Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja je analizirati znanje i stavove ispitanica o redovitim ginekološkim pregledima te istražiti povezanost između njihovih sociodemografskih obilježja (dob, stupanj obrazovanja, mjesto stanovanja, bračni status, prisutnost djece) i stavova prema ginekološkim pregledima.
Nacrt studije: Provedeno je poprečno presječno istraživanje kako bi se analizirali trenutačni stavovi i percepcije ispitanika o temi istraživanja.
Ispitanici i metode: Provedeno je istraživanje na 70 dobrovoljnih ispitanica djelatnica Srednje škole Bedekovčina i Srednje škole Pregrada, poštujući etičke smjernice. Prikupljeni podaci su tretirani povjerljivo i korišteni samo u svrhu istraživanja. Istraživanje je trajalo od 04.03. do 07.04.2023. Korištena je Google anketa s 24 pitanja o ginekološkim pregledima. Analiza podataka obuhvatila je deskriptivne statističke metode i testove razlika među varijablama. Statistička značajnost postavljena je na p < 0,05. Za obradu podataka korišten je IBM SPSS 25.
Rezultati: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 70 ispitanica. 34,3% ispitanica ima između 31 i 40 godina, a 70% ima visoku stručnu spremu. 35,7% ispitanica živi u urbanim područjima. Većina ispitanica (85,7%) je u braku ili izvanbračnoj zajednici, a 78,6% ima djecu. 65,7% ispitanica ima ginekologa u sklopu HZZO-a. Prvi ginekološki pregled obavile su u dobi od 18 do 24 godine. Većina ispitanica (65,7%) ide na ginekološki pregled jednom godišnje, a isto misli i 64,3% njih koje smatraju da bi trebalo ići na preventivni ginekološki pregled jednom godišnje. 78,6% ispitanica redovito ide na ginekološke preglede, a 44,3% ne odgađa ove preglede. 57,1% ispitanica nije cijepilo svoje dijete protiv HPV-a, a 88,6% ispitanica sebe nije cijepilo protiv HPV-a. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na razlike u odgovorima ispitanica prema dobi, obrazovanju, bračnom statusu i prisutnosti djece. Ispitanice imaju dobro znanje o rizicima i preventivi vezanoj za rak vrata maternice.
Zaključak: Većina ispitanica redovito odlazi na ginekološke preglede i prepoznaje njihovu važnost. Postoji razlika u izboru ginekologa ovisno o stupnju obrazovanja, bračnom statusu i prisutnosti djece. Istraživanje može pomoći u educiranju žena o pregledima i razvoju strategija podrške njihovom reproduktivnom zdravlju. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The research aims to analyze the knowledge and attitudes of respondents regarding regular gynecological examinations and explore the association between their socio-demographic characteristics (age, education level, place of residence, marital status, presence of children) and attitudes towards gynecological examinations.
Study design: A cross-sectional study was conducted to analyze the current attitudes and perceptions of the participants on the research topic.
Respondents and methods: The study included 70 voluntary female participants from Secondary school Bedekovčina and Secondary school Pregrada, following ethical guidelines. The collected data were treated confidentially and used solely for research purposes. The research was conducted from 4th March to 7th April, 2023. A Google survey with 24 questions on gynecological examinations was used. Data analysis involved descriptive statistical methods and tests of differences between variables. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05, IBM SPSS 25 was used for data processing.
Results: The study included 70 participants. 34.3% of the respondents were aged between 31 and 40, and 70% had a high level of education. 35.7% of the participants lived in urban areas. The majority of respondents (85.7%) were married or in a domestic partnership, and 78.6% had children. 65.7% of the participants had a gynecologist within the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO). They had their first gynecological examination between the ages of 18 and 24. The majority of respondents (65.7%) had an annual gynecological examination, and 64.3% believed that preventive gynecological examinations should be done once a year. 78.6% of the participants regularly attended gynecological examinations, and 44.3% did not postpone these examinations. 57.1% of the participants had not vaccinated their child against HPV, and 88.6% of the participants had not received HPV vaccination themselves. The research results indicate differences in respondents' answers based on age, education, marital status, and presence of children. The respondents demonstrated good knowledge of the risks and prevention related to cervical cancer.
Conclusion: The majority of respondents regularly attend gynecological examinations and recognize their importance. There are differences in the choice of gynecologist depending on education level, marital status, and presence of children. The research can contribute to educating women about examinations and developing strategies to support their reproductive health. |