Abstract | This paper discusses the mythological foundations of popular comic books Detective Comics (DC) and Action Comics – the Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman series, Marvel Comics, Dragon Ball Manga, and Shonen Manga. It pays special attention to the heroes' characterization and the similarities, as well as the discrepancies between mythological tropes and their comic book adaptations. The main thesis of this paper is that comic books are the mythology of our era. They are an integral part of our time and culture and serve to entertain, educate, and inspire the readers throughout times of either prosperity or poverty and hardship. What Heracles was for the ancient Greeks, Superman is today for us – an inspiration of a perfect warrior and what a human being should want to become. Batman is a modernized version of Odysseus, relying on his skill and intelligence, not just his brute force. Additionally, comic book characters and their stories reflect social and cultural phenomena of our time just as different mythologies depicted their culture and civilizations. The main conclusion of this paper is that comic books are a crucial part of contemporary culture and as important to our civilization as myths were to ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Norse cultures. These stories reveal how the culture worked in the time they were told. Their heroes depict the ideal, perfect human being, while the villains show us what is perceived as bad and evil. Sorcery and gods are today replaced mostly with science and alien beings that are way more advanced than humanity, but their job is the same: to act as a catalyst to the heroes' abilities and to act as a higher power compared to the heroes. |