Title Leksičke i sintaktičke sposobnosti djece koja mucaju
Title (english) Lexical and syntactic abilities of children who stutter
Author Natalija Kutnjak
Mentor Ana Leko Krhen (mentor)
Mentor Gordana Hržica (mentor)
Committee member Ana Leko Krhen (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Hržica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Bonetti (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-06-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Mucanje je složeni poremećaj na čiji razvoj utječe interakcija brojnih čimbenika, a među njima i jezičnih. Prema psiholingvističkim teorijama, mucanje je uzrokovano teškoćama u procesu jezične obrade. Iako se istraživanja jezičnih sposobnosti djece koja mucaju provode već dugi niz godina, rezultati nisu jednoznačni. Stoga je prvi cilj ispitati leksičke i sintaktičke sposobnosti djece koja mucaju te utvrditi razlikuju li se one u odnosu na djecu koja ne mucaju, rabeći pritom standardizirane jezične testove te analizirajući uzorke pripovijedanja. Drugi cilj je ispitati u kakvoj su povezanosti jezične sposobnosti i jakost mucanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 15 djece koja mucaju i 15 tečnih vršnjaka, u dobi od 7;0 do 11;11 godina. Ispitivanje je provedeno primjenom Peabody slikovnog testa rječnika (PPVT-III-HR; Dunn i sur., 2009) i Testa razumijevanja gramatike (TROG-2:HR; Bishop i sur., 2014). Za dobivanje uzoraka naracije upotrijebljen je Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN; Gagarina i sur., 2012; hrvatska inačica: Hržica i Kuvač Kraljević, 2012). Pripovjedni materijal, u pisanom i usmenom obliku, transkribiran je u programu CLAN (MacWhinney, 2000) te su analizirani broj riječi, broj komunikacijskih jedinica, prosječna duljina komunikacijske jedinice i tri mjere rječničke raznolikosti (ORP, VOCD i MATTR). Za određenje jakosti mucanja primijenjen je test Stuttering Severity Instrument- 4th Edition (SSI-4; Riley, 2009). Rezultati su pokazali da se djeca koja mucaju na standardiziranim jezičnim testovima ne razlikuju statistički značajno u odnosu na vršnjake. Statistički značajno niža postignuća utvrđena su na zadatku pripovijedanja pisanim putem, na mjeri ORP koja je pokazatelj rječničke raznolikosti. Iako ovi rezultati mogu upućivati na manju rječničku raznolikost kod djece koja mucaju, razlike na ostalim mjerama rječničke raznolikosti nisu utvrđene, stoga je opravdanost za donošenje zaključaka o rječničkoj raznolikosti ograničena. Iznenađujući rezultat je da su djeca koja mucaju tijekom usmenog pripovijedanja upotrebljavala veći broj riječi u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Nadalje, utvrđena je pozitivna povezanost između prosječne duljine komunikacijske jedinice i jakosti mucanja, što govori u prilog utjecaja jezičnih čimbenika na učestalost mucanja. Dobiveni rezultati mogu ukazivati na mogućnost postojanja suptilnih teškoća u određenim jezičnim sastavnicama, ali su za otkrivanje jasne poveznice između mucanja i obrazaca jezične izvedbe potrebna daljnja istraživanja.
Abstract (english) Stuttering is a complex disorder whose development is influenced by the interaction of many factors, including linguistic factors. According to psycholinguistic theories, stuttering is caused by difficulties in language processing. Even though the studies of language abilities of children who stutter have already been conducting for many years, the results are still inconclusive. Therefore, the first goal is to examine lexical and syntactic abilities of children who stutter and determine whether they differ in relation to children who don’t stutter, using standardized language tests and analyzing narrative samples. The second goal is to examine the connection between language abilities and stuttering severity. The study was conducted on 15 children who stutter and 15 fluent age-mates, between 7;0 and 11;11 years old. The study was conducted using The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III-HR; Dunn et al., 2009) and The Test for Reception of Grammar (TROG-2:HR; Bishop et al., 2014). The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN; Gagarina et al., 2012; Croatian version: Hržica and Kuvač Kraljević, 2012) was used for obtaining narrative samples. The narrative material in written and oral form was transcribed using the program CLAN (MacWhinney, 2000), followed by the analysis of the number of words, the number of communication units, the mean length of a communication unit and the three measures of lexical diversity (TTR, VOCD, and MATTR). The Stuttering Severity Instrument- 4th Edition test (SSI-4; Riley, 2009) was used to determine stuttering severity. The results of standardized language tests have shown that the difference between children who stutter and their age-mates is not statistically significant. However, the TTR measure which indicates lexical diversity determined significantly lower achievements in the written narration task. Although these results can point to lower lexical diversity among children who stutter, other measures of lexical diversity haven't determined any differences. Therefore, the justification of drawing conclusions on lexical diversity is limited. It is surprising that the children who stutter used more words than the control group during oral narration. Furthermore, the study confirmed positive correlation between the mean length of a communication unit and stuttering severity, which supports the thesis that different linguistic factors influence stuttering frequency. While the results of the study can point to the possible existance of subtle difficulties in certain language domains, further research is still necessary to determine a clear link between stuttering and patterns of linguistic performance.
leksičke sposobnosti
sintaktičke sposobnosti
rječnička raznolikost
računalna obrada uzoraka govornog jezika
Keywords (english)
lexical abilities
syntactic abilities
lexical diversity
natural language processing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:374858
Study programme Title: Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra logopedije (magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-08-24 11:18:36