Title (croatian) Ličnost i reakcija na iznenadni događaj: Efekti načina modeliranja fizioloških reakcija
Title (english) Personality and Reactions to Sudden Events: Effects of Different Approaches to Modelling Physiological Reactions
Author Marko Tončić
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract (croatian) Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio ispitati interindividualne razlike u elektrodermalnim reakcijama na iznenadni podražaj. Za ispitivanje toga cilja korištene su različite metode procjene elektrodermalne reakcije. Procjena reakcije kao jednostavna razlika prosječne elektrodermalne razine prije i poslije podražaja uspoređena je s pristupima koji modeliraju krivulju elektrodermalne reakcije kroz vrijeme. Ispitana je povezanost takve reakcije, modelirane na različite načine, s upitničkim mjerama osobina ličnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 97 studenata u dobi od 18 do 28 godina, većinom ženskoga spola (60 %). Svaki je ispitanik ispunio kratku mjeru neuroticizma i ekstraverzije iz Petofaktorskoga inventara ličnosti (BFI; John i sur., 1991, 2008) te je sudjelovao u jednome laboratorijskome mjerenju elektrodermalne reakcije na iznenadni događaj u trajanju od 8 minuta. Elektrodermalna aktivnost modelirala se na tri načina: 1) kao razlika u reakcijama prije i poslije podražaja; 2) uključujući i linearne efekte vremena; 3) uključujući i kvadratne efekte vremena. Ishodi takvoga modeliranja korelirani su s upitničkim mjerama neuroticizma i ekstraverzije. Rezultati su pokazali da uzimajući u obzir efekte protoka vremena sama procjena krivulje elektrodermalne aktivnosti značajno bolje pristaje stvarnim izmjerenim podacima. Isto tako, procjene elektrodermalne reakcije koje uzimaju u obzir efekte protoka vremena rezultiraju višim prosječnim razinama i većim interindividualnim varijabilitetom. Tako modelirana elektrodermalna reakcija (linearno i kvadratno) pokazuje nešto blago više i značajne pozitivne korelacije s neuroticizmom, iako su razlike između različitih načina modeliranja relativno male. Dobiveni rezultati podupiru ideju o većoj pobudljivosti vezanoj uz crtu neuroticizma. Iako su korelacije iznimno male, ne odstupaju od onih dobivenih u drugim istraživanjima, pogotovo jer je riječ o jednome mjerenju (Stemmler i Wacker, 2010). S obzirom na intenzitet reakcije, moguće je da pobudljivost vezana uz neuroticizam i nije specifično vezana za valenciju podražaja koji tu reakciju pobuđuje. Rezultati također pokazuju da se i na malome uzorku i korištenjem samo jednoga mjerenja, uz adekvatno modeliranje elektrodermalne aktivnosti, može detektirati povezanosti s osobinama ličnosti.
Abstract (english) This study aimed to examine interindividual differences in electrodermal responses to a sudden stimulus by using different methods of electrodermal reaction assessment. Modelling the electrodermal response as a simple difference of mean electrodermal level before and after stimulus occurrence was compared with approaches that model the electrodermal response curve over time. The association of differently modelled electrodermal reaction with questionnaire measures of personality traits was examined. Ninety-seven students, mostly females (60 %), with age ranging from 18 to 28 participated in this study. Each subject completed a brief measure of neuroticism and extraversion from the Big Five Inventory (BFI; John et al., 1991, 2008) and participated in one laboratory measurement of electrodermal activity during a period of 8 minutes in which a sudden stimulus was presented. Electrodermal activity was modelled in three ways: 1) as a difference in pre- and post-stimulus responses; 2) including linear effects of time; 3) including quadratic effects of time. The outcomes of differently modelled electrodermal responses were correlated with questionnaire measures of neuroticism and extraversion. The results showed that by taking into account the effects of time (both linear and quadratic) the actual electrodermal data can be fitted significantly better. Likewise, estimates of the electrodermal response that take into account the effects of time result in both higher average response levels and interindividual variability. The electrodermal reaction modelled in this way (linear and quadratic) shows a slightly higher and significant positive correlation with neuroticism when compared to simpler methods, although the differences between the different modelling methods are relatively small. The results obtained support the idea of greater excitability related to the neuroticism trait. Given the intensity of the reaction, it is possible that the excitability associated with neuroticism is not specifically related to the valence of the stimulus that elicits that reaction. The correlations are extremely small, but they do not deviate from those obtained in other studies, especially since it is a single electrodermal measurement (Stemmler & Wacker, 2010). The results also show that correlations with personality traits can be detected even on a small sample and only one measurement by adequately modelling the electrodermal reaction.
Keywords (croatian)
elektrodermalna reakcija
hijerarhijsko linearno modeliranje
Keywords (english)
electrodermal reaction
hierarchical linear modelling
Language croatian
Language english
Publication type Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Psihologijske teme
Numbering vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 729-751
p-ISSN 1332-0742
e-ISSN 1849-0395
DOI https://doi.org/10.31820/pt.29.3.12
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:573065
Publication 2020
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/248460
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-09-14 07:41:00