Abstract | Demencija je degenerativna bolest koja pogađa približno 36 milijuna svjetske populacije. Najčešće žrtve ove bolesti su osobe starije od 65 godina. Bolest svojom progresijom negativno utječe na različite funkcije, uključujući pamćenje, mišljenje, jezik, perceptivno-motoričko područje te socijalno funkcioniranje i socijalno prihvatljivo ponašanje. Također, tijekom progresije demencije, u preko 80 % slučajeva moguća je pojava bihevioralnih i psiholoških simptoma, uključujući sudjelovanje u nesvrsishodnim aktivnostima, deluzije te uzrujanost. Navedeni simptomi imaju negativan utjecaj na funkcioniranje same osobe s demencijom, no također i na članove obitelji i šire okoline osobe s demencijom. U sprečavanju progresije demencije te u ublažavanju njenih simptoma, mogu se koristiti farmakološke i ne farmakološke metode. Jedna od ne farmakoloških metoda za koju se smatra da može imati pozitivan utjecaj na funkcioniranje osobe s demencijom i njene obitelji, jest i terapija plesom i pokretom. Terapija plesom i pokretom pripada skupini ekspresivnih artterapija te je u širem profesionalnom krugu dobila priznanje tijekom 50-ih godina prošlog stoljeća. Terapija plesom i pokretom nudi holistički pristup u radu te polazi iz perspektive interakcije uma i tijela. Odnosno, usmjerena je na poremećaje emocionalnog, kognitivnog ili fizičkog podrijetla putem dijagnostičkih i terapijskih intervencija temeljenih na tjelesnom iskustvu. S razvojem ove terapije, počela se uviđati njena dobrobit u radu s različitim populacijama te njena učinkovitost u tretiranju različitih simptoma i posljedica pojedinih teškoća i bolesti. Cilj ovog preglednog rada bio je istražiti moguće dobrobit primjene terapije plesom i pokretom u osoba s demencijom, odnosno, njenu djelotvornost u području tretiranja simptoma i posljedica ove vrsti bolesti. U tu svrhu proveden je pregled postojeće literature i istraživanja na temelju kojeg se uvidjelo kako terapija plesom i pokretom može imati pozitivan utjecaj na ublažavanje pojedinih simptoma demencije te doprinijeti boljoj kvaliteti života kako osobama s demencijom tako i članovima njihovih obitelji. Međutim, učinci ove terapije ipak imaju određena ograničenja budući da dobrobiti nisu vidljive u svim područjima, posebice u području usporavanja kognitivnog opadanja. Usprkos takvim spoznajama, imajući u vidu da primjena tjelesno orijentiranih tehnika može utjecati na psihosocijalni status i doživljaj sebe u pacijenata, ovakvi pristupi mogu predstavljati prikladnu komplementarnu metodu u okviru cjelovitog i interdisciplinarnog sustava pružanja podrške osobama s demencijom. |
Abstract (english) | Dementia is a type of a degenerative disease that affects approximately 36 million people of the world’s population. The most common victims of this disease are people older than 65 years. Disease, with its progression, negatively affects different cognitive functions, including memory, thinking, language, perception, motor functions and social functions, including socially acceptable behavior. Through the progression of the disease, in more than 80 % of cases there is a possibility of the development of behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPSD-behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia). Those include participation in un-purposeful behavior, delusions and agitation. Afore mentioned symptoms have a negative impact on the functioning of the person with dementia, as well as negative impact on family members and wider social circles. Different pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods can be used in the prevention of progression of the disease, and for the treatment of related symptoms that the disease can bring. One of the non-pharmacological methods, which is thought to have a positive impact on the functioning of the person with dementia and on her family, is dance movement therapy. Dance movement therapy is a part of a wider concept of expressive arts-therapies. Dance movement therapy has gained a wider recognition in professional circles during the 1950’s. Dance movement therapy offers a holistic approach in therapy and derives from the concept of the integration of the mind and body. For that reason, her focus is on the disturbances of emotional, cognitive or physical origin, through the application of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions focused on physical experience. With the further development of this therapy, the benefits of its usage in treating different symptoms and consequences of different difficulties and diseases have been recognized. The aim of this review was to further look into the possible benefits of the usage of dance movement therapy in dementia setting. In other words, to further explore the effectiveness of this therapy in treating symptoms and consequences of this disease. For that purpose, the examination of the existing literature and research has been conducted. It was seen how dance movement therapy can have a positive impact on reduction of certain symptoms of dementia and can contribute to an enriched quality of life for the person with dementia, as well as his/her family. However, the effects of this therapy still have certain limitations considering that the benefits are not found in all areas, especially in the area of slowing of cognitive decline. Despite these findings, bearing in mind that the usage of bodily oriented techniques can have an impact on psychosocial status and experience of oneself, this kind of approaches can represent suitable complementary method within the interdisciplinary and plenary framework of support for people with dementia. |