Title Kako dostupnost Interneta utječe na procjene vlastitog znanja?
Title (english) How Availability of Internet Influences Judgment of Knowing?
Author Helena Grdić
Mentor Dražen Domijan (mentor)
Committee member Igor Bajšanski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Domijan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Valnea Žauhar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Psychology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Korištenje eksternalnih izvora kako bi se poboljšalo procesiranje informacija i time smanjila kognitivna zahtjevnost naziva se kognitivno rasterećenje (eng. cognitive offloading), a njegova upotreba povećala se pojavom pametnih telefona. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je replicirati istraživanje koje su proveli Ferguson, McLean i Risko (2015) o efektima dostupnosti internetskih tražilica na procjene znanja, spremnost davanja odgovora, točnost odgovora, sigurnost u točnost odgovora i proširiti spoznaje utjecaja dostupnosti interneta na različite tipove znanja (stručno i opće znanje). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 81 studenata (73 ženskog i 8 muškog spola) preddiplomskog studija psihologije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci u rasponu dobi od 18 do 23 (M = 19.66, SD = 1.21). Istraživanje je provedeno na računalima prilikom čega su ispitanici rješavali dvije liste pitanja; iz općeg znanja i psihologije te se jedna grupa smjela koristiti internetom, a druga nije. Pokazalo se, da kada je internet bio dostupan, ispitanici su bili spremniji odgovarati na pitanja na osnovi vlastitog znanja, njihovi odgovori su bili točniji, te su bili sigurniji u točnost svojih odgovora u odnosu na ispitanike koji nisu imali mogućnost korištenja interneta. Pokazalo se da je dostupnost interneta imala različite efekte s obzirom na različite tipove znanja (psihologija i opće znanje) na spremnost odgovaranja na pitanja, na netočne odgovore i na sigurnost u točnost odgovora. Ispitanici su na pitanjima iz psihologije imali veću spremnost odgovaranja na temelju vlastitog znanja kada su imali dostupan internet u odnosu na ispitanike koji nisu imali dostupan internet, dok kod pitanja općeg znanja ta razlika nije dobivena. Pokazalo se da su ispitanici na pitanja iz psihologije imali više netočnih odgovora kada su imali dostupan internet za korištenje, dok su imali više netočnih odgovora na pitanja iz općeg znanja kada je internet nije bio dostupan za korištenje u odnosu na uvjet kada je internet bilo moguće koristiti. Također, nije dobiven značajan efekt dostupnosti interneta na procjenu znanja. Dobiveni rezultati nisu u potpunosti u skladu s istraživanjem Fergusona i sur., (2015) te sugeriraju kompleksniji odnos između dostupnosti interneta, metakognitivnih procjena znanja i spremnosti odgovaranja.
Abstract (english) The usage of external sources to enhance cognitive processing and decrease cognitive de-mands is called cognitive offloading, whose usage increased with the emergence of smartphones. This research aimed to replicate research conducted by Ferguson, McLean and Risko (2015) and explore the effects of the availability of internet search engines on knowledge assessment, willingness to answer, the correctness of answers, certainty in accuracy and expand previous knowledge of effects of availability of the internet on different kinds of knowledge (expert and general). The research was conducted on 81 undergraduate students of psychology (73 female and 8 male) on the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, age between 18-23 (M = 19.66, SD = 1.21). The partici-pants were answering two lists of questions; psychology questions and trivia questions on computers during which one group could use the internet and the other one could not. The results show that when the internet was available, participants had greater willingness to answer based on their own knowledge, their answers were more correct, and they were more certain in accuracy of provided answers in comparison to participants who could not use the internet. Also, it has been shown that the internet had different effects on different types of knowledge (psychology and trivia) on willing-ness to answer, on false answers, and certainty in the accuracy of provided answers. Participants had a greater willingness to answer on psychology questions when they could use the internet, in com-parison to those who have not been able to use the internet, and that difference did not exist while answering trivia questions. It has been shown that participants on while answering psychology ques-tions had more false answers when they had possibility to use internet, instead while answering on trivia questions participants had more false answers when internet was not available for use in com-parison to when it was available for use. Also, in this research, there has not been a significant effect of internet availability on knowledge assessment. These findings are not completely in accordance with research provided by Ferguson et al. (2015) which suggests that the relationship between internet availableness, metacognitive assessment, and willingness to answer is more complex.
pametni telefon
kognitivno rasterećenje
Keywords (english)
cognitive offloading
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:513602
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-02-12 13:30:40