Abstract | Zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom regulirano je Zakonom o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji i zapošljavanju osoba s invaliditetom (proĉišćeni tekst zakona, NN 157/13, 152/14, 39/18). Unatoĉ postavljenom zakonskom okviru, osobe s invaliditetom suoĉavaju se s niţom stopom zaposlenosti (WHO, 2011), evidentnom razlikom u prosjeĉnoj plaći (Longhi, 2017; WHO, 2011), siromaštvom (WHO, 2011) te negativnim stavovima poslodavaca (Amir i sur., 2009 prema Burke i sur., 2013) u odnosu na osobe bez invaliditeta. Istovremeno poduzeća, na trenutnom trţištu, doţivljavaju nedostatak radne snage te se okreću upravo zapošljavanju navedene socijalne skupine (Papa, 2008). Prepoznavši potencijal osoba s invaliditetom, poduzeća su kroz upravljanje razliĉitošću osigurala uspješnost njihovog zapošljavanja (National Institute of Disability Management and Research prema The Conference Board of Canada, 2013). Zapošljavajući osobe s invaliditetom poduzeće postaje društveno odgovorno (Kuznetsova, 2012), a pritom ostvaruje mnogobrojne dobrobiti. U ekonomskom smislu poduzeće usklaĊuje svoje poslovanje sa zakonom (Graffam i sur., 2002; Hartnett i sur., 2011), izbjegava moguću tuţbu (Hartnett i sur., 2011), podiţe konkurentnost (Henry i sur., 2014; Green i Brooke, 2001) te regrutira pouzdanog zaposlenika (Siperstein i sur., 2006). TakoĊer, poduzeće ostvaruje društvene dobrobiti za vlastito poslovanje koje ukljuĉuju privlaĉenje (Henry i sur., 2014; Siperstein i sur., 2006) i lojalnost potrošaĉa (Australian Government, 2012) te za svoje zaposlenike bez invaliditeta koji nedvojbeno profitiraju od prilagoĊenog radnog mjesta primarno namijenjenog osobama s invaliditetom (Travis, 2009 prema Hartnett i sur., 2011). Cilj ovog diplomskog rada jest dobiti uvid u dobrobiti zapošljavanja osoba s invaliditetom u poduzeće iz perspektive poslodavaca. Temeljem cilja postavljena su istraţivaĉka pitanja. Kako bi se prikupili podaci korištena je tehnika fokus grupe kao metode grupnog intervjua petero sudionika - poslodavaca, voditelja odjela i voditelja Trening radionice unutar poduzeća. Sudionici su naveli mnoge ekonomske i društvene dobrobiti, ne samo za poduzeće već i za same osobe s invaliditetom te društvo općenito. TakoĊer, naveli su preduvjete i podršku koja im omogućuje takvo zapošljavanje, te prepreke s kojima se suoĉavaju i preporuke za uspješnije zapošljavanje ove socijalne skupine. |
Abstract (english) | Employment of people with disabilities is regulated by the Act on professional rehabilitation, employment and work of persons with disabilities (NN, 157/2013, 152/14, 39/18). Despite the legal framework, people with disabilities face lower employment rate (WHO, 2011), the evident pay gap (Longhi, 2017; WHO, 2011), poverty (WHO, 2011) and negative attitude of employers (Amir et al., 2009 according to Burke et al., 2013) in comparison to people without disabilities. At the same time, in the current market, companies are experiencing a lack of workforce, therefore turning to the hiring of the mentioned social group (Pope, 2008). Recognizing the potential of people with disabilities, companies managed to ensure the success of their employment through diversity management (National Institute of Disability Management and Research according to The Conference Board of Canada, 2013). By employing people with disabilities, the company becomes socially responsible (Kuznetsova, 2012), and therefore gains numerous benefits. In economic terms, the company follows the law (Hartnett et al., 2011), avoids possible lawsuits (Hartnett et al., 2011), raises competitiveness (Henry et al., 2014, Green and Brooke, 2001) and recruits reliable employee (Siperstein i sur., 2006). Also, the social benefits that company gains are not only for its own business - such as attracting customers (Henry et al., 2014; Siperstein et al., 2006) and consumer loyalty (Australian Government, 2012) but also for its non-disabled employees who undoubtedly profit from workplace adaptations primarily intended for people with disabilities (Travis, 2009, according to Hartnett et al., 2011). The aim of this thesis is to gain insight into the benefits of employing people with disabilities in the company from the perspective of employers. The research questions were based on the aim of the thesis. In order to collect the data, the focus group technique was used as a group interview method of five participants - employers, head of a department and leader of Training Workshop within the company. The participants brought up many economic and social benefits not only for the company but also for people with disabilities and society in general. Furthermore, they mentioned the preconditions and support needed for such employment, the obstacles they face as well as the recommendations for more successful employment of this social group. |