Abstract | Telemetrijski podatci sve su više zastupljeni u automobilističkom svijetu. Osim što ih nameću razne norme i standardi, oni su i potreba jer daju bolji uvid u funkcioniranje i performanse automobila. U okviru ovog rada dan je uvid u to što su zapravo telemetrijski podatci, kako se koriste, kako se dijele itd. Uz telemetrijske podatke i automobile veže se i protokol koji je neizostavni dio svakog novijeg automobila, a to je protokol CAN. Razvijen je upravo za potrebe automobilske industrije, a u ovom radu dan je uvid u njegovu povijest i razvoj te u mogućnosti koje nudi. Protokol se i dalje razvija i unaprjeđuje te nudi i neke nove mogućnosti koje nisu opisane u ovome radu, međutim, dan je detaljan pregled većine njegovih mogućnosti, što je više nego dovoljno da se dobije uvid u princip njegova rada i korištenja. Protokol je vrlo robustan te je idealan za okruženje puno smetnji, promjena temperatura, vlage, interferencija itd., koje je prisutno unutar automobila, bilo s unutarnjim izgaranjem, hibrida ili električnog. Osim toga, dan je kratak uvid u uređaje i tehnologije koji se koriste u okviru ovog rada. Uređaji su opisani, dane su neke njihove osnovne karakteristike te je objašnjena njihova uloga unutar ovog rada. Nakon toga, dana je i objašnjena arhitektura implementiranog sustava te je napravljena detaljna analiza implementacije. Implementacija je, kao što je prikazano u arhitekturi, podijeljena na dva dijela koji međusobno komuniciraju uporabom protokola CAN. Na kraju rada, dan je zaključak te moguće opcije nadogradnje i unaprjeđenja implementiranog sustava. |
Abstract (english) | Telemetry data is increasingly represented in the automotive world. In addition to being imposed by various norms and standards, they are also a necessity because they give a better insight into the functioning and performance of the car. In this thesis, an insight about what telemetry data is, how it is used, how it is shared, etc. is given. Along with telemetry data and cars, there is also a protocol that is an indispensable part of every newer car, which is the CAN protocol. It was developed specifically for the needs of the automotive industry, and this paper provides an insight into its history and development, as well as the possibilities it offers. The protocol is still being developed and improved and offers some new possibilities that are not described in this paper, however, a detailed overview of most of its possibilities is given, which is more than enough to gain an insight into the principle of its operation and use. The protocol is very robust and is ideal for an environment full of interference, changes in temperature, humidity, interference, etc., which is present inside a car, whether with internal combustion, hybrid or electric. In addition, a brief overview of the devices and technologies used in this work is given. The devices are described, some of their basic characteristics are given, and their role within this paper is explained. After that, the architecture of the implemented system was explained, and a detailed analysis of the implementation was made. The implementation, as shown in the architecture, is divided into two parts that communicate with each other using the CAN protocol. At the end of the work, a conclusion is given and possible options for upgrading and improving the implemented system. |