Title Razvoj morala kod djece
Title (english) Moral Development in Children
Author Nika Antolović
Mentor Nebojša Zelič (mentor)
Committee member Aleksandra Golubović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nebojša Zelič (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Gavran Miloš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Philosophy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy
Abstract Moralnost je karakteristika čovjeka koja se razvija tijekom cijelog života, ali su mnoga istraživanja pokazala da se primarno razvija u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji. Točan početak razvoja moralnosti je još uvijek predmet istraživanja, ali sve više istraživača dolazi do zaključka da se ona razvija u vrlo ranoj dobi. U ovom radu prikazat ću najdominantnije teorije moralnog razvoja djece. Počet ću od revolucionarnog Piagetovog istraživanja koji je potaknuo velik broj drugih istraživanja u ovoj domeni, a posebno je nadahnuo istraživanje Lawrencea Kohlberga čija je developmentalistička teorija moralnog razvoja temeljenog na stadijima jedna od najdominatnijih. Naime, Kohlberg je osmislio testove koji se temelje na određenim moralnim i logičkim konceptima koje je zadavao djeci te je na taj način mjerio njihovu sposobnost moralnog rasuđivanja. Na temelju tih testova formirao je stadije moralnog razvoja koji su trebali vjerno prikazivati sposobnost djeteta da donosi moralne odluke. Ovoj teoriji posebno se suprotstavljala Carol Gilligan koja je u svojem poznatom radu „In a Different Voice“ nastojala negirati Kohlbergovo kontroverzno istraživanje koje je pokazalo kako se djevojčice u prosjeku nalaze na nižoj razini moralnog razvoja, što je povlačilo da su žene u prosjeku moralno inferiornije od muškaraca. Njezini argumenti ukazali su na to da su Kohlbergovi testovi bazirani na logici, a njoj su skloniji muškarci, te je pokazala kako žene drugačijim načinom razmišljanja dolaze do ispravnih rješenja moralnih dilema.
Ukoliko prihvatimo da postoje stadiji moralnog razvoja koji su takvi da djeca postepeno prelaze s jednog stadija na drugi dok ne dosegnu moralnu zrelost, postavlja se pitanje možemo li na neki način utjecati na njihov moralni razvoj te ga pospješiti ili ubrzati. Moralnost je nešto što se u društvu uglavnom uči usputno. Učimo ga u ranoj dobi od roditelja koji nas odgajaju te kasnije indirektno od nastavnika kroz osnovno i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, ali u školskom kurikulumu ne postoji predmet u kojem bismo djecu učili o moralu, kako biti moralni i slično. U ovom djelu rada proučit ću najvažnije oblike moralne edukacije. Započet ću s tradicionalnim pristupom moralnoj edukaciji kojem je cilj djecu učiti o unaprijed zadanim moralnim pravilima koje je propisalo društvo. Nastavit ću s novijim i promišljenijim oblicima moralne edukacije poput one temeljene na prethodno spomenutoj Kohlbergovoj razvojnoj teoriji koja njeguje sposobnost moralnog rasuđivanja, do teorije Nel Noddings koja smatra kako je cilj moralne edukacije postići da djeca nauče brinuti o drugima. Na samom kraju iznijet ću svoje mišljenje o ovim teorijama te ću dati objašnjenje zašto sam se u domeni moralne edukacije opredijelila za Noddingsinu teoriju baziranu na etici brige.
Abstract (english) Morality in a human being is a characteristic that continues to develop throughout his or hers entire life, but a lot of studies have shown that it primarily develops in early childhood and adolescence. The exact beginning of development is something that is still being researched, but more and more researchers have come to the conclusion that it starts developing at a very early age. In this paper I will try to display the most dominant theories of moral development in children starting with a revolutionary research paper written by Piaget which instigated a large amount of other studies in this domain, especially the one done by Lawrence Kohlberg. His developmental theory of moral development based on stages is one of the most dominant in the field. Kohlberg has developed tests which were based on particular moral and logical concepts which he then gave to children. The tests were supposed to evaluate their ability to engage in moral reasoning. Based on the test results he formed the aforementioned stages of moral development which were supposed to faithfully display the childs ability to make moral descisions. Carol Gilligan especially opposed this theory in her famous work „In a Different Voice“ where she tried to deny Kohlberg's controversial study which demonstrated that girls in average score lower than boys on the tests that he devised which, in turn, means that they position on lower stages than boys. This also meaned that females are generally morally inferior to males. Her arguments showed that the tests that Kohlberg devised were based on a logic which favoured men and also pointed out that women come to the same, correct solutions to moral dilemmas using a different train of thought. If we accept that stages of moral development exist and that children gradually move from one stage to the other until they reach moral maturity, we have to ask is there a way to affect their moral development and further enhance it or at least speed it up. In todays society, morality is being taught indirectly. We develop it in our early years through our parents which raise us and later on we learn it indirectly through teachers in primary and secondary education but there is no particular subject in the school curriculum where children would learn how to act morally.
In this part of the paper I will lay out the most important forms of moral education. I will start with the traditional approach to moral education in which the goal is to teach children how to act according to the moral rules that were already set by the society. I will continue with newer and more thought-out forms of moral education starting with the one based on the aforementioned Kohlberg's developmental theory which cherishes the ability of the child to reason. The second theory is the one developed by Nel Noddings which stands behind the idea that the goal of moral education is to make children care for others. In the very end I will state my opinion about these theories and give an explanation to why I chose Noddings care theory in the domain of moral education which is based on care ethics.
moralna edukacija
Keywords (english)
moral education
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:459489
Study programme Title: Philosophy (double major); specializations in: General Track, Teaching Track Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije (magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije)
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Track, Intercultural Germanism Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-01-28 11:05:17