Abstract | S obzirom na dijadnu prirodu romantične veze, pri istraživanju povezanosti između osobina ličnosti i zadovoljstva vezom, bitno je uzeti u obzir osobine ličnosti oba partnera u vezi. Jedan od modela koji se sve češće koristi u ovome području je model međuzavisnosti aktora i partnera (APIM). Cilj ovog rada je ispitati postoje li aktorski i partnerski efekti crta ličnosti petofaktorskog modela na zadovoljstvo vezom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 215 parova u dobi od 19 do 65 godina koji su najmanje godinu dana u vezi. U istraživanju je korišten Petofaktorski upitnik ličnosti i tri mjere zadovoljstva vezom (Skala bračne stabilnosti, Indeks zadovoljstva partnerom, Upitnik percipirane kvalitete braka) koje su sjedinjene u jednu standardiziranu mjeru Ukupnog zadovoljstva vezom. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ekstraverzija, ugodnost, savjesnost i neuroticizam žena imaju značajan aktorski efekt na njihovo zadovoljstvo vezom, dok otvorenost za iskustva žena nema značajan aktorski efekt na zadovoljstvo vezom. Što su ekstraverzija, ugodnost i savjesnost žena više to je više i njihovo zadovoljstvo vezom, s druge strane, što je neuroticizam žena viši to je njihovo zadovoljstvo vezom niže. Nadalje, ekstraverzija, ugodnost, neuroticizam i otvorenost za iskustva muškaraca imaju značajan aktorski efekt na njihovo zadovoljstvo vezom, dok savjesnost muškaraca nema značajan aktorski efekt na zadovoljstvo vezom. Što su ekstraverzija, ugodnost i otvorenost za iskustva muškaraca viši to je više njihovo zadovoljstvo vezom, s druge strane, što je neuroticizam muškaraca viši to je njihovo zadovoljstvo vezom niže. Dobiven je statistički značajan partnerski efekt ugodnosti i otvorenosti za iskustva muškaraca na zadovoljstvo vezom žena, dok za ekstraverziju, savjesnost i neuroticizam muškaraca nije dobiven statistički značajan partnerski efekt na zadovoljstvo vezom žena. Pri tome su žene čiji su partneri viši na ugodnosti i otvorenosti za iskustva zadovoljnije svojom vezom. Dobiven je statistički značajan partnerski efekt ekstraverzije, ugodnosti i neuroticizma žena na zadovoljstvo vezom muškaraca, dok za savjesnost i otvorenost za iskustva žena nije dobiven statistički značajan partnerski efekt na zadovoljstvo vezom muškaraca. Pri tome su muškarci čije su partnerice više na ekstraverziji i ugodnosti zadovoljniji svojom vezom, dok su muškarci čije su partnerice više na neuroticizmu su manje zadovoljni svojom vezom. |
Abstract (english) | It is important to consider the personality traits of both partners in a relationship when exploring the relationship between personality traits and relationship satisfaction. The model that is often used in this domain is The actor-partner interdependence model (APIM). This study's aim is to examine the actor and the partner effects of the Big Five personality traits on relationship satisfaction. The study involved 215 couples between the ages of 19 and 65 who were at least one year in the relationship. In the study, we used the Big Five Inventory and three measures of relationship satisfaction (Percieved Relationship Quality Components, Marriage Stability Scale and Partner's Satisfaction Index) which are combined into one standardized measure named Total Relationship Satisfaction. The results of the research show that the extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism of a woman have a statistically significant actor effects on relationship satisfaction, while openness to the experience of a woman does not have significant actor effect on relationship satisfaction, thereby, higher extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness of a woman result in her higher relationship satisfaction. On the other hand, the higher neuroticism of women leads to lower relationship satisfaction. Furthermore, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness of men have a significant actor effect on relationship satisfaction, whereas men's conscientiousness does not have a significant actor effect on relationship satisfaction. It is shown that men who got higher scores on extraversion, agreeableness, and openness, had higher relationship satisfaction. On the other hand, the higher neuroticism of men leads to lower relationship satisfaction. There was a significant partner effect of men's agreeableness, and openness on women's relationship satisfaction, whereas there was not significant partner effect of men's extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism on women's relationship satisfaction. Results show that women whose partners get higher scores on agreeableness and openness to the experience are more satisfied with their relationship. There was a significant partner effect of women's extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism on men's relationship satisfaction, while there was no significant partner effect of women's conscientiousness and openness on men's relationship satisfaction. It is shown that men whose partners have higher scores on extraversion and agreeableness have higher relationship satisfaction and men whose partners have higher scores in neuroticism have lower relationship satisfaction. |