Abstract | Cilj rada: Na temelju prikaza slučaja bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom prikazati najčešće
probleme i dijagnoze iz područja zdravstvene njege i skrbi, postavljene ciljeve te planirane i
provedene intervencije usmjerene na rješavanje bolesnikovih postojećih problema.
Opis slučaja: Tijekom hospitalizacije kod bolesnika su utvrđene sljedeće dijagnoze u procesu
zdravstvene njege: smanjena mogućnost obavljanja osobne higijene u/s smanjenog podnošenja
napora što se očituje izjavom bolesnika: ''Ne mogu samostalno oprati leđa i noge.''; smanjeno
podnošenje napora u/s kardiovaskularne bolesti, što se očituje izjavom bolesnika: ''Teže mi je
hodati'', te osjećajem umora; neučinkovito disanje u/s povišenog krvnog tlaka što se očituje
izjavom bolesnika: ''Teško mi je disati'', te dispnejom; neupućenost u/s nedostatkom specifičnih
znanja o prehrani kod povišenog krvnog tlaka što se očituje izjavom bolesnika: ''Nije mi
poznato'' i strah u/s neizvjesnog ishoda bolesti što se očituje izjavom bolesnika: ''Strah me.''.
Bolesnik je tijekom hospitalizacije samostalno oprao glavu, ruke, trup i genitalije, a uz pomoć
medicinske sestre oprao je leđa i noge. Bolesnik je svakodnevne aktivnosti obavljao s manjim
naporom. Bolesnik je tijekom hospitalizacije disao bez prisutnosti dispneje. Nakon provedene
edukacije bolesnik je nabrojao hranu koju smije jesti te onu koju treba izbjegavati. Bolesnik je
nakon razgovora s medicinskom sestrom verbalizirao nižu razinu straha.
Zaključak: Tijekom procesa zdravstvene njege bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom važan je
holistički i individualizirani pristup kojim se bolesniku pruža psihološka, fizička i socijalna
pomoć kako bi što prije stekao što veću razinu samostalnosti i poboljšao svoju kvalitetu života. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: based on the presentation of the case of a patient with arterial hypertension, to
present the most common problems and diagnoses in the field of health care, to set goals and
planned and implemented interventions aimed at solving the patient's existing problems.
Case: During the patient's hospitalization, the following diagnoses were established in the
process of health care: reduced ability to perform personal hygiene due to reduced effort, which
is manifested by the patient's statement: "I cannot wash my back and legs independently.";
reduced endurance due to cardiovascular disease, which is manifested by the patient's
statement: "It's harder for me to walk", and by the feeling of fatigue; inefficient breathing due
to increased blood pressure, which is manifested by the patient's statement: "It's hard for me to
breathe", and dyspnea; ignorance due to the lack of specific knowledge about nutrition in case
of high blood pressure, which is manifested by the patient's statement: "I don't know" and fear
due to the uncertain outcome of the disease, which is manifested by the patient's statement: "I'm
afraid." During hospitalization, the patient washed his head, hands, body and genitals on his
own, and with the help of a nurse, he washed his back and legs. The patient performed daily
activities with less effort. During hospitalization, the patient breathed without the presence of
dyspnea. After the education, the patient listed the foods he can eat and those he should avoid.
After talking with the nurse, the patient verbalized a lower level of fear.
Conclusion: During the process of healthcare for patients with arterial hypertension, a holistic
and individualized approach is important, which provides the patient with psychological,
physical and social assistance in order to gain the highest possible level of independence and
improve their quality of life as soon as possible. |