Title Sintaktički deficiti u osobe s afazijom uslijed rupture aneurizme : studija slučaja
Title (english) Syntactic deficits in aphasics caused by aneurysm rupture : a case study
Author Karmen Šuljić
Mentor Marijan Palmović (mentor)
Committee member Marijan Palmović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Kuvač Kraljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Leko Krhen (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-03-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Moždani udar predstavlja heterogeno stanje s više različitih tipova, od kojih svaki ima različite mehanizme razvoja te različite rizične faktore. Subarahnoidalno krvarenje (SAH) je najrjeđi oblik nastanka moždanog udara te se javlja uslijed rupture aneurizme. Posljedice takvog krvarenja su opsežne i brzo razvijajuće s visokom stopom smrtnosti. Jezična obilježja pacijenata nakon SAH predstavljaju specifičan i nesustavan uzorak koji, zbog rijetkosti pojave i visoke stope smrtnosti, nije dovoljno istražen i literaturom potkrijepljen. Cilj je ovog rada bio dati prikaz sintaktičkih struktura osobe nakon rupture aneurizme u hrvatskom jeziku. Ovim su se istraživanjem htjele prikazati razlike u vrstama grešaka osobe s (Brocinom) afazijom nakon rupture aneurizme s obzirom na očekivane vrste grešaka kod osoba s afazijom nastalom uslijed drugačijih uzročnika. Osoba je, deset mjeseci nakon ozljede i devet mjeseci po uključenosti u rehabilitacijski program, ispitana pomoću ELA (eng. Everyday Life Activities) seta fotografija. Korišteno je 47 fotografija podijeljenih u dva seta (tvorba izoliranih rečenica i tvorba povezanih rečenica) radi analize postojećih sintaktičkih struktura i sintaktičke složenosti. Provedena je kvalitativna analiza unutar slučaja. Rezultati pokazuju prisutnost grešaka očekivanih za osobe s Brocinom afazijom, primarno izostanak složenih jezičnih konstrukcija pri kojima pacijent dijelove iskaza ne povezuje u kohezivnu cjelinu, već tvori izolirane izreke, agramatičnost izraza i smanjena govorna tečnost. Međutim, pacijent radije zamjenjuje gramatičke morfeme, nego što ih ispušta, kao što to karakteristično čine osobe s Brocinom afazijom. Nadalje, jezik osoba s Brocinom afazijom često se opisuje kao onaj kojemu manjkaju funkcionalne riječi te se značenje prenosi sadržajnim riječima. Pacijent u ovom istraživanju ispušta cijele, sadržajne riječi (imenice i glagole), zamjenjuje ih na temelju semantičke i fonološke sličnosti ili ih zamjenjuje po nesemantičkom tipu (parafazije). Ozljeda nastala rupturom aneurizme, zbog naglog razvitka, opsežnosti i mjesta nastanka, uzrokuje nešto drugačiji uzorak jezičnih teškoća. Parafazije, neologizmi i nedovršene izreke čine jezik osobe teže razumljivim što utječe na kvalitetu ostvarene komunikacije s okolinom.
Abstract (english) Stroke represents a heterogeneous state with several diverse forms, out of which every form has disparate mechanisms of development and risk factors. Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is the least occurring form of a stroke and it is commonly apparent after an aneurysm rupture. Consequences of a bleeding of this kind are extensive and fast-growing with a high mortality rate. Linguistic features of patients after SAH display a specific and inconsistent pattern which is not demonstrated and substantiated enough in the current literature, due to the infrequency of its appearance and a high mortality rate. The aim of this work was to provide a review of syntactic structures of a person after an aneurysm rupture in the Croatian language. An example of differences in error types of a person with (Broca's) aphasia after an aneurysm rupture is presented, considering the expected error types in aphasia patients developed due to alternative causes. Ten months post-morbid and nine months into the rehabilitation therapy, the patient was examined using the Everyday Life Activities (ELA) photo series. Forty-seven photographs divided into two sets (isolated sentences formation and combined sentences formation) were used with the ambition of analysing the existing syntactic structures and syntactic complexity. A qualitative content analysis was carried out with the purpose of linguistic, precisely syntactic features description. Given results demonstrate the presence of errors expected for patients diagnosed with Broca's aphasia, primarily the absence of complex linguistic constructions, the division of utterances into separate entities rather than formation of one coherence, agrammatisms, and reduced speech fluency. However, the patient substitutes grammatical morphemes rather than he omits them, with the omission of morphemes being one of the characteristics of language in Broca's aphasia. Furthermore, the language of persons with Broca's aphasia is often described as the one that lacks functional words where the meaning is derived from the use of content words. The patient described in the present study either omits whole, content words (nouns and verbs) or substitutes them on the basis of semantic and phonological resemblance or rather substitutes them in an asemantic manner (paraphasias). An injury caused by an aneurysm rupture, due to its rapid development, profusion and the location of occurrence, induces a somewhat distant pattern of language difficulties. Paraphasias, neologisms and incomplete utterances affect the intelligibility of the person's language which affects the overall quality of social interactions.
moždani udar
subarahnoidalna hemoragija
ruptura aneurizme
Brocina afazija
sintaktičke teškoće
Keywords (english)
subarachnoid haemorrhage
aneurysm rupture
Broca's aphasia
syntactic deficits
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:279383
Study programme Title: Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra logopedije (magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-11-22 12:15:11