Abstract (english) | This paper provides the results of the case study conducted on a sample of 17 websites that identify themselves as e-book aggregators, five platforms for content publishing and 16 websites that present themselves as e-book distributors. While conducting the case study, the answers were sought to the questions about location of website, its owners, activities, distribution channels, services, partners, languages, content protection, scope of activities, number of authors and books, publishing areas, formats, etc. Based on the case studies, the results presented focus on the geographical distribution of the analyzed companies, distribution of companies according to the year in which they were established, distribution of companies by activity, the number of different input formats supported by aggregation companies, a separate service of conversion, output formats supported by aggregation companies, distribution on platforms and in bookstores, content protection options, possibilities of editing content in the cloud, models of payment for services, and other identified services. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion is made that e-book aggregation as a business model exists and that its further development will show the extent to which it is sustainable. |
Abstract (croatian) | Rad donosi rezultate analize studije slučaja provedene na uzorku od 17 mrežnih mjesta koji se identificiraju kao agregatori elektroničkih knjiga, 5 platformi za objavljivanje sadržaja te 16 mrežnih mjesta koja se predstavljaju kao trgovine elektroničkim knjigama. Tijekom istraživanja traženi su odgovori na niz pitanja: odakle je mrežno mjesto, tko mu je vlasnik, što su mu djelatnosti, koje distribucijske kanale koristi, koje usluge nudi, što omogućuje korisniku, koji su jezici zastupljeni, kako štiti sadržaj, koliko je autora i knjiga dostupno, koja nakladnička područja pokriva, koji su formati i oblici zaštite dostupni i sl. Rezultati predstavljeni u radu prikazuju geografsku raspodjelu analiziranih tvrtki, raspodjelu tvrtki prema godini nastanka, raspodjelu tvrtki prema djelatnosti, broj različitih ulaznih formata u tvrtkama koje obavljaju djelatnost agregacije, zasebnu uslugu konverzije, izlazne formate u tvrtkama koje obavljaju djelatnost agregacije, distribuciju na platforme i knjižare, opcije zaštite sadržaja, mogućnosti uređivanja sadržaja u oblaku, modele naplate usluge te ostale identificirane usluge. |