Title Značaj biografske metode "Životna knjiga" u jačanju samopouzdanja
Title (english) The importance of biographical method "Lifebook" in strengthening self-confidence
Author Rahela Buturić
Mentor Gabrijela Ratkajec Gašević (mentor)
Mentor Ivana Maurović (sumentor)
Committee member Gabrijela Ratkajec Gašević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Maurović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Borić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Metoda osobne Životne knjige (Lifebook) jedna je od biografskih metoda rada koje se mogu
koristiti u radu s djecom i mladima u izvanobiteljskoj skrbi te je izvorno kreirana za djecu u
sustavu udomiteljstva. To je individualno izrađena knjiga koja obuhvaća djetetov život od
rođenja do sadašnjeg trenutka, napisana njegovim vlastitim riječima. Iako je ova metoda
naširoko primjenjivana, kvaliteta i način njene provedbe značajno se razlikuju, jer ne postoje
standardi za provedbu iste. Unazad petnaestak godina metoda je zaživjela u Hrvatskoj, prvo
kroz Ljetne kampove otpornosti u organizaciji nizozemske organizacije civilnog društva
Vereniging voor Jeugd-en Kinderzorg, a naknadno je razvijen program rada koji omogućuje
djeci rad na Lifebooku i u izvanobiteljskom okruženju (u ustanovama socijalne skrbi). Glavni
cilj rada je da djeca kroz proces kreiranja osobne Životne knjige osvijeste pozitivne strane i
osobine, lijepe događaje i iskustva s različitim ljudima u njihovim životima te da sebe dožive
kao snagu i važan resurs. Zbog nedostatka podataka, ali i potrebe za produbljivanjem spoznaje
o iskustvima djece i mladih te utjecaja metode na jačanje samopouzdanje, cilj ovog
istraživačkog rada je sagledavanje mogućnosti primjene Lifebook metode u jačanju
samopouzdanja djece i mladih u izvanobiteljskoj skrbi. Iz navedenog cilja proizlaze sljedeći
istraživački problemi: koje osobne dobitke mladi prepoznaju od primjene Lifebooka te na koji
način mladi prepoznate dobitke povezuju s vlastitim samopouzdanjem? Kako bi se odgovorilo
na postavljena istraživačka pitanja, provedene su četiri fokusne grupe s djecom i mladima iz
izvanobiteljske skrbi, sudionicima Kampova otpornosti. Na temelju kvalitativne analize
utvrđeno je kako djeca i mladi kao osobne dobitke od primjene Lifebooka prepoznaju osobni
rast i razvoj uz pomoć grupe, vjeru u bolju budućnost, osvještavanje i proživljavanje ugodnih
emocija, izgradnju pozitivne slike o sebi i identiteta te jačanje individualne otpornosti, a kao
posljednji dobitak navode promjenu u načinu sagledavanja prošlosti. Vrijednost Lifebooka i
njegovog doprinosa jačanju samopouzdanja leži u tome što omogućuje identificiranje i jačanje
osobnih snaga pojedinca i njegove okoline, što će posljedično utjecati i na razvoj
Abstract (english) The Lifebook method is one of the biographical methods that can be used in working with
children and young people in out-of-home care and was originally created for children in the
foster care system. It is an individually crafted book that encompasses a child’s life from birth
to the present moment, written in his own words. Although this method is widely used, the
quality and method differ significantly, because implementation standards do not exist. In the
last fifteen years this method has come to life in Croatia, first through Summer Resilience
Camps organized by the Dutch NGO Vereniging voor Jeugd-en Kinderzorg. After that, a
program was developed that allows children to work on Lifebook and in out-of-home
environment (in social care institutions). The main goal is for children to become more aware
of their positive characteristics, pleasant events and experiences with different people in their
lives through the process of creating a personal Lifebook, and also to acknowledge themselves
as a strength and an important resource. Due to the lack of information about Lifebook, the
need to expand knowledge about the experiences of children and youth, and the impact of the
method on strengthening self-confidence, the aim of this research is to consider the possibility
of applying the Lifebook method in strengthening self-confidence of children and youth in outof-home care. This aim brings up the following research questions: what personal gains do
young people recognize from the application of the Lifebook and how do these gains affect
their self-confidence? In order to answer these questions, four focus groups were conducted
with children and young people from out-of-home care, participants of the Resistance Camps.
Based on the qualitative analysis, it is found that children and young people recognize personal
growth and development with the help of a group, faith in a better future, awareness and
experiencing pleasant emotions, building a positive self-image and identity and strengthening
individual resilience and as a final gain they cite a change in the way of perceiving the past.
The value of the Lifebook and its contribution to strengthening self-confidence lies in the fact
that it enables the identification and strengthening of personal strengths of the individual and
his environment, which will consequently affect the development of self-confidence.
biografske metode
metoda Životne knjige
djeca i mladi u izvanobiteljskoj skrbi
iskustva djece i mladih
Keywords (english)
biographical methods
the Lifebook method
children and young people in out-of-home care
experiences of children and young people
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:158:562517
Study programme Title: Graduate study of Social Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije (magistar/magistra socijalne pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-12-17 18:21:49