Title Karteli i koluzivno djelovanje na tržištu elektroničkih komunikacija
Title (english) Cartels and collusive conduct in the market of electronic communications
Author Danijela Hmelina
Mentor Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman (mentor)
Committee member Ignac Lovrek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatka Butorac Malnar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Telecommunications) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2013-04-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering Telecommunications and Informatics
Abstract Kada se govori o tržišnom natjecanju na području elektroničkih komunikacija u RH, važnu ulogu u osiguravanju te promicanju djelotvornog tržišnog natjecanja imaju HAKOM i AZTN. U ovom smislu, s jedne strane imamo aktivnost AZTN-a, koja kroz primjenu ZZTN-a regulira opća pitanja tržišnog natjecanja u RH, s posebnim naglaskom na prevenciju i sankcioniranje kartelnog ponašanja. S druge strane, HAKOM kao sektorski regulator primjenom odredaba ZEK-a nadzire svakodnevnu aktivnost poduzetnika u sektoru
... More elektroničkih komunikacija. Posebice, jedna je od primarnih HAKOM-ovih dužnosti osiguravanje jednakih uvjeta za sve operatore koji djeluju na tržištu elektroničkih komunikacija. Operatori elektroničkih komunikacija u svojim poslovnim aktivnostima moraju se ponašati samostalno. Sporazumi poduzetnika koji su međusobni tržišni konkurenti (tj. koji posluju na istoj razni proizvodnje ili distribucije), a čija svrha je izbjegavanje međusobnog tržišnog natjecanja s (najčešćim) ciljem povećanja cijena radi ostvarivanja dodatnog profita, zabranjeni su jer izravno štete potrošačima, ali i gospodarstvu općenito. Članovi kartela najčešće se dogovaraju o cijenama nekog proizvoda, dijele tržišta ili si dodjeljuju kupce ili lokacije na kojima će prodavati svoje proizvode ili usluge, dogovaraju popuste te uvjete koje će postaviti u ponudama kod postupaka javne nabave, ili zatvaraju tržište za nove konkurente (ili ekspanziju postojećih) na neki drugi način. Takvi sporazumi su zabranjeni te se na iste u praksi primjenjuju najstrože novčane kazne, iz kojih razloga je za poduzetnike od izuzetne važnosti poznavati obveze, ali i prava koja proizlaze iz propisa o tržišnom natjecanju. Kao što je i razvidno iz prakse AZTN-a poduzetnici koji postupaju suprotno pravilima tržišnog natjecanja doista riskiraju sankcioniranje. U borbi protiv kartela, AZTN od nedavno ima na raspolaganju novi alat, tzv. pokajnički program. Ovaj program predviđa oslobođenje od novčane kazne za sudionika kartela koji prvi obavijesti AZTN i dostavi dokaze o postojanju kartela. Također, ukoliko uvjeti za oslobođenje od kazne nisu zadovoljeni, kazna u umanjenom iznosu izreci će se poduzetniku koji AZTN-u dostavi dodatne dokaze koji su, uz već postojeće, odlučujući za otkrivanje kartela. Less
Abstract (english) When speaking of competition in the market for electronic communications in Croatia, an important role in ensuring and promoting efficient competition is played by HAKOM and AZTN. In this regard, on the one hand we have the activity of AZTN, which through application of ZZTN regulates general issues of market competition in Croatia, with particular emphasis on prevention and sanctioning of cartel behaviour. On the other hand, by applying ZEK, HAKOM in its capacity of sectoral regulator
... More supervises the daily operation of undertakings in the telecommunications sector. In particular, it is one of HAKOM's primary duties to ensure equal terms for all operators active in the market for electronic communications. Operators of electronic communications must behave independently in their business activities. The agreements between undertakings who are mutual market competitors (i.e. who operate on the same production or distribution level) for the purpose of avoiding market competition between competitors and with the aim of (typically) increasing prices in order to achieve extra profit, are prohibited as they directly harm consumers, as well as the economy as a whole. The cartel participants usually agree on the prices of a product, share markets or allocate customers or locations for sale of their products or services, agree on discounts or collude on the terms to be put in public procurement bids, or close the market for new competitors (or for expansion of current ones) in some other way. These types of agreement are prohibited and in the practice subject to the most severe monetary penalties, which is why it is of essential importance for the undertakings to be familiar with the obligations, but also with rights arising out of competition laws. As is evident from AZTN's case law, the undertakings who behave contrary to the competition rules do indeed risk being sanctioned. In the fight against cartels, as of recently AZTN has another tool at its disposal, the so called leniency program. Under this program, the cartel participant who is the first to notify AZTN and deliver proof of existence of a cartel shall be exonerated from monetary penalty. Also, if the conditions for exoneration from penalty are not satisfied, a penalty in a diminished amount shall be levied for an undertaking who delivers to AZTN additional evidence which, along with already existing evidence, is decisive for uncovering a cartel. Less
tržište elektroničkih komunikacija
usklađeno djelovanje
oligopolno tržište
pokajnički program
upravno-kaznene mjere u RH
ucinkovito tržišno natjecanje
Keywords (english)
market of electronic communication
collusive conduct
oligopolistic market
leniency program
new penalty regime in Croatia
efficient market competition
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:461932
Study programme Title: Electronic Communications Market Regulation Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni specijalist regulacije tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija (sveučilišni specijalist regulacije tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2022-10-11 11:39:04