Title Povećanje točnosti mjerenja profila brzine zvuka u moru
Title (english) Improvement of Accuracy in the Measurement of Sound Speed Profiles in the Sea
Author Predrag Vukadin
Mentor Branko Somek (mentor)
Committee member Ante Šantić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branko Somek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav-Josip Mlinarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojan Ivančević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Domitrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Electroacoustics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2002-04-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621.3 - Electrical engineering
Abstract U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj brzine zvuka na način širenja zvuka u moru te mogućnosti povećanja točnosti mjerenja profila brzine zvuka u moru. Temeljem ovih istraživanja razrađen je novi pristup mjerenju profila brzine zvuka u moru. Izveden je osnovni matematički model širenja zvuka u moru zasnovan na teoriji akustičkih zraka. Pomoću tog modela, utvrđen je utjecaj profila brzine zvuka na način širenja zvuka u moru i njihova međusobna ovisnost. Proučeni su hidrografski parametri Jadranskog
... More mora relevantni za određivanje brzine zvuka (temperatura, slanost). Na osnovi postojećih rezultata hidrografskih mjerenja, ustanovljena je izrazita promjenjivost slanosti i temperature kroz doba dana i godišnja doba, a time i profila brzine zvuka. Analizirane su najčešće korištene metode za određivanje brzine zvuka u moru (impulsno-kružna, fazna i neizravna STD - iz izmjerene temperature, slanosti i tlaka), te utvrđena njihova točnost. Utvrđeno je da je za područje mjerenja brzine zvuka koje postoji u Jadranskom moru, optimalna impulsno-kružna metoda. Kao posljedica istraživanja utjecaja profila brzine zvuka na širenje zvuka u moru i postojećih načina mjerenja brzine zvuka u vodi, uočena je mogućnost novog načina mjerenja profila brzine zvuka s povećanom točnošću. Razrađen je novi algoritam mjerenja, nazvan algoritmom izravne kalibracije i automatske korekcije greške mjerenja, koji povećava točnost klasične impulsno-kružne metode. Prikladnim načinom kalibracije izravno se dobijaju nepoznati parametri za koje je utvrđeno da opisuju uzroke greške pri mjerenju. To su temperaturni koeficijent rastezanja (α) akustičke baze, ukupno vrijeme kašnjenja akustičkog signala (τ) i točna duljina akustičke baze (d). S tako određenim parametrima, pri svakom daljnjem mjerenju, rezultati se automatski korigiraju i time bitno povećava točnost mjerenja. U laboratorijskim uvjetima, točnost metode ovisi samo o točnosti mjerenja temperature vode u kojoj se brzina zvuka mjeri. Tako se uz točnost mjerenje temperature od 0.01 °C, može postići točnost mjerenja brzine zvuka bolja od 0.04 m/s u cijelom području mjerenja. Posebna pozornost posvećena je mogućnosti primjene ovakve metode za mjerenje profila brzine zvuka u Jadranskom moru. Proučena je mogućnost korištenja predloženog algoritma u stvarnim dinamičkim uvjetima mjerenja na moru. U takvim uvjetima, promjene temperature materijala od kojih je načinjena akustička baza mjerača (a time i promjena njene duljine) neće pratiti promjene na osjetilu temperature na mjeraču, pa korekcija greške uzrokovane promjenom duljine akustičke baze neće biti ispravna. Stoga je utvrđeno kakvi su vremenski odzivi akustičke baze i osjetila temperature na temperaturnu promjenu, te definiran koeficijent temperaturne promjene, kao parametar temperaturne promjene kojoj je izložen mjerač profila brzine zvuka u stvarnim uvjetima mjerenja. Koeficijent temperaturne promjene opisuje temperaturnu promjenu kao posljedicu gradijenta promjene temperature u moru i trajanja (brzine) mjerenja. Razrađen je matematički model mjerenja u stvarnim (dinamičkim) uvjetima i utvrđeno pri kojim se uvjetima mjerenja može postići povećana točnost. Izvedeni su izrazi koji izravno povezuju točnost mjerenja s gradijentom temperature mora i trajanjem (brzinom) mjerenja, opisanih koeficijentom temperaturne promjene. Pokazana je mogućnost postizanja povećane točnosti i u stvarnim uvjetima mjerenja. Provedena je eksperimentalna provjera na izrađenom modelu mjerača i dokazano povećanje točnosti primjenom predloženog algoritma. Less
Abstract (english) In this work, the influence of the speed of sound on the propagation of sound in the sea, and the possibilities for the improvement of the sound speed profile measurement accuracy were investigated. Based on this research, a new approach to the sound speed profile measurement was developed. A basic mathematical model for sound propagation in the sea, based on the ray theory, was introduced. With that model, the influence of the sound speed profile on the propagation of sound and their
... More interdependence, were determined. The Adriatic Sea hydrographic data relevant for the sound speed determination (salinity, temperature) were studied. On the basis of the available results of numerous hydrographic and oceanographic measurements, extensive daily and seasonal, fluctuations of both, temperature and salinity are determined, which means that there are extensive fluctuations in the sound speed profile as well. The methods most frequently used for the sound speed measurements (sing-around, phase, STD) were analyzed, and their accuracy defined. For the sound speed profile measurement in the Adriatic Sea, the sing-around method was found to be optimal. Researching the influence of the speed of sound on the propagation of sound in the sea and analysing the existing measurement methods, a possibility for the measurement of the sound speed profile with an increased accuracy was discovered. The new measuring algorithm, named direct calibration and automated error correction algorithm was developed. It improves the measurement accuracy of the basic sing-around method. Applying proper calibration method, the parameters describing the causes responsible for the major measurement errors, are directly calculated. These parameters are thermal expansion coefficient (α), the acoustic signal total delay time ( τ ) and the acoustic base exact lenght (d). With the so calculated parameters, the measurement results are being automaticaly corrected in the real time, and the measurement accuracy is thus considerably increased. In the laboratory conditions, the total method accuracy depends only on the accuracy of the measurement of the water temperature in which sound speed measurement is done. With the water temperature measurement accuracy of 0.01°C, the total sound speed measurement accuracy better than 0.04 m/s can be attained in the whole measurement range. Special attention was paid to the possibility of applying this algorithm to the real time sound speed profile measurements in the Adriatic Sea. The possibility of applying the proposed algorithm in the dynamic conditions of the real environment was studied. In such conditions, the temperature changes in the material of the acoustic base would not follow the temperature changes recorded by the temperaure sensor on the profiler device. As a consequence, the automated error correction will not be proper. During the research, the time response of the temperature sensor and the acoustic base on the temperature change was determined, as well as their time constants. Also, the coefficient of temperature change was introduced as the descriptor of the temperature change the profiler device is subjected to during the measurement in the seawater. The coefficient includes the change due to temperature gradient of the seawater and the rate at which the device is being descended (duration of the measurement) during the measurement. A mathematical model of the dynamic measurement in the real seawater environment was also developed. The formulas directly linking the measurement accuracy with the coefficient of temperature change (temperature gradient of the seawater and the rate of the descending), were derived. With these formulas, the possibility of the measurement accuracy improvement in the dynamic conditions in the real seawater environment is demonstrated. The experimental confirmation on the built profiler device prototype, proved the accuracy improvement with the implementation of the proposed algorithm. Less
Brzina zvuka u tekućinama
brzina zvuka u destiliranoj vodi
profil brzine zvuka u moru
impulsno-kružna metoda
fazna metoda
neizravna (STD) metoda
povećanje točnosti mjerenja
algoritam izravne kalibracije i automatizirane korekcije greške
koeficijent temperaturne promjene
Keywords (english)
Sound speed in liquids
sound speed in destilled water
sound speed profile in seawater
sing-around method
phase method
STD method
measurement accuracy improvement
direct calibration and automated error correction algorithm
coefficient of temperature change
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:336854
Study programme Title: Doctoral study programme "Electrical Engineering and Computing" Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2019-04-26 10:37:28