Title Analiza višesektorske regulacije u Europskoj uniji
Title (english) Analysis of Multisector Regulation in European Union
Author Ivana Bikić
Mentor Dražen Dragičević (mentor)
Committee member Leo Cvitanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Dragičević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ignac Lovrek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Department of Telecommunications) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2014-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering Telecommunications and Informatics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Elektroničke komunikacije su u fazi velike transformacije u kojoj ključnu ulogu imaju pružatelji komunikacijskih usluga, no veliki dio odgovornosti za uspješnu transformaciju komunikacija leži i na nacionalnim regulatorima. Transformacija se očituje kroz konvergenciju usluga u komunikacijskoj industriji, a u takvom konvergentnom okruženju, model konvergentnog regulatora nameće se kao rezultat optimalne organizacije sa stajališta konvergencije tehnologija, poticanja tehnološkog razvoja i razvoja
... More tržišta komunikacija. Trend globalizacije i brisanja granica između sektora elektroničkih komunikacija i elektroničkih medija te približavanje srodnih djelatnosti u smislu povezivanja infrastrukture, usluga i sadržaja, dovode do potrebe povezivanja ovih dvaju srodnih regulatornih djelatnosti pod jednim krovom. Navedeno dovodi do jačanja regulatorne uloge, bolje koordinacije poslova, bolje razmjene informacija i smanjenja troškova administracije zbog racionalizacije poslovanja, zbog čega je objedinjavanje regulatornih agencija trend kako u svijetu tako i u državama EU. Pojava višesektorskih regulatora u svijetu najčešće uključuje elektroničke komunikacije, poštu i elektroničke medije, no u pojedinim slučajevima višesektorska regulacija obuhvaća i više srodnih javnih usluga pod krovom jednog regulatora, kao što su telekomunikacije, pošta, električna energija, plin, i željeznički promet. Stvaranje višesektorskog regulatora u Republici Hrvatskoj, koji bi regulirao elektroničke komunikacije i elektroničke medije imalo bi za posljedicu stvaranje fleksibilne administracije sposobne odgovoriti tržišnim potrebama, koja bi se bolje nosila s neprestanim tehnološkim i regulatornim promjenama i razvojem koji se odvija u ICT sektoru, a daljnji razvoj jakog i neovisnog regulatora u Republici Hrvatskoj bilo bi pripajanje HAKOM-u i Hrvatske energetske regulatorne agencije jer je višesektorska regulacija tržišta mrežnih djelatnosti uvjet za podizanje efikasnosti regulacije ovih srodnih sektora, što bi dovelo do bolje zaštite korisnika, bolje zaštite javnog interesa te bi značajno utjecalo na ekonomski rast Republike Hrvatske. Less
Abstract (english) Electronic communications are in the process of a major transformation in which a key role is played by communications service providers, but a large part of the responsibility for the successful transformation lies with the national regulators. The transformation is reflected in the convergence of services in the communications industry, and in such a convergent environment, the model of converged regulator is imposed as a result of optimal organization from the perspective of the convergence
... More of technologies, encourage technological development and market development communication. The trend of globalization and the boundaries between the sectors of electronic communications and broadcasting and convergence related activities in terms of connectivity infrastructure, services and facilities, leading to the need of merging two related regulatory bodies under one roof. This led to the strengthening of the regulatory role, better coordination of operations, better information sharing and reduce administration costs for business rationalization , which is why the consolidation of regulatory agencies is popular in both worldwide and in the EU countries. The emergence of cross-sectoral regulators in the world usually includes electronic communications, postal services and broadcasting, but in some cases, multi-sectoral regulation includes several related public services under one roof, such as telecommunications, postal, electricity, gas and rail transport. Creating a multi-sectoral regulator in the Republic of Croatia, which would regulate electronic communications and broadcasting would lead to the creation of flexible administration able to respond to market needs, which would better cope with the constant technological and regulatory changes and developments taking place in the ICT sector. Further development of a strong and independent regulator in Croatia would be merging HAKOM and Croatian energy Regulatory Agency, because a multi-sectoral market regulation of network activity precondition for raising the efficiency of regulation of these related sectors. This would lead to better protection of end-users, better protection of the public interest and would increase economic growth of the Republic of Croatia. Less
konvergentni regulator
konvergencija tehnologija
elektroničke komunikacije
informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije
audiovizualni sadržaji
radiofrekvencijski spektarelektronički mediji
Keywords (english)
convergent regulator
convergence of tehnologies
electronic communications
information and communications tehnology
audiovisual facilities
radio frequency spectrum
electronic media
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:168:173442
Study programme Title: Electronic Communications Market Regulation Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni specijalist regulacije tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija (sveučilišni specijalist regulacije tržišta elektroničkih komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2022-11-03 08:14:30