Title Samooblikujuća arhitektura sustava zasnovanih na uslugama
Title (english) Self-Shaping Architecture of Service-Oriented Systems
Author Ivan Benc
Mentor Siniša Srbljić (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Bogunović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Siniša Srbljić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Huljenić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andro Milanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlado Sruk (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer and Intelligent Systems) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2008-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Computing Architecture of Computer Systems
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing
Abstract Samoupravljivi sustavi ostvaruju upravljačku logiku koja automatizira i pojednostavnjuje gospodarenje računalnim sustavom. Primjena postojećih samoupravljivih arhitektura u području računarstva zasnovanog na uslugama nije moguća. Naime, postojeće samoupravljive arhitekture upravljaju sustavom ugađanjem parametara ili dinamičkom zamjenom pojedinih elemenata sustava, što u sustavima zasnovanim na uslugama nije moguće jer strukture pojedinih usluga od kojih je sustav izgrađen u pravilu nisu
... More dostupne. U doktorskoj disertaciji predloženo je samooblikovanje, nova metoda samoupravljanja sustavima posebno pogodna za automatizirano upravljanje sustavima zasnovanim na uslugama. Kod samooblikovanja, sustavom se upravlja dinamičkim preoblikovanjem arhitekture sustava kojim se prilagođuje broj, tip i način povezivanja elementa arhitekture sustava. Nadalje, dio elemenata arhitekture sintetizira se tijekom izvođenja sustava u skladu s važećim oblikom arhitekture sustava. Naposljetku, zbog djelovanja na razini arhitekture sustava, algoritmi samooblikovanja su prilagodljivi te se mogu uporabiti za upravljanje u više različitih primjenskih sustava. U radu je definirana samooblikujuca arhitektura zasnovana na dokumentima koja opisuje samooblikujući sustav dokumentima, elementima obrade i tokom dokumenata kroz sustav. Nadalje, definirana je i samooblikujuća arhitektura sustava zasnovanih na uslugama koja ostvaruje prethodno navedenu arhitekturu programskim modelom zasnovanim na uslugama i jezikom XML. U sklopu samooblikujuće arhitekture definirani su na XML-u zasnovani jezici kojima je moguće opisati stanje sustava, oblike arhitekture koje sustav može poprimiti te elemente koji se sintetiziraju tijekom izvođenja. Navedena arhitektura i jezici omogućuju opisivanje sustava zasnovanog na uslugama skupom XML dokumenata, analiziranje i preoblikovanje sustava na razini dokumenata te provedbu prilagodbi sustava napravljenih na dokumentima u programski sustav. Predložena samooblikujuća arhitektura vrednovana je algoritmom samooblikovanja za gospodarenje sredstvima sustava. Algoritam ostvaruje ekonomičan rad sustava uravnotežujući radna svojstva sustava s potrošnjom računalnih sredstava. Primjenjivost i valjanost predložene arhitekture i algoritma ocijenjeni su ispitnim slučajem samooblikovanja Posrednika zasnovanog na uslugama. Less
Abstract (english) Self-management systems implement self-controlling logic that automates the management of the system. The application of existing self-management architectures in service-oriented systems is limited because existing self-management architectures control systems by tuning component parameters or replacing the individual components of the system. Applying this type of control in service-oriented systems is restricted, because the system composer does not know the internal organization of
... More individual system components. In this doctoral thesis, we propose and describe self-shaping. Self-shaping is a new method of self management that is particularly suited for the management of service oriented systems. In self-shaping, system is controlled by dynamically reshaping system architecture. Specifically, the number, type and way of connecting architecture elements of a system are altered dynamically. Furthermore, some architectural elements are dynamically synthesized during system run-time to accommodate to the current system architecture. Moreover, since self shaping algorithms operate on the system architecture level, they can be customized and applied for the management of many different applications. In the thesis, we define document-based self-shaping architecture that describes the operation of self-shaping system using documents, processing elements and prescribed document flow. In addition, we define the self-shaping architecture of service-oriented systems that implements the document-based self-shaping architecture using service-oriented programming model and XML. As a part of self-shaping architecture, we define three XML based languages. The languages enable defining the system state, the architectures system can implement, and the services that are synthesized dynamically. The self-shaping architecture enables representing service oriented system with a set of XML documents, analyzing and reshaping the system on the document representation level, and enforcing architecture modifications planned on the document level in the actual system. The self-shaping architecture is evaluated with a self-shaping algorithm that balances system performance and system resource consumption. The algorithm is applied in a test case study that observes the self-shaping of a service-oriented mediator system. Less
sustavi zasnovani na dokumentima
računarstvo zasnovano na uslugama
dinamičke arhitekture
preoblikovanje arhitekture
sinteza elemenata arhitekture
gospodarenje sredstvima sustava
Keywords (english)
document-based systems
service-oriented computing
dynamic architectures
architecture reshaping
architecture element synthesis
resource usage optimization
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:236123
Study programme Title: Computer Science Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: Doktor znanosti (Doktor znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2020-05-21 12:39:42