Abstract | Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je ispitati karakteristike pacijenata-ica koji su upućeni specijalisti
parodontologu u specijalističku ordinaciju KBC Osijek. Ispitivane karakteristike su spol, dob,
razlog dolaska, pušački status, lijekovi, alergije, ostale bolesti, covid imunizacija, stanje u
ustima, gubitak kosti, parodontološki aspekt, dijagnoza i dodatna dijagnoza.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici su punoljetni pacijenti upućeni specijalistu parodontologu,
muškog i ženskog spola. Uzet je uzorak od 100 pacijenata. Zatražena je dozvola etičkog
povjerenstva KBC Osijek, čije je odobrenje omogućilo uvid u kartone pacijenata. Od
navedenih podataka napravljena je statistička analiza.
Rezultati: Uzorak ispitanika u ovom istraživanju činilo je (70%) muškaraca i (30%) žena. Dob
ispitanika kretala se između 18-80 godina. Parodontitis je dijagnoza kod (76%) pacijenata, a
gingivitis kod (24%) pacijenata. Gotovo svi pacijenti (95%) upućeni su od strane svog doktora
dentalne medicine, a kao glavni razlog dolaska navode pomičnost zuba, te krvarenje i
povlačenje gingive (42%). Svi pacijenti imaju saniranu usnu šupljinu ispunima i/ili protetikom
i zabilježen je uredan ortodontski aspekt (61%). Većina su ih ne pušači (53%), nemaju alergije
(88%), ne boluju od ostalih bolesti (64%) i nemaju prepisanu terapiju (65%). Svi pacijenti sa
dijagnozom parodontitis imaju zabilježen gubitak kosti i svima je nužna inicijalna terapija, uz
pozitivne nalaze na API, PBI i PD. Pacijenti sa dijagnozom gingivitis imaju zabilježen pozitivan
nalaz na API i PBI. Od parodontitisa boluju stariji pacijenti-ce i češće imaju i ostale sistemske
bolesti za razliku od onih s gingivitisom.
Zaključak: Zapažena je visoka prevalencija parodontitisa kod pacijenata upućenih specijalistu
parodontologu. Prema dijagnozama gingivitis i parodontitis nije statistički zapažena
prevalencija alergija, lijekova, ostalih bolesti i ortodontskih anomalija. Sanirana usna šupljina
potvrđuje prethodno lošu oralnu higijenu koja je prethodila pojavi gingivitisa i parodontitisa.
Također, muškarci su znatno više upućeni specijalistu parodontologu, što dovodi do zaključka
da manje od žena paze na preventivnu skrb. |
Abstract (english) | Aim: The aim of this research is to examine the characteristics of patients who are referred to
the periodontal specialist at the Specialist Clinic of the University Hospital Centre Osijek. The
characteristics studied are gender, age, reason for referral, smoking status, medications,
allergies, other diseases, COVID vaccination, oral condition, bone loss, periodontal aspects,
diagnosis, and additional diagnosis.
Participants and methods: Participants were adult patients referred to a periodontal specialist,
both male and female. A sample of 100 patients was taken. The study was conducted based on
previously collected patient data. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of
the University Hospital Centre Osijek, whose approval allowed access to patient records.
Information was collected from these records, including gender, age, reason for referral,
smoking status, medications, allergies, other diseases, COVID vaccination, oral condition, bone
loss, periodontal aspects, diagnosis, and additional diagnoses. Statistical analysis was
conducted on the collected data.
Results: The sample of participants in this study consisted of 70% males and 30% females. The
age of the participants ranged from 18 to 80 years. Periodontitis was diagnosed in 76% of the
patients, while gingivitis was diagnosed in 24% of the patients. Almost all patients (95%) were
referred by their dentist citing tooth mobility, bleeding, and gingival recession (42%) as the
main reasons for referral. All patients had had their oral cavities restored with fillings and/or
prosthetics, and 61% had a healthy orthodontic aspect. The majority were non-smokers (53%),
had no allergies (88%), did not suffer from any other diseases (64%), and were not on any
prescribed therapy (65%). All patients with a diagnosis of periodontitis had recorded bone loss,
and all required initial therapy, with positive findings on the API, PBI, and PD. Patients
diagnosed of gingivitis had positive findings on the API and PBI.
Conclusion: A high prevalence of periodontitis was observed in patients referred to a
periodontal specialist. According to the diagnoses of gingivitis and periodontitis, there was no
statistically significant prevalence of allergies, medications, other diseases, or orthodontic
anomalies. The restored oral cavity confirms previous poor oral hygiene that preceded the
development of gingivitis and periodontitis. In addition, men were significantly more likely to
be referred to a periodontal specialist, suggesting that women are less attentive to preventive
care. |