Title Utjecaj društvenih mreža na privatnost korisnika Interneta
Title (english) Impact of social networks on Internet user privacy
Author Luka Delonga
Mentor Dražen Dragičević (mentor)
Committee member Tihomir Katulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordan Ježić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marin Vuković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing
Abstract Specijalističkim radom obrađena je tema povrede privatnosti korisnika interneta te utjecaja društvenih mreža na nju. Tehnološki napredak i pojava interneta omogućili su nastanak društvenih mreža, a upravo su društvene mreže postavile temelj za nastanak novih usluga utemeljenih na internetskoj platformi koje istiskuju tradicionalne elektroničko-komunikacijske usluge. Nove usluge nude više od tradicionalnih, ali zauzvrat da bi ih se moglo koristiti uglavnom zahtijevaju pristanak korisnika na prikupljanje i obradu osobnih podataka. Mogućnosti novih tehnologija te prikupljanje i obrada osobnih podataka stvorile su okolnosti u kojima su ugrožene nesmetana komunikacija, tajnost dopisivanja, sloboda izražavanja, tj. ugroženo je pravo na privatnost pojedinca zagarantirano zakonskim propisima i međunarodnim ugovorima, a zaštita osobnih podataka postala je primarna mjera kojom se ostvaruje pravo na privatnost korisnika interneta. Rad je podijeljen u četiri dijela. U prvom dijelu analizira se broj korisnika interneta, broj korisnika društvenih mreža, ukazuje se na porast novih komunikacijskih usluga u svijetu koje zamjenjuju tradicionalne poput SMS-a, a koje zakonski gotovo da nisu regulirane, što stvara potrebu interveniranja u regulatorne okvire. U drugom dijelu definira se pojam privatnosti, analizira većina relevantnih dokumenata kojima se štiti privatnost korisnika interneta te konkretnim primjerima povrede privatnosti korisnika, usporedno s analizom, ukazuje na njihove nedostatke u odnosu na izazove koje donose nove tehnologije i nove usluge. U trećem dijelu obrađuje se pojam umrežavanja, dijeljenja podataka, ponašanje korisnika unutar društvenih mreža te ukazuje na nove prijetnje po privatnost korisnika i društva u cjelini, a koje se dijelom ili u cijelosti provode putem društvenih mreža. Nadalje, analiziraju se preporuke radnih skupina i međunarodnih tijela za povećanje sigurnosti privatnosti korisnika društvenih mreža. U četvrtom dijelu analizira se broj korisnika interneta i društvenih mreža u Republici Hrvatskoj, njihove navike i poznavanje zakonskih propisa.
Abstract (english) Specialist work deals with the topic of violation of privacy of the Internet users and the impact of social networks on it. Technological progress and the emergence of the Internet enabled the emergence of social networks, and it was social networks that laid the foundation for the emergence of new services based on the Internet platform that displace traditional electronic communication services. New services offer more than traditional electronic communication services, but in return for being able to use them, they generally require the user's consent to the collection and processing of personal data. The possibilities of new technologies and the collection and processing of personal data have created circumstances in which unhindered communication, secrecy of correspondence, and freedom of expression are threatened, i.e. the right to privacy of the individual guaranteed by legal regulations and international agreements is threatened, and the protection of personal data has become the primary measure by which the right to privacy of Internet users is achieved. The content of the paper is diveded in four parts. First part analyses the number of Internet users and the number of social network users, points out on the increase of new communication services in the world that are replacing traditional ones, such as SMS, and which for the most part are not legally regulated and create the need for interventions in the regulatory framework. Second part defines privacy of Internet users, analyses majority of relevant documents that are intended to protect privacy of Internet users, with concrete examples of privacy abuse, parallel to analysis, points out on the disadvantages of that documents in comparison with the challenges that new technologies and new services bring. Third part analyses the concept of networking, data sharing, user behavior which are partly or entirely implemented through social networks and points out on the new threats on user privacy and the privacy of society as a whole. Furthermore, it analyses the recomendations of work groups and international bodies for increasing security of social network user privacy. Four part analyses number of Internet users and social network users in Republic of Croatia, their habits and knowledge of legal regulations.
društvene mreže
navike korisnika
zaštita privatnosti
zakonski propisi
Keywords (english)
social networks
user habits
privacy protection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:688181
Study programme Title: Electronic Communications Market Regulation Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni specijalist regulacije tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija (sveučilišni specijalist regulacije tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-05-03 11:01:11