Title Svjesnost pedijatara o mucanju
Title (english) The Pediatrician's Awareness of Stuttering
Author Marijana Kaurinović
Mentor Ana Leko Krhen (mentor)
Committee member Ana Leko Krhen (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Bonetti (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Ivšac Pavliša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Speech Therapy
Abstract Mucanje je poremećaj tečnosti govora koji je, zbog svoje prirode i utjecaja na funkcioniranje pojedinca koji muca, područje zanimanja brojnih profesija. Godinama se nastoji odrediti jedinstvena definicija mucanja koja će obuhvatiti sve karakteristike mucanja (simptomatologiju, etiologiju i epidemiologiju), no umjesto toga se samo otkriva sve veća kompleksnost samoga poremećaja. Stoga ne iznenađuje da u literaturi pojmovi „fenomen“ i „mucanje“ često idu jedan uz drugog.
Mucanje je ujedno poremećaj čiji je početak razvoja učestaliji u mlađoj dječjoj dobi, zato nije neobičan scenarij dolaska zabrinutog roditelja u ordinaciju pedijatra zbog uočenih mucajućih netečnosti kod svog djeteta. Upravo te činjenice potaknule su me na temu „Svjesnosti pedijatara o mucanju“. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti koliko su pedijatri upoznati s obilježjima mucanja, koju praksu primjenjuju kada se radi o sumnji na razvoj mucanja kod djeteta, te utječu li dodatna usavršavanja u ovome području ili logoped u timu na njihove stavove o mucanju.
U svrhu prikupljanja podataka za ovo istraživanje kreiran je online upitnik u kojem je sudjelovalo 55 pedijatara iz Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su pedijatri više nezadovoljni nego zadovoljni s razinom znanja o mucanju koju su stekli na specijalizaciji. Isto tako pokazalo se kako opće znanje pedijatara o obilježjima mucanja više naginje ka nedovoljnom. Ipak, nije pronađena korelacija između njihovog znanja o mucanju i zadovoljstva stečenim znanjem na specijalizaciji, kao niti između znanja i godina radnog iskustva, te znanja i prisutnost logopeda u timu. Rezultati su još pokazali kako dodatna usavršavanja na temu mucanja i prisutnost logopeda u stručnome timu kod ove skupine ispitanika nije imala utjecaja na upućivanje djeteta, kod kojeg se sumnja na mucanje, logopedu.
Ono što se još doznaje iz rezultata istraživanja jest da pedijatri kod sumnje na mucanje najčešće prakticiraju opciju „čekaj i prati“.
Ipak, rezultate ovog istraživanja zbog malog uzorka ispitanika treba uzeti s dozom opreza.
Abstract (english) Stuttering is a disorder of speech fluency which, due to its nature and impact on the functioning of the individual who stutters, is an area of interest for many professions. For years, efforts have been made to define a unique definition of stuttering that will include all the characteristics of stuttering (symptomatology, etiology and epidemiology), but instead only reveals the growing complexity of the disorder itself. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the literature, the terms "phenomenon" and "stuttering" often go hand in hand.
Stuttering is also a disorder whose onset of development is more common in young children, so it is not an unusual scenario if a worried parent visits the pediatrician's office because of the observed stuttering-like disfluencies in their child. It was these facts that prompted me to the theme "The Pediatricians' Awareness of Stuttering". The aim of this study was to investigate how familiar pediatricians are with the characteristics of stuttering, what practice they apply when it comes to suspected development of stuttering in a child, and whether additional education in this area or having a speech-language pathologist as a part of the professional team influences their attitudes about stuttering.
In order to collect data for this research, an online questionnaire was created in which 55 pediatricians from Croatia participated. The results of the research showed that pediatricians are more dissatisfied than satisfied with the level of knowledge about stuttering they have acquired during their specialization. It has also been shown that the general knowledge of pediatricians about the characteristics of stuttering tends to be insufficient. However, no correlation was found between their knowledge of stuttering and satisfaction with the knowledge acquired during their specialization, as well as between the knowledge and years of work experience and the knowledge and presence of a speech-language pathologist in the professional team. The results also showed that additional education on the topic of stuttering
and having a speech-language therapist as a part of the professional team in this group of respondents did not affect the referral of a child suspected of stuttering to a speech-language pathologist. What is also to notice from the results of this research is that pediatricians most often practice the "wait and see" option when suspected stuttering in their young patients.
Nevertheless, the results of this study due to the small sample of subjects should be taken with a dose of caution.
Keywords (english)
speech-language pathology
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:200165
Study programme Title: Graduate study of Speech and Language Pathology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra logopedije (magistar/magistra logopedije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-11-12 10:46:57