Abstract | Ciljevi: Ispitati udio komorbiditeta, učestalost smrtnog ishoda u odnosu na spol, dob i
prisutnost komorbiditeta, udio komorbiditeta u odnosu na spol i spol, te povezanost spola i
dobi s bolestima i debljinom preminulih nakon liječenja bolesti COVID-19 u KBC-u Osijek.
Nacrt studije: Studija je ustrojena kao presječno istraživanje.
Metode: Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je uvidom u Knjigu umrlih 2020. godine,
Kliničkog zavoda za patologiju i sudsku medicinu KBC-a Osijek. Podaci su šifrirani, ubačeni
u bazu podataka, te obrađeni osnovnim deskriptivnim statističkim metodama.
Rezultati: Značajno više preminulih muškoga spola je imalo 64 godine i manje, a ženskoga
spola 65 godina i više (P=0,01). Značajno više preminulih je imalo srčanožilnih bolesti u
odnosu na one koji ih nisu imali (P<0,001). Značajno više preminulih muškoga spola nije
imalo debljinu, a ženskog spola je imalo debljinu kao komorbiditet (P=0,001). Značajno više
preminulih u dobi od 65 i više godina imalo je srčanožilne bolesti (P=0,009), moždanožilne
bolesti (P=0,01) i bubrežne bolesti (P=0,01), dok je značajno više preminulih u dobi od 64 i
manje godina bilo pod imunosupresijom (P=0,01) i imalo debljinu kao komorbiditet
(P=0,005). Dob ispitanika je nisko pozitivno povezana sa spolom (P<0,001), moždanožilnim
(P=0,04) i srčanožilnim bolestima (P<0,001), a negativno s debljinom (P<0,001) i
imunosupresijom (P<0,001). Spol je nisko pozitivno povezan s debljinom (P=0,001).
Zaključak: Povećanjem broja komorbiditeta i životne dobi povećava se rizik za smrtni ishod
oboljelih od COVID-19. Kod osoba mlađe životne dobi potrebno je poticati mjere prevencije
debljine kako bi se smanjio rizik od neželjenog ishoda uslijed obolijevanja od COVID-19. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To examine the proportion of comorbidities, the frequency of death in relation to
gender, age and the presence of comorbidities, the proportion of comorbidities in relation to
sex and gender, and the connection of gender and age to diseases and obesity of those who
died after treatment for COVID-19 in Osijek Clinical Hospital.
Study design: The study is organized as cross-sectional research.
Methods: Data collection was carried out by examining the Register of Deaths in 2020, at the
Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine, Osijek Clinical Hospital. The data were
encrypted, entered into the database, and processed using basic descriptive statistical methods.
Results: Significantly more deceased males were aged 64 and under, and females were aged
65 and over (P=0.01). Significantly more deceased had cardiovascular diseases compared to
those who did not (P<0.001). Significantly more deceased males were not obese, and females
had obesity as a comorbidity (P=0.001). Significantly more deceased at the age of 65 and
older had cardiovascular disease (P=0.009), cerebrovascular disease (P=0.01) and kidney
disease (P=0.01), while significantly more deceased at the age of 64 and younger were under
immunosuppression (P=0.01) and had obesity as a comorbidity (P=0.005). The age of the
subjects has a low positive correlation with gender (P<0.001), cerebrovascular (P=0.04) and
cardiovascular diseases (P<0.001), and negative with obesity (P<0.001) and
immunosuppression (P<0.001). Gender has a low positive correlation with obesity (P=0.001).
Conclusion: An increase in the number of comorbidities and age increases the risk of death in
patients with COVID-19. Obesity prevention measures should be encouraged among younger
people in order to reduce the risk of an unwanted outcome due to contracting COVID-19. |