Abstract | Ovim diplomskim radom htjela se ispitati zastupljenost depresivnih simptoma kod adolescenata. Osim toga, radom se htjelo saznati postoji li razlika u pojavnosti depresivne simptomatologije s obzirom na spol i dob sudionika. Istraživanje je provedeno u travnju i svibnju 2017. godine u tri srednje škole u gradu Zagrebu, u Školi za grafiku, dizajn i medijsku produkciju, Prvoj gimnaziji i Veterinarskoj školi. Uzorak spreman za obradu podataka sastojao se od 220 učenika, točnije 89 učenika iz Prve gimnazije, 90 učenika iz Škole za grafiku, dizajn i medijsku produkciju i 41 učenika iz Veterinarske škole. Istraživanje je dio pilota istraživanja projekta „Pozitivan razvoj adolescenata grada Zagreba: analiza stanja“, kojeg provodi Edukacijskorehabilitacijski fakultet, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U sklopu ovog projekta izrađena je baterija instrumenta od nekoliko skala, a kako bi se odgovorilo na postavljene probleme od cjelovitog instrumenta uzeti su u obzir: (1) Upitnik o demografskim podacima i (2) Skala depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa-21. Sudjelovanje u istraživanju je bilo dobrovoljno i svakom sudioniku je zajamčena anonimnost. Ispitivanje je provedeno grupno za vrijeme nastave, metodom papir olovka. Rezultati govore o tome da kod nešto više od polovine ispitanika ne možemo govoriti o zastupljenosti depresivne simptomatologije, dok je kod 12,3% ispitanika depresivna simptomatologija prisutna u velikoj mjeri. U zastupljenosti depresivnih simptoma s obzirom na spol ne postoje razlike, odnosno podjednako ih doživljavaju i djevojke i mladići. Također, ne postoje razlike ni u zastupljenosti depresivne simptomatologije s obzirom na dob, a rezultati pokazuju da se depresivni simptomi naglo povećavaju s ulaskom u adolescenciju i opadaju s povećanjem dobi. |
Abstract (english) | The main aim of this study is to examine the prevalence of depressive symptoms among adolescents. The specific objectives are related to exploring the gender and age differences in occuring symptoms among adolescents from the examination group. The survey was conducted during April and May in three high schools in the city of Zagreb. The sample consisted of 220 students, 89 of them are students from the First Gymnasium, 90 are students from Graphic School for Media production and Design and 41 students from the Veterinary High School. The survey was conducted in the framework of the pilot project "The positive development of adolescents from City of Zagreb: state of the art" on the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb. For the purposes of this project, an instrument was developed that consists of several different scales, in order to answer to the research questions, out of whole instrument, these were taken into account: (1) questionnaire on demographic data and (2) Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21. Participation in the survey was voluntarily and anonymous. The survey was conducted with group of students during the class and the paper-pencil method was used in the research. The results have shown that among adolescents there are the most of those who do not have any depressive symptom, on the other hand there are 12,3% of students that are showing depressive symptomatology in a great mesaure. There are no gender differences found among prevalence of depressive symptoms. Moreover, there are no age differences in prevalence of depressive symptomatology. Results have shown that the depressive symptoms are at the peak entering the adolescence and that with increase of age there is a decrease of symptoms among adolescents. |