Title Razvoj demonstracijske umrežene višekorisničke igre u sustavu Unity
Title (english) Development of a Demonstration Networked Multiplayer Game in Unity Game Engine
Author Domagoj Kudek
Mentor Mirko Sužnjević (mentor)
Committee member Mirko Sužnjević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sara Vlahović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Matea Žilak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing
Abstract Videoigra za više igrača, ili „multiplayer“ igra je skupina igara u kojima u istom okruženju igre može sudjelovati više igrača u isto vrijeme. Dijelimo ih na dvije osnovne skupine, offline i online multiplayer igre. Ovaj rad fokusira se prije svega na online vrstu multiplayer igara. One su sastavni dio većine današnjih videoigara zbog svojih jedinstvenih karakteristika. Pružaju jednu vrlo duboku socijalnu komponentu koja se sa kvalitetnom zajednicom igrača može proširiti van rubova same igre, na društvene mreže, online video servise, forume, igrači stvaraju „fan art“ temeljen na igrama, čak postoji i dio igrača koji se profesionalno bavi kompetitivnim igranjem multiplayer igara. Kroz povijest, jačanjem snage računala, brzine interneta i širenja igara na brojne uređaje iskustvo online igranja je neprepoznatljivo u usporedbi sa svojim skromnim počecima. Cilj ovog rada bio je osmisliti jednostavnu pokaznu višekorisničku igru rađenu u sustavu Unity. Ta igra služiti će studentima kao izvor osnovnih znanja i koncepata vezanih uz implementaciju i način rada jedne multiplayer igre. Studenti će moći kroz praktično testiranje igre te kasnije proučavanje implementacije saznati funkcionalnosti Photon Networking dodatka za Unity koji omogućuje online igru. Koncept igre oslanja se na dobro poznate igre spajanja početka i kraja levela s rotirajućim blokovima kojima je moguće ostvariti konekciju. Takav koncept viđen je u igrama gdje je cilj povezati stanice vlakova ili spojiti cijevi vodovoda kako bi vodoopskrbni sustav pravilno radio. Multiplayer funkcionalnost svodi se na kooperativni način igre u kojem 2 igrača zajedno surađuju s ciljem rješavanja zagonetke. Kako sama zagonetka ne bi pre brzo postala repetitivna, leveli igre će se pri svakom pokretanju nasumično generirati. Sama implementacija igre pokazala se zahtjevnom baš zbog prijašnje navedene generacije levela. Kod implementacije online komponente važno je bilo ostvariti potrebne veze među Photon poslužiteljem i korisnikom koji se spaja na jedan od stvorenih prostora na poslužitelju te kasnije soba. Za kvalitetno multiplayer iskustvo, važno je bilo osigurati brzinu izvođena igre i njezine sinkronizacije među igračima. Iskustvo igranja bez kašnjenja i brojnih anomalija prioritet je kod korištenja internetske mreže koja zna biti vrlo nepredvidljiva i varijabilna. Dizajn igre zbog vremenskog ograničenja rada morao je biti maksimalno jednostavan. Igra se odvija u energetskom postrojenju i pruža osnovne audio i vizualne efekte jednog 3D virtualnog okruženja. Multiplayer igre važan su dio tržišta igara te iz godine u godinu rastu u popularnosti. Mnoge će kompleksnost implementacije na prvi pogled odbiti od realizacije ideje online igre, ali ako pogledamo sve moguće pogodnosti koje nam takva implementacija pruža, sa sigurnošću možemo zaključiti kako se vrijeme potrebno za realizaciju online igre u konačnici višestruko isplati.
Abstract (english) Multiplayer video games, or a "multiplayer" game is a group of games in which the same game environment can play multiple players at the same time. We divide them into two basic groups, offline and online multiplayer games. This paper focuses primarily on the online kind of multiplayer games. They are an integral part of most of today's video games due to their unique features. They provide a very deep social component that can expand with the quality community of gamers beyond the edges of the game, social networks, online video services, forums, players create fan-based games, there is even a part of players who are professionally engaged in competing gaming multiplayer games. Through history, gaining strength in computers, internet speeds, and gaming on many devices, the online gaming experience is unrecognizable compared to its humble beginnings. The aim of this paper was to design a simple multiplayer game created in Unity. This game will serve as a source of basic knowledge and concepts related to the implementation and the mode of operation of a multiplayer game. Students will be able to learn the functionalities of the Photon Networking Plugin for Unity that enables the online game through the hands-on testing of the game and later on the study of the implementation. The concept of the game relies on a well-known game of start and end joining games with rotating blocks that can be used to connect. Such a concept is seen in games where the goal is to connect the train cells or to connect the pipes to the water supply system properly. Multiplayer functionality is reduced to a cooperative game mode in which 2 players work together to solve the puzzle. As the puzzle itself does not quickly become repetitive, the games level will be randomly generated at each run. The implementation of the game itself proved to be demanding because of the previous generation of levels. When implementing an online component, it was important to have the necessary connections between the Photon server and the user who joins one of the created spaces on the server and later on the room. For a high-quality multiplayer experience, it was important to ensure the speed of the game played and its synchronization among the players. The experience of playing without delays and numerous anomalies is a priority when using an internet network that can be very unpredictable and variable. The design of the game due to the time limit of work has to be maximally simple. The game takes place in an energy plant and provides the basic audio and visual effects of a 3D virtual environment. Multiplayer games are an important part of the gaming market and grow year after year in popularity. Many of the complexity of the implementation will at first glance be discouraged from the realization of the online gaming idea, but if we look at all possible benefits provided by such an implementation, we can safely conclude that the time it takes to complete the online game is ultimately worth the money.
Višekorisnička igra
Računalna igra
Keywords (english)
Multiplayer game
Computer game
Video Game
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:972442
Study programme Title: Computing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka računarstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka računarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Public note
Created on 2020-01-07 19:29:16