiteljski sustav vjerovanja, organizacijske vještine i obrasci, komunikacijski procesi) čine teoretski okvir. Uzorak istraživanja uključuje 93 majki i 93 očeva učenika 1. razreda srednje škole „Ivan Švear“ u Ivanić Gradu i 1. gimnazije u Zagrebu. Podaci su bili prikupljani instrumentom FRAS (Family Resilience Assessment Scale) kojeg je razvila Sixbey (2005) i njime potvrdila 6 Walsh-inih komponenti obiteljske otpornosti: obiteljska komunikacija i rješavanje problema, korištenje ekonomskih i socijalnih resursa, zadržavanje pozitivne perspektive, obiteljska povezanost, duhovnost obitelji i sposobnost pronalaženja smisla u nedaćama. Pretpostavka je bila da postoji razlika u percepciji komponenti obiteljske otpornosti između majki i očeva na način da majke sve komponente otpornosti procjenjuju višim nego očevi. To je bilo u skladu s rezultatima dosadašnjih istraživanja koja su zaključila da su majke sklonije iskazivanju emocija i otvorenoj komunikaciji u obitelji, povezanije su s obiteljskom mrežom te su sklonije procjenjivati ju kohezivnijom od očeva, ali su i otvorenije prema vanjskim izvorima podrške i povezivanju sa zajednicom (Schilling II i sur., 1985, Flaherty i Richman, 1989, Crowley i Taylor, 1994, Rodrigue i sur., 1997, Seiffge – Krenke, 2000, Pilar Matud, 2004). Rezultati su obrađivani deskriptivnom statistikom, analizom varijance/Mann-Whitney testom i T testom te upućuju na odbacivanje početne hipoteze. Značajna razlika dobivena je jedino na dimenziji ˝Sposobnost pronalaženja smisla u nedaćama˝ te na pojedinim česticama unutar dimenzija ˝Obiteljska komunikacija i rješavanje problema˝ te ˝Obiteljska povezanost˝. Rezultati dobiveni ovim radom mogu koristiti kao poticaj za daljnja istraživanja i potvrđivanje ili odbacivanje sada dobivenih rezultata te kao smjernica u planiranju programa/projekata/intervencija usmjerenih na obitelji |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to show the perception of the family resilience of mothers and fathers and to explore differences in the components of family resistance between them. The results obtained from the ˝Research on family resilience˝ carried out by Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (the University of Zagreb, the year 2016). The survey is based on a conceptual framework of Walsh (1998, 2003) which explains the family resilience through three processes: a) the construction of family belief systems, b) family organization and c) communication processes within the family. The study included 93 mothers and 93 fathers of 1st-year students from high schools in Ivanić Grad and Zagreb. Data were collected using the instrument FRAS (Family Resilience Assessment Scale) developed by Sixbey (2005). Sixbey confirmed 6 components of family resilience that Walsh proposed: family communication and problem-solving, use of economic and social resources, maintaining a positive perspective, family connections, spirituality of family and ability to find meaning in adversity. The assumption was that there will be statistically significant differences in the perception of mothers and fathers on all six components of the family resilience and that the mothers perceived all components in higher values. This was aligned with the results of previous studies that have concluded that mothers tend to show more their emotions and communicate openly in the family, they are more connected to the family network and consider it more cohesive than fathers, at the same time they have open approach towards external support and community (Schilling II et al., 1985, Flaherty and Richman, 1989, Crowley and Taylor, 1994, Rodrigue et al., 1997, Seiffge – Krenke, 2000, Pilar Matud, 2004). The results of were analyzed by descriptive statistics, T test and analysis of variance/Mann-Whitney test and they indicated the rejection of the initial hypothesis. A significant difference was proven on dimension ˝Ability to find meaning in adversity˝ and on few particles within dimensions ˝Familly communication and problem-solving˝ and ˝Family connections˝. The results obtained in this work/study at hand can be used as an incentive and support for further research and confirmation or rejection of results gained in this study. They can also be used as a guide in the planning of programs/projects/interventions focused on family. |