Abstract | Egalitarizam je ideja prema kojoj postoji težnja za što većom jednakošću svih ljudi, a određene filozofsko-političke rasprave donose različite verzije i teorije – bilo da se radi o ljudskim pravima, nacionalno-zdravstvenim prijedlozima, liberalnoj imigrantskoj politici ili nekoj drugoj od ideja koje se baziraju na egalitarnoj ideji o pravdi. U diplomskom radu ne bavim se pitanjem koja verzija egalitarizma je točna ili najbolja za određeno društvo, već se usredotočujem na prikaz društva u seriji Žica preko koje povezujem teorije jednakosti i verzije jednakih šansi te poglede na egalitarizam od Adama Swifta, Louisa Pojmana i Geralda Allana Cohena pa do Larryja Temkina, Iris Marion Young i Elizabeth Anderson. U diplomskom radu počinjem sa strukturom društva u Žici, kako ono izgleda, relacije između likova i klasa te pojavom temeljnog problema. U trećem poglavlju bavim se 'egalitarizmom sreće' i društvenom odgovornošću te prirodnim faktorima koji utječu na nejednakost. U četvrtom poglavlju na temelju opisanog društva predstavljam tri vizije jednakih šansi te koliko je važna razboritost u donošenju pravih odluka kojim utječemo na vlastiti, ali i tuđi život. Zatim nastavljam s Temkinovim pitanjem ozbiljnosti jednakosti te u kojoj situaciji se netko može požaliti da je u lošijem položaju od nekoga drugoga s osvrtom na jačinu žalbe u tri stupnja. U šestom poglavlju koncentriram se na uvjetnu jednakost i raspoređenost društvenog sustava preko koje sagledavam apsolutnu jednakost, jednakost u blagostanju i ekonomsku jednakost.
Iz toga proizlazi i tip ekonomske organizacije koji predstavlja problem za funkcioniranje demokracije, a javlja se kao i uzrok nejednakosti. U potpoglavlju nazvanom 'Rezultati crne ekomonije' bavim se posljedicama koje su ostale iza društveno-ekonomskog sistema. U osmom poglavlju sagledavam alternativu kapitalizmu, tri oblika jednakosti prilika i postoji li moguća obnova društvenog ugovora između kapitala i rada. |
Abstract (english) | Egalitarianism is an idea that comprises the tendency towards greater equality of all people, and certain philosophical and political debates introduce different versions and theories – whether they look at human rights, national health proposals, liberal immigration policy, or any other idea based on the egalitarian idea of justice. In this thesis, I am not addressing the question which version of egalitarianism is right or the most suitable for a particular society. Instead, the focus is put on the portrayal of society in the tv series The Wire, which serves as a basis for a correlation between the theories of equality and the versions of equal opportunities and the views on egalitarianism, from Adam Swift, Louis Pojman and Gerald Allan Cohen to Larry Temkin, Iris Marion Young and Elizabeth Anderson. In my master’s thesis, I begin with The Wire’s structure of society, its features and the relationships between characters and classes, as well as the emergence of a fundamental problem. In the third chapter, I am addressing the ‘luck egalitarianism’ and social responsibility, along with the natural factors that affect inequality. In the fourth chapter, based on the described society, I am presenting three visions of equal opportunities and the importance of discernment in making the right decisions that impact our lives, as well as others’. Then, I am switching to the Temkin’s question about the seriousness of equality and to the situations in which one could complain to be in a worse position than someone else with respect to the three-stage gravity of complaint. In the sixth chapter, I am concentrating on conditional equality and the distribution of the social system, through which absolute equality, equality in well- being and economic equality are being observed. Thus, this also results in the type of economic organisation that poses a problem to the democracy functioning, and is also one of the causes of inequality. In the subchapter named ‘Black economy results’, I am addressing the consequences of the current socio-economic system. In the eighth chapter, I am examining the alternative to capitalism, three forms of equality of opportunity, and whether there is a possible renewal of the social contract between capital and labour. |