Abstract | U teorijskom dijelu rada objašnjava se koncept održivog razvoja, važnost obrazovanja za održivi razvoj koje se u svojoj osnovi odnosi na vrijednosti koje stavljaju naglasak na osnaživanje ljudi na promjenu vlastita ponašanja s ciljem postizanja održive budućnosti. Nadalje, objašnjavaju se i vrste održivih ponašanja te faktori koji mogu utjecati na održivo ponašanje. Posebno mjesto u radu daje se ulozi učitelja u implementaciji obrazovanja za održivi razvoj te podizanju svijesti i odgovornosti za promicanje održivog ponašanja. U empirijskom dijelu rada izlažu se rezultati istraživanja u kojem je sudjelovalo 496 studenata, a to su studenti Učiteljskog fakulteta u Puli i Splitu, studenti nastavničkih modula Filozofskog fakulteta u Puli, Rijeci i Splitu te polaznici programa dopunskog pedagoškog i psihološkog obrazovanja. Cilj istraživanja je opisati održiva ponašanja budućih učitelja u konceptu održivog razvoja. U istraživanju se koriste dva mjerna instrumenta. Radi se o Upitniku o održivom ponašanju Juarez Najere (2010) koji se sastojao od četiriju supskala, a čije se tvrdnje temelje na sociopsihološkom modelu održivog ponašanja konstruiranom na osnovama nekoliko značajnih teorija o vrijednostima, pro-ekološkom i ekološkom ponašanju, multiinteligencijama te dimenzijama održivosti. Dobiveni rezultati iskazuju visoku razinu procjena studenata na sve četiri supskale. Studenti koji su se već obrazovali u okviru ekoloških kolegija pokazali su da posjeduju višu razinu univerzalnih ljudskih vrijednosti te inteligencije za održivost. Značajne razlike pronađene su i s obzirom na spol studenata. Pritom studentice iskazuju više vrijednosti na supskali univerzalne ljudske vrijednosti te inteligencije, dok su studenti pokazali veću osviještenost o posljedicama. Nezavisne varijable godina studija i veličina naselja pokazale su statistički značajne razlike samo na jednom od faktora univerzalnih ljudskih vrijednosti. Drugi instrument koji se koristi u istraživanju, autora Tapia Fonllem, Corral Verdugo, Fraijo-Sing i Duron (2013) oblikovan je raznovrsnim psihološkim dimenzijama kao što su ogorčenje zbog onečišćenja okoliša, namjera za djelovanjem, sklonosti prema različitosti, pro-ekološko ponašanje, jednakost, štedljivost te altruizam. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju prosječne vrijednosti procjene studenata na dimenzijama ogorčenja, namjere za djelovanjem, sklonosti za različitosti, pro-ekološkog ponašanja i altruizma, a relativno visoke vrijednosti u procjeni tvrdnji koje se odnose na štedljivost i pravednost. S obzirom na nezavisne varijable uglavnom su statističke značajne razlike prisutne s obzirom na spol ispitanika te tako studentice češće iskazuju ogorčenje zbog onečišćenja okoliša, namjeru za djelovanjem, sklonosti prema različitosti, pro-ekološko i pravično ponašanje dok studenti češće promiču štedljiva ponašanja. Što se tiče nezavisne varijable slušanje kolegija, studenti koji su prethodno slušali neki kolegij sa sadržajima o ekologiji i obrazovanju za održivi razvoj češće iskazuju namjeru za djelovanjem. |
Abstract (english) | The theoretical part of this thesis explains the concept of sustainable development, the importance of education for sustainable behaviour that in its core consists of values that put emphasis on the empowerment of people in order to change their own actions having in mind the goal of achieving sustainable future. Furthermore, this part explains the types of sustainable behaviors as well as factors that may affect it. Special emphasis is put on the role of teachers in implementing education for sustainable development as well as on raising the awareness and responsibility for the promotion of sustainable behavior. The empirical part of the thesis presents the results of the study that consisted of 496 students from the Faculty of Teacher Education in Pula and Split, teaching track of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies in Pula, Rijeka and Split as well as the attendants of additional pedagogical and psychological education. The aim of the study is to describe sustainable behaviours of future teachers within the concept of sustainable development. The study uses two instruments. The first instrument is Juarez Najere’s (2010) questionnaire about sustainable behavior that consists of four subscales whose claims are based on socio-psychological model of sustainable behavior constructed on the basis of several influential theories about values, pro-ecological and ecological behavior, multiple intelligences as well as dimensions of sustainability. The results show high level of student’s judgements on all four subscales. Students who have already been educated about ecology have shown higher degree of universal human values and intelligence for sustainability. Statistically significant differences have also been found in regards to gender of the students as female students have shown higher values on the universal human values and intelligence subscales, whereas male students have shown higher awareness about consequences. The year of study and the size of settlement as independent variables have shown statistically significant differences only on one factor of universal human values subscale. The second instrument that was used in the study, designed by Tapio Fonllem, Corral Verdugo, Frajio-Sing and Duron (2013), consists of various psychological categories such as bitterness due to the environmental pollution, intention to act, tendency towards differences, pro-ecological behavior, equality, frugality and altruism. The results show average values of student’s judgements on the category of bitterness, intention to act, tendency towards differences, pro-ecological behavior and altruism, whereas relatively high values of judgements of claims have been found in the frugality and equality categories. Considering independent variables, statistically significant differences have been found in regards to the gender of the participants as female students show bitterness due to the environmental pollution, intention to act, tendencies towards differences pro-ecological and fair behavior more frequently, while male students more frequently promote frugal behaviors. Regarding taking courses independent variable, students who had previously taken part in an education about sustainable development and ecology courses, more frequently express their intention to act. |