Title Mucanje i izbor zanimanja
Title (english) Stuttering and The Choice of Profession
Author Vanja Uzelac
Mentor Ana Leko Krhen (mentor)
Committee member Ana Leko Krhen (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Bonetti (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Mucanje je sindrom velikog broja manifestacija za koji ne postoji univerzalno prihvaćena definicija. Najčešće se povezuje s atipičnim govornim obrascem, no uključuje i brojne druge komponente ljudskog života kao što su emocije, kognicija i socijalni aspekt (Yairi i Seery, 2015). S obzirom na kompleksnost, mucanje može utjecati na brojne aspekte ljudskog života, pa tako i na profesionalni i akademski razvoj osobe (Shapiro, 2011). Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je ispitati utječe li mucanje na izbor škole, fakulteta, odnosno zanimanja općenito kod populacije osoba koje mucaju na području Republike Hrvatske i zemalja regije. Također, cilj je ispitati utječe li mucanje na obavljanje zanimanja kao i ispitati zadovoljstvo osoba boje mucaju izabranim zanimanjem. Za potrebe istraživanja kreiran je upitnik pod nazivom „Mucanje i izbor zanimanja“ s ukupno 28 čestica u elektronskoj verziji. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 103 ispitanika, osobe koje mucaju s područja Republike Hrvatske i zemalja regije raspona kronološke dobi od 18 do 62 godine. Upitnik je elektroničkim putem odaslan osobama koje mucaju. Dobiveni podaci obrađeni su neparametrijskim testovima te deskriptivnom analizom. Rezultati su pokazali kako ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost dobi početka mucanja i jačine mucanja s izborom zanimanja, ali postoji statistički značajna povezanost uključenosti osobe u terapiju i izbora zanimanja. Također, pokazalo se da ispitanici obuhvaćeni ovim istraživanjem najčešće odabiru društvena područja zanimanja. Nadalje, pokazalo se da postoji statistički značajna povezanost jačine mucanja i izbjegavanja aktivnosti koje uključuju govor, kao i jačine mucanja i osjećaja anksioznosti na poslu ili fakultetu. Također, većina ispitanika navodi kako bi svoje zanimanje bolje obavljali da ne mucaju, ali su generalno zadovoljni izborom zanimanja. Uz to većina ispitanika na poslu ili fakultetu izbjegava aktivnosti koje uključuju govor, a također zavidan je broj onih koji osjećaju podcijenjenost vlastitih aktivnosti zbog mucanja na poslu ili fakultetu. Na temelju dobivenih podataka moguće je zaključiti kako mucanje nema implikacije na odluku o izboru zanimanja, ali ima na obavljanje izabranog zanimanja.
Abstract (english) Stuttering is a syndrome of a large number of manifestations for which there is no universally accepted definition. It is most commonly associated with an atypical speech pattern, but includes many other components of human life such as emotions, cognition and social aspects (Yairi and Seery, 2015). In it's complexity, stuttering can affect many aspects of human life, as well as professional and academic development of a person (Shapiro, 2011). The aim of this graduate thesis is to examine whether the stuttering affects the choice of schools, faculties or profession in general in the population of people who stutter at the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the countries of the region. Also, the aim is to examine whether stuttering affects the performance of the profession as well as examining the satisfaction of the chosen profession. For the purposes of research, a questionnaire entitled "Stuttering and the choice of profession" was created with a total of 28 particles in an electronic version. 103 respondents, people who stutter from the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the countries of the region ranging from chronological age 18 to 62 years participated in the research. The questionnaire is sent electronically to the people who stutter. The obtained data were processed by nonparametric tests and by descriptive analysis. The results have shown that there is no statistically significant correlation between the age of stuttering and strength of stuttering with the choice of proffesion, but there is a statistically significant correlation between the person's involvement in the therapy and the choice of proffesion. It has also been shown that respondents covered by this survey are the most frequently selecting social areas of interest. Furthermore, there has been a statistically significant correlation between the strength of stuttering and avoiding speech-related activities, as well as the strength of stuttering and feelings of anxiety at work or college. Also, most respondents state that they would do their proffesion better if they do not stutter, but in general they are satisfied with the choice of their profession. Additionally, most respondents at work or faculty avoid activities involving speech, and also, there is a number of people who feel undervalued for their own activities because of their own stuttering at work or college. Based on the obtained data it is possible to conclude that stuttering has no implications for the choice of profession, but has implication for the occupation of the chosen proffesion.
izbor zanimanje
obavljanje zanimanja
zadovoljstvo zanimanjem
Keywords (english)
choice of profession
occupation of proffesion
satisfaction with the chosen proffesion
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:169026
Study programme Title: Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra logopedije (magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-06 12:19:22