Title Kontinuirani referentni model radijskoga kanala s višestrukim ulazima i izlazima temeljen na entitetima zraka.
Title (english) Continuous reference model of multiple-input-multiple-output radio channel based on ray entities.
Author Nikola Mataga MBZ: -333742
Mentor Radovan Zentner (mentor)
Committee member Radovan Zentner (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Communication and Space Technologies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering Radio Communications
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 621.3 - Electrical engineering
Abstract Trendovi i tehnologije u telekomunikacijama i radijskim komunikacijama ubrzano se razvijaju. Danas se već naširoko priča o implementaciji mobilnih sustava pete generacije (5G) koji nisu samo u fokusu inženjera i znanstvenika već i velikih tvrtki i svjetskih vlada. Neki od izazova 5G sustava su modeliranje za milimetarsko frekvencijsko područje, veliki kapacitet, masivni MIMO sustavi, jako veliki broj konekcija, niske latencije, modeliranje komunikacije uređaj-uređaj gdje oba uređaja ili vozila mogu biti mobilna, modeliranje prostora s velikim brojem ljudi i modeliranje niske potrošnje energije. Jedan od odgovora na ovakve izazove je i deterministički model kanala baziran na entitetima zraka. Ovaj rad opisuje kontinuirani referentni model mobilnog MIMO kanala koji, iako je proizašao iz diskretnih simulacija metodom slijeđenja zrake (engl. ray-tracing, RT), zapravo se temelji na konceptu entiteta zrake koji je ključan kako bi se dobila kontinuiranost i prostorna konzistentnost. Prostorna konzistentnost je vrlo bitna za 5G kao i bilo koji drugi MIMO sustav, budući da klasični stohastički bazirani modeli kanala ne osiguravaju prostornu konzistentnost. Deterministički referentni modeli kanala koriste se za testiranje i komparaciju novih radijskih sustava, a specifični su jer se za razliku od dosada dominantno korištenih stohastičkih modela baziraju na direktnoj fizikalnoj slici. Model u ovom radu temelji se na konceptu entiteta zrake, skupu zraka koje istim redoslijedom prolaze istu seriju interakcija s okolinom, a omogućuje kontinuiranu interpolaciju, prostornu konzistentnost kanala i značajno smanjenje potrebe za memorijom. Za ostvarenje determinističkog modela kanala razrađeni su tipovi entiteta zrake, razvijena je formula za prijenosnu matricu RT SISO kanala, a razrađen je i algoritam za određivanje i pohranu područja vidljivosti entiteta zrake. Razvijen je algoritam za enkodiranje podataka u zrake te za enkodiranje iz entiteta u proizvoljnu rutu na enkodiranom području. Finalno je formula za prijenosnu funkciju RT SISO kanala poopćena na prijenosnu matricu MIMO kanala, temeljem nje izračunat je MIMO kapacitet, a razvijen je i koncept i algoritam proizvoljne rotacije antena kako bi se proizvoljno orijentirana antena mogla implementirati u model. Iako je sam model (back-end) razvijen, sljedeći koraci su razvoj grafičkog sučelja (front-end) kako bi korisnik mogao definirati scenarije, rute, antene i radijske sustave za testiranje u ovom simulatoru kanala.
Abstract (english) Trends and technologies in telecommunications and radio communications are evolving rapidly. Today, everybody is talking about the implementation of fifth generation (5G) of mobile systems, and now 5G is in focus of not only engineers and scientists but also of large companies and world governments. Some of the challenges for 5G systems channels are modeling for the millimeter frequency band, high capacity, massive MIMO systems, very high number of connections, low latency, device-to-device communication modeling where both devices or vehicles can be mobile, very high density environments modelling, and low energy consumption modelling. One of the answers to these challenges is the deterministic reference channel model based on ray entities. This thesis describes a continuous reference model of a mobile MIMO channel, which although derived from discrete ray tracing simulations, is actually based on the concept of ray entities that is key to obtain continuity and spatial consistency. Spatial consistency is very important for 5G and for every other MIMO system, since standard stochastic based channel models can’t model for this phenomenon. The deterministic channel reference models are used to test and compare new radio systems, and unlike the stochastic models, they are based on a physical representation of the channel. This model is based on the concept of ray entities, a set of rays that undergo the same series of interactions with the environment in the same order which allows for continuous interpolation, spatial consistency and a significant reduction in storage. For the realization of this model, types of ray entities were developed, the formula for the transmission matrix of the RT SISO channel was developed, and the algorithm for determining the visibility area of the ray entities was developed. Algorithms to encode data into rays and to decode from entities into arbitrary routes in the encoded area were developed. Finally, the formula for the RT SISO channel transfer function was generalized to the MIMO channel transfer matrix, the MIMO capacity was calculated, and the concept and algorithm of arbitrary antenna rotation was developed so that an arbitrarily oriented antenna could be implemented in the model. Although the model itself (back-end) has been developed, the next step is the development of a front-end graphical interface (GUI) so that the user can define the scenarios, routes, antennas and radio systems in the channel simulator.
referentni model kanala
deterministički model kanala
metoda slijeđenja zrake
koncept entiteta zraka
tipovi entiteta zraka
područje vidljivosti entiteta zraka
enkodiranje zraka u entitete
dekodiranje iz entiteta u zrake
prostorna konzistentnost
kompresija i interpolacija
Jonesova matrica theta i phi polja
MIMO prijenosna matrica kanala
MIMO kapacitet
proizvoljne rotacija dijagrama zračenja antene
Keywords (english)
reference channel model
deterministic channel model
ray tracing
ray entity concept
ray entity types
ray entity visibility area
encoding rays into entities
decoding from entities into rays
spatial consistency
compression and interpolation
Jones matrix of theta and phi electric field
MIMO transfer channel matrix
MIMO capacity
arbitrary rotation of antenna radiation pattern
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:378055
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: Doctoral study programme "Electrical Engineering and Computing" Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, po-dručje tehničkih znanosti)
Catalog URL https://lib.fer.hr:8443/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=51821
Type of resource Text
Extent 222 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-09-14 12:25:17